
临时城市主义 -Kig Veerasunthorn & Stephanie Tager│Archi

JsL 悬浮映画 2022-04-21


Interim  Urbanism


 Kig Veerasunthorn & Stephanie Tager


Project / 项目

The History of Working and Living

The research began with the history of working and living culture. It wasn’t until the Industrial Revolution that it was predominantly universal that the word “house” referred to a place where one lived and worked. It was due to Industrial Revolution’s rise in machinery, technology, and infrastructure that living and working split.Before this period, there were models such as the Medieval Peasant House (15th – 16th Century), which were wooden single-storied rectangular longhouses used as homes as well as for raising and sheltering the barn animals. The Medieval Merchant House (17th – 18th Century) were the work homes for the silk-weavers, watchmakers, and stocking-knitters. These work homes provided large windows for high levels of natural light, necessary for their trade. Then there was the Industrial Revolution, and a major split was generated between working and living, and it became optional to live where you work.In the 18th century, there was the Royal Salt Works at Arc-et-Senans. Designed by Ledoux, the semicircular complex reflected hierarchical organization of work, and allows for all production to be overseen. Boarding Houses were popular during the 19th century. They offered single working urbanites a safe clean home, meals, job opportunities, and a built in sense of community.Foxconn Dormitory is a complex in Shanghai that houses workers who spend 12 hours a day making Apple products. Dorms can house up to 6,000 workers at a time, and some rooms have up to 12 bunk beds.


研究从工作和生活文化的历史开始。直到工业革命时期,“房子”这个词才被普遍地称为“房子”,指的是一个人生活和工作的地方。这是由于工业革命在机械、技术和基础设施上的崛起,而这些都是生活和工作的分裂。在此之前,有一些模型,如中世纪的农舍(15 - 16世纪),是木制单层的矩形长屋,用作房屋,也用来饲养和遮蔽谷仓的动物。中世纪的商业大厦(17 - 18世纪)是丝绸编织工、制表师和股票编织者的工作之家。这些工作房屋为高水平的自然光提供了巨大的窗户,这对他们的贸易来说是必要的。然后是工业革命,在工作和生活之间产生了重大的分歧,在你工作的地方生活变得可选择了。在18世纪,皇家盐业在北极地区工作。由勒杜(Ledoux)设计,这个半圆形的复杂结构反映了工作的层次结构,并允许所有的生产都被监督。在19世纪,寄宿家庭很受欢迎。他们提供单一的城市居民,一个安全的干净的家,吃饭,工作机会,以及一个建立在社区意识的基础上。富士康宿舍是上海的一个建筑群,工人们每天花12小时制作苹果产品。宿舍一次可以容纳6000名工人,有些房间有多达12张双层床。

WeWork/ WeLive 

One of the more contemporary situations of working and living is WeWork/ WeLive. The office spaces and living spaces are fully furnished, decorated, and set up with cable and internet at move-in. Everything is prepared for the user to move in. When examining WeWork/ WeLive, we tried to be critical. The company is said to design and rent out coworking and coliving spaces for startups and young twenty-something-year-olds. The company lures and promotes themselves with an emerging class and demographic for entrepreneurs, startups, and freelancers. Journalists claim that the company is so successful because it promotes itself as youthful, trendy, and having a start-up air to themselves. If the company was pitches as sold as a real estate development business venture, WeWork would not be as successful as it currently is. The building located on 110 Wall Street is compartmentalized in design. The top half is the living portion, and the bottom half is the working portion. With separate elevator shafts, there is no communication between the two halves. It functions as this isolated sphere, bounded from the public. Similar to Robert Owen’s New Harmony, within this WeWork “utopia”, it encloses residential, working, community, leirsure, etc.

工作和生活的一个更现代的情形是WeWork / WeLive。办公空间和居住空间都布置得很齐全,布置得很好,并在move - in上设置了有线和互联网。所有东西都准备好让用户移动。在检查WeWork / WeLive时,我们试图变得至关重要。据说该公司设计并出租了为初创公司和年轻的20岁年轻人提供的共同生活空间。该公司通过一个新兴的班级和人口统计学的企业家、创业公司和自由职业者来吸引和推销自己。记者称该公司之所以如此成功,是因为它将自己标榜为年轻、时尚,并拥有一种创业氛围。如果该公司是一家房地产开发企业,那么WeWork将不会像现在这样成功。位于华尔街110号的大楼在设计中被分割。上半部分是生活部分,下半部分是工作部分。在单独的电梯井中,两者之间没有通讯。它的作用就像这个孤立的球体,与公众有界。类似于罗伯特·欧文的新和谐,在这个WeWork的“乌托邦”里,它包括了住宅、工作、社区、leirsure等。

One of the main reasons WeWork/ WeLive is so successful is because a large population of millennials don’t want to commute or live in the suburbs. So, this world where you can live and work simultaneously is appealing. However, one of the main reasons we were interested in WeWork and WeLive, is because we noticed that it only caters to one type of worker. It is for the people that need nothing more than a desk and a computer. In some sense, it is a successful model for young kids who want to collaborate and design an app, or people that want to be freelance writers.

We began thinking about expanding this similar working and living model to other types of workers. People who could benefit from collaboration and living and working in the same place, but also people that need more room and supplies than a desk and computer. A similar type of model could be expanded to Skill Workers, who are people whose resources for working include large spaces, studios, kitchens, storefront, laboratories, markets, trading, collaboration, etc.

WeWork/ WeLive之所以如此成功的主要原因之一是,大量的千禧一代不想在郊区通勤或生活。所以,这个你可以同时生活和工作的世界是有吸引力的。然而,我们对WeWork和WeLive感兴趣的一个主要原因是,我们注意到它只迎合了一种类型的工人。对那些只需要一张桌子和一台电脑的人来说。从某种意义上说,这是一个成功的模式,为那些想要合作和设计一个应用程序的年轻人,或者想成为自由作家的人。


Analysis / 分析

Redhook, Brooklyn

When looking for a site, we wanted to find a place that had several vacant plots for these studio spaces. We began interested in Redhook, Brooklyn for several reasons. It has a history that traces back to working and living and manufacturing; only now, its becoming abandoned because the manufacturing has moved to New Jersey.

Redhook has also become this forgotten piece of land, disconnected from the rest of the city and transportation. We wanted to address temporality in the sense that Redhook is temporal, because of the issues it faces with flooding and rising water levels. Redhook is in this interim stage, where is wants to be developed and has the potential, but its problems with the water hinders it from growing.




Red Hook Site Analysis 


We wanted to introduce different nodes and interventions throughout Redhook, occupying the water, coast, vacant plots, and abandoned buildings of the neighborhood. Each node has its own distinct characteristics and lifestyle, providing different classifications of working and living. Each node can be seen as its own island, with its own inherent typology. When the water level rises through time, it reinforces the connection between each zone, making them appear as interconnected islands. The interventions act as a second layer on top of the existing city. As the existing Redhook gets washed away by the flood/ water levels, the interventions provide a framework for the future neighborhood of Redhook. It allows for the option to keep building on top as the water rising, and with the constant change in water level, the program and occupancy changes/ adapts to the new city (i.e. parallel framework utopia – city built on top of city, and touching down at only structural and infrastructural points).



Elaboration on Specific Typologies / 阐述具体的类型学


Elevated on top of land typology. Organized typical office spaces. Elevated above the new landscape which is the gentle slopes that register the water levels, so when flood comes, people can notice the water rising and rooms do not get damaged.



Located on land that will not flood. Acts as housing as well as open plan studio spaces for artists, designers, furniture makers, etc.




Acts as an extension of the Fairway to supply the area post flood. Fairway is built on an area that will get destroyed by flood. This supermarket is built on top of high land, that will not get damaged. It is a backup food/ nourishment resource for the city post flood, as well as community garden space.


  4.WET LAB /湿实验室

For scientists, researchers, hydrologists, atmospheric researchers, marine scientists – people who need to do on site research specific to water, animals, weather, flooding etc. The structure is porous and has the ability to float with the changing water levels. The public walkway goes penetrate the LAB space which turns the WATER LAB to be public educational space.



Hovering over water typology. Built on top of existing basin. Porous, delicate structure. Framed architecture. Collaborative units.



Existing building typology. The public housing units in Redhook are located on land that would be damaged. In an effort to prevent damage, we propose changing the ground floor to be a porous and permeable outdoor structure, that would allow for pop up markets and a storefront to occur – to increase foot traffic as well as give the residents job opportunities.


7.PUBLIC POOL  /公共游泳池

Floating pool/ leisure structure for the city. It floats, so as the water level rises, the structure rising with it.



Intervention of existing building, the old abandoned grain terminal. Adapted to become a transportation hub, ferry terminal, light-rail connecting to the subway, bike rentals, etc. (As well as a backup power resource for the city, if needed)



Allows for a secondary form of circulation, connecting the nodes. When the flood rises, it becomes the primary form of circulation for the interventions, and also acts as a way to feed power (power source) to the nodes if needed.50



