
展览预告 | 程婷婷《乳香》

Gene弥金 2021-09-26

程婷婷:乳香Cheng Tingting: Frankincense
展期 / Duration: 2020.08.29 - 09.29
开幕 / Opening: 2020.08.29, 18:00 - 22:00地址 / Address: 中国上海市愚园路1088弄愚园公共市集202室Room 202, Yuyuan Public Market, Lane 1088, Yuyuan Rd, Shanghai, China

关于展览 / About the Exhibition:




We are pleased to announce that the artist Cheng Tingting's solo exhibition "Frankincense" will be presented from August 29th to September 29th, 2020.

In the 11th century AD, with the establishment of the "Maritime Silk Road" (also known as the "Maritime Frankincense Road"), Oman exported dozens to hundreds of tons of frankincense to China every year. In the early Northern Song Dynasty, Quanzhou Chen Hongjin sent an envoy in December of the first year of Qiande (963), "giving thousands of taels of gold, ten thousand teals of frankincense, tea, and medicine for tribute." This "useless thing" juxtaposed with gold and silver induced her fantasies and myths about power, lust, and religion, and was taken as the beginning of the creation of the new exhibition.

Cutting from the bark of the Boswellia, and then the milky juice flows out from the wound and hardens when exposed to air. People choose the yellowish with little reddish translucent clot and full and pure color, and finally, condense it into frankincense. Since the third and fourth centuries AD, the method of production has never changed. This kind of plant-produced fragrance resin has gone through a long journey of region and civilization, spreading from Eastern and Western religious occasions to various industries in the post-industrial era, and is refined into essential oils and beverages for human use. Cheng Tingting pays attention to the subtle changes in the spread of this spice source and absorbs its essence along with the process of purification, combining it with the idea of sculpture entangled with contemporary aesthetics, taking the purity and reality of the "shaping" methods. Through the complex sculpture structure, she awakens the viewer's re-perception of form.

关于艺术家 / About the Artist:


最近的个展有:《忧郁》,(今格空间,北京,2017);《ART021非营利项目》,(剩余空间,上海,2017.11.9-12) ; 《低烧》,(喻家山北路,RS_PROJECTS,武汉,2017)。近期项目:《从展览的历史到展览的未来,Biljana Ciric的策展实践》,(时代美术馆,广州,2019);《日常沟通》,(望远镜艺术家实验室,北京,2019);《清流计划—循环》,(798儿童美术馆,北京,2019);《好景不常在》,(光复路235号,上海,2016 )

Cheng Tingting was born in 1993 and currently lives and works in Wuhan. She explores the ideology conveyed by pictograms and discusses its interpretation methods that are continually changing over time. The works start from the premise based on a specific civilization background and end with comparing the results of the inheritance of civilizations in other places. Under the shadow of the loss of civilization, she reorganizes the expression of form and material, and her narration is often kitsch, fantasy, and traumatic: these are what she experienced in the environment and thus influenced her work.

Solo exhibition: <GLOOM>, (Ginkgo Space, Beijing, 2017);  <ART021 Non-profit project remaining space >,  (Surplus Space, Shanghai, 2017.11.9-12); <Low Fever>, (Yujiashan North Road, RS_PROJECTS, Wuhan, 2017). Recent Projects: < "From the History of the Exhibition to the Future of the Exhibition", curatorial practice of Biljana Ciric>, (Times Museum, Guangzhou, 2019); <"Daily Communication”>, (Telescope Artist Lab, Beijing, 2019); <Qingliu Project-Recurrence>, ( 798 Children's Museum, Beijing, 2019);   <You won’t be young forever>, (No.35 Guangfu Road, Shanghai, 2016).

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