
展览预告 | 雷童“#吃鸡#《风景》Loading@绝地求生”

Gene弥金 2021-09-25

#吃鸡#《风景》Loading@绝地求生#Chicken#<LANDSCAPE> Loading@PUBG
展期 / Duration: 2020.10.18 - 11.23
开幕 / Opening: 2020.10.18, 15:30 - 18:30地址 / Address: 中国上海市愚园路1088弄愚园公共市集202室Room 202, Yuyuan Public Market, Lane 1088, Yuyuan Rd, Shanghai, China

#风景写生#@巡回画派@巴比松@莫奈@凡高#寄情于景##吃鸡##WINNER WINNER,CHIKEN DINNE#@绝地求生@PUBG(Player Unknow Battle Ground)#什么是今天的“风景”?#@桂林山水 ?@苏州园林 ?@黄果树瀑布 ?(还是游戏中处处揣摩的山头树丛?)@规则[99人失败1人胜利]#游戏体验最差竞技游戏#[能力提升]@KD值@爆头率@击杀数[不断进入高分池]@游戏主播@职业选手#死亡##注定失败#[游戏的尽头](怎么办?)#看看风景##写写生#(好像也可以)@绝地求生@蓝洞@全军出击@刺激战场@和平精英@腾讯[地图升级][游戏端迭代](何时停止?)#关闭服务器#@行动@行动@再行动#相遇与相伴##出生到死亡#浪漫##Romantic#@艺术#对象##材料##技法##纪录##表现#@后制品#证据##永生#。

#Landscape painting#@touring school@Barbizon@Monet#Van Gogh#In love with landscape## Chicken Eating#WINNER WINNER,CHIKEN# @Jedi Survival@PUBG(Player Unknow Battle Ground)#What is today's "landscape"?#@Guilin landscape? @Suzhou Gardens?@Huangguoshu Waterfall? (Or the hilltop thickets where the game is played?) @Rules [99 losers, 1 winner] #Worst competitive game experience #[ability improvement]@KD value @Head shot rate @Hits [Constantly entering high score pool] @Game anchor @Professional player #Death# #doomed to fail# [End of the game] (what to do?) #Look at the scenery# #sketch# (also works) @Jedi Survival @Blue hole @whole army attack @Stimulate the battlefield @peace elite @Tencent [Map upgrade] [Game end iteration] (when stop?) #Shut down the server# @Take action. @Take action @Take action again #Meet and accompany# #Birth to death# #Romance# #Romantic# @Art#Objects##Materials# #Techniques# #Records# #Representations# @Products. #Evidence# #immortal#.

关于艺术家 / About the Artist:


近期展览有:《石家庄的夜巴黎》,(万营艺术空间,石家庄,2019);《过年特别艺术项目》,(几点当代艺术中心,北京,2019) ; 《桂林迪士尼计划》,(独角兽空间,北京,2018);《童年与远方-在未来》,(时代美术馆,北京,2017);《艺术台北》,(台北世贸一馆,台北,2016)。

Lei Tong was born in 1989 in Guilin, Guangxi and currently lives and works in Beijing. He graduated from Sichuan Academy of Fine Arts

Recent exhibitions: <Paris Night in Shijiazhuang>, (Wanying Art Museum, Shijiazhuang, 2019);  <Special Project of Spring Festival>,  (Points Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, 2019); <Guilin Disney Project>, (UnicomArt Center, Beijing, 2018). Recent Projects: < Childhood and Beyond@Future>, (Times Museum, Beijing, 2017); <"Art Taipei”>, (Taipei Word Trade Centre, Taibei, 2016).

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弥金GENE | 爱情与灵药:油罐玩家艺术节

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