
插电城市 -建筑电讯派(Archigram) │Culture

kevinleung 悬浮映画 2022-04-21

AD Classics: The Plug-In City/ Peter Cook,





AD Classics presents you withgreat buildings of the past, providing inspiration and motivation forarchitects to design for the future. But why must inspiration only come frompoured concrete and erected walls? For this edition of AD Classics, we share a work,the Plug-In City, by the avant-garde groupArchigram. Though never built, their projects and ideas provoked debates, combining architecture, technology and society; when Plug-InCity was proposed in 1964, it offered a fascinating new approach to urbanism,reversing traditional perceptions of infrastructure’s role in the city.  

AD Classics向人们展示了过去的伟大建筑,为建筑师设计提供了灵感和动力。但是为什么灵感只能来自于浇筑的混凝土和竖立的墙面? AD Classics中,我们分享了一个作品,来自Archigram的插电城市。他们的项目和想法虽然从未建成,但却引发了辩论,将建筑、技术和社会相结合; 当在1964年提出插电城市时,它提出了一种引人入胜的新方法-城市主义,颠覆了传统的基础设施在城市中的角色。

Moreon this radical project after the break...

Between1960 and 1974 Archigram createdover 900 drawings, among them the plan for the “Plug-in City” by Peter Cook.This provocative project suggests a hypothetical fantasy city, containingmodular residential units that “plug in” to a central infrastructural megamachine. The Plug-in City is in fact not a city, but a constantly evolvingmegastructure that incorporates residences, transportation and other essentialservices--all movable by giant cranes. 


Persistentprecedents and concerns of modernism lay at the heart of Plug-In City’stheoretical impulse, not limited to the concept of collective living,integration of transportation and the accommodation of rapid change in theurban environment. In his book Archigram: Architecture without Architecture, SimonSadler suggests that “The aesthetic of incompleteness, apparent throughout thePlug-In scheme and more marked than in megastructural precedents, may havederived from the construction sites of the building boom that followed theeconomic reconstruction of Europe.” 

现代主义的持续性和对现代主义的关注,是插电城市的核心,不局限于集体生活的概念、交通的一体化和城市环境的快速变化。在彼得·库克的著作《Archigram》中写到:没有建筑的建筑,Simon Sadler建议,这种不完整性的美学,贯穿整个方案,并且比大型结构的先例作为支撑,源自于欧洲经济重建后建筑热潮的建筑工程。

Dissatisfactionwith this status quo pushed the experimental architectural collective to dreamof alternative urban scenarios that flied in the face of the superficialformalism and dull suburban tendencies common to British modernism of the time.The Plug-In City, along with other projects such as The Walking City or TheInstant City, suggested a nomadic way of life and, more importantly, aliberation from the modernist answer of suburbia. 


Archigram was formed in 1960 at the Architecture Association in London by six architects and designers, Peter Cook, Warren Chalk, RonHerron, Dennis Crompton, Michael Webb and David Greene. In1961, Archigram (aneponymous publication whose name was derived from the combination of the words“architecture” + “telegram”) was born as a single sheet magazine filled withpoems and sketches. As David Greene wrote in the first issue, it was meant as aplatform for the voices of a young generation of architects and artists: 

“A new generation of architecture must arise withforms and spaces which seem to reject the precepts of ‘Modern’ yet in factretains those precepts. We have chosen to bypass the decaying Bauhaus imagewhich is an insult to functionalism.” 

Archigram是在1960年由六名建筑师和设计师在伦敦的建筑协会成立的,分别是Peter Cook, Warren Chalk, Ron Herron, DennisCrompton, Michael Webb 和 David Greene. 1961年,Archigram (一本以“architecture”和“telegram”的组合而命名的同名出版物)来自于一个杂志的单页,里面充满了文集和建筑草图。正如大卫格林在第一期的作品中所写的,它被认为这是为年轻一代建筑师和艺术家发声的一个平台。


Archigram’s visions did in factsucceed in inspiring a new generation of architects and architecture. Mostobviously, their radical suggestion to reveal infrastructural elements and reversetraditional building hierarchies inspired the famous Pompidou Center by RichardRogers and Renzo Piano, and their drawings and visionscontinue to be invoked in urban thinking today. 



