
Searching for Sugar Land │Archi

JsL 悬浮映画 2022-04-21

Searching for Sugar Land

Jaime Castilla

Project / 项目

Searching for Sugar Land is the result of an extensive and complex research that seeks alternatives to understand and intervene in the reality that Detroit lives today.

This city has been shrinking since the 1950s. This particular urban phenomenon has left a unique landscape composed by more than 105,000 empty lots, 50,000 abandoned houses, and more than 30 square kilometers of underutilized land.

The main purpose of this project is to reorient Detroit’s future by reconnecting the urban fabric and boosting the city’s own identity through the interaction with its citizens. The project pretends to offer a global intervention in the territory according to the context of emergency and precariousness that suffers.

  Searching for Sugar Land是一项广阔而复杂的研究的结果,该研究寻求一种替代或干预底特律今天的状况。自上世纪50年代以来,这座城市一直在萎缩。这一特殊的城市现象已经留下了一个独特的景观,由超过105000个空地,5万个废弃房屋,以及30多平方公里的未充分利用土地组成。


Hypercity/ 超级城市

The city is living an important series of urban changes that are transforming the way we work and intervene on it. The new technologies are increasing our experience of the city as an amplification of our capacities to perceive and inhabit the physical and virtual environment.

The city should be connected to its citizens trough technology, making them part of the transformative process and decision making.

The project understands architecture as part of a global purpose for the city. In order to understand the architectural intervention it is necessary to adopt a multiscalar vision of the city.

This new perspective allows us to analyze different pixels of the city that coexist at different scales. As a result, we obtain an hyper-connected network of Detroit that give us a transversal view of the interventions that are taking place in the whole territory.





Mapping Detroit/ 底特律Mapping

One of the first step of the project was to develop a map that shows the future landscapes that will exist in Detroit. In order to make this map it was necessary to collect all the cartographic information and digital mapping available on the internet so we could understand the real panorama of the current territory.

The final map is made by a matrix of 500×500 meters, based on the matrix of “the square mile” already used in other territorial mappings of America. Each of these “pixels” is classified according to 3 categories that determine the landscape that the “pixel” aspires to develop. (Habitability & Culture, Production & Innovation, Vegetation & Energy)

The purpose of this matrix is to obtain an accurate and flexible information about the landscape prevailing in each area. This cartographic system generates a new urban framework open and dynamic that bets on the diversity of uses and the recovery of the preexistence.6 types of landscapes are defined for Detroit, these typologies approach the recovery of industrial zones, the reforestation of uninhabited areas or the improvement of consolidated neighborhoods among others.




Based on the division of districts made by the City Council in 2013, the project proposed the incorporation of a decentralized network for management, exchange and distribution of the resources of the city, in favor to the local needs of each neighborhood.

You will be the King of your “Hood”

Our job as professional planners has been transformed, we must act as interlocutors between the inhabitants and the city. We must create the platforms  for communication between agents. We must promote the local empowerment of users to take control to evaluate and develop their space in the city.

Thanks to the advances in the field of technology, it is possible to establish this communication channels. “Apps” will become the way to evaluate the space surround us. The user will surf trough a virtual network of the environment to connect with the physical space and other users.

When the user takes part of this developing, the city becomes a collective place in continuous planning.





Imprimir Architecture/ 印刷建筑

The architectural proposal is marked by the inefficiency of finding a unique answer to solve the problem of the city. For this reason the “catalog” format is proposed as a flexible solution that allows activating different strategies of transformation and improvement of the urban space.

A progressive reactivation of the spaces in Detroit, according to the real needs of each neighborhood, will avoid that they become “ruins” and therefore, in obsoleted spaces, so we will give them a second chance to resurface.




Jaime is an architect and designer based in Madrid. He studied architecture at Escuela Politécnica Superior de Arquitectura in Madrid and the Illinoins Institute of Technology in Chicago. He works in a young architecture studio and as a freelance design on his free time. He is also the co-founder of a design brand call Zoogling where he develop illustrations and designs for different projects.

Jaime是马德里的建筑师和设计师。他在马德里的Escuela Politecnica建筑师事务所和芝加哥的伊利诺斯理工学院学习建筑专业。他现在在一个年轻的建筑工作室工作,在空闲时间做自由设计。他也是一个设计品牌Zoogling的联合创始人,为着不同的项目开发与插图设计。


