
De Magnalibus Urbis Mediolani│Archi

悬浮映画 悬浮映画 2022-04-21

De Magnalibus Urbis Mediolani

Claudia Consonni & Martina Fabris

Project / 项目

According to the United Nations, in 2015 only, there were about 260 million international migrants, people who left their birthplaces to live in a different geographical or social reality.

Of these, 65 million were forced to leave their homeland due to wars, neglection of human rights, poverty or climate distresses that made impossible to conduct a dignifying life. (source: Global trends 2015 Unhcr) The relevance of such a phenomenon is now undeniable, considering the enormous number of people involved.

Governments issued several laws and guidelines that tried to manage the problem, regulating migratory flows both on a national and European level. Nevertheless, these measures often do not include the idea of immigrants integrating within local communities, as they only aim to push away the problem instead of finding a permanent solution.

The plan approved by European leaders during the summit held in La Valletta in February 2017, which was meant to stop the incoming migratory flow from Libia, such as the Minniti-Orlando decree, are just two examples of this institutional myopia.

Cities represent the main “entrance gates” to European countries; in fact, immigrants’ aspiration is to reach the biggest cities, as they hope to find hospitality and more chances for a brighter future there. In Italy, Milan is the most attractive destination for migrants, due to its major economic and working opportunities, but also to the higher level of social integration. Cities should be able to propose themselves as welcoming spots, where immigrants should be perceived as a source for social, cultural and economic enrichment rather than a problem. Further commitment towards this goal should derive from the existence of a right for the city, as written by Henri Lefebvre, which consists in the right to access, both individually and as a group, to urban resources.




欧洲领导人在2017年2月在La Valletta举行的峰会上批准了该计划,该计划旨在阻止来自利比亚的移民流入,如minniti - orlando法令。

城市代表着欧洲国家的主要“Entrance gates”;事实上,移民的愿望是到达最大的城市,因为他们希望在那里找到资源和更美好的未来。在意大利,米兰是最具吸引力的移民目的地,因为它的主要经济和工作机会,但也有更高层次的社会融合。城市应该能够把自己当作欢迎的地方,在那里,移民应该被视为社会、文化和经济繁荣的源泉,而不是问题。对这一目标作出进一步的承诺,应该是由亨利·勒费弗所著的《城市权利的存在》( the existence of a right for the city)所述,该权利包括以个人和作为一个团体的权利来访问城市资源的权利。

Milan, despite being entitled of the so-called “Milan model” for hospitality, recently showed signs of rejection towards incomers, as shown by the police blitz that was executed in Milan Central Station on the 2nd of May 2017, or by the reduction of available places in the Hub located in Via Sammartini. Once acknowledged the intolerance mood afflicting the city, while keeping in mind the unavoidable need to find suitable locations for migrants who are escaping wars and persecutions, the need for a definitive solution emerges clearly; this solution should be able to accommodate both immigrants and locals’ needs. From this came the idea to reserve a new spot for guests, separated from the city and positioned above-ground, which does not follow traditional building rules for urban structures, but rather proposes itself as a soft urbanization model where life is detached from capitalistic logics.

米兰,尽管享有所谓的“米兰模式”(Milan model)酒店,最近也有拒绝对移民的迹象,2017年5月2日,米兰警方执行如图所示的中央车站减少可通过Sammartini中心的地方。一旦认识到不宽容的情绪困扰着这个城市,同时铭记着不可避免的需要为逃避战争和迫害的移徙者找到合适的地点,就需要明确的解决方案;这个解决方案应该能够适应移民和当地人的需求。从这一点上,我们的想法是为客人预留一个新的位置,与城市分开,并放置在在地上,这并不遵循传统的城市建筑原则,而是将自己作为一个软城市化模式,在那里,生活与资本逻辑分离。

The proposed solution may seem dystopic to some and utopic to others. The outcome consists of two superimposed cities, separated physically but depending on each other and visually linked by observation “towers” that also testimony the presence, or hope, for a possible connection between the two.


The new city, which hosts migrants, reflects the condition of its inhabitants: it is mutable and undetermined; a three-dimensional fixed grid can be cladded or freed depending on specific necessities, giving life to an always different conformation of the surroundings, immersed in green areas.

展示了接纳移民的新城市中居民的状况:它是可变的,不确定的; 一个三维的固定网格可以根据具体需要进行包覆或释放,为环境永远不同的构造提供在绿地里生活。

Life will follow natural rhythms and be based on subsistence economy, accommodating daily and season cycles. Urbanization will be soft, characterized by the absence of roads and infrastructures, which will be limited to structures required for energy sustainability: in fact, the city is designed as a power station, able to provide enough energy to fuel itself but also the underneath city of Milan through an isotropic grid of pillars that physically bears the structure but also allows energy transportation from the top floor to the bottom one. The central parts of Milan become a huge indoor space, separated from the rest of the metropolitan area through screens that, projecting the image of the sky, provide the impression of being in open-air. All the environmental conditions of this indoor space are mechanically managed: air is continuously purified, solving pollution problems and artificial light is always available, allowing society to pursue the 24-hours-a-day productivity goal, typical of modern society. Doing so, atmospheric conditions will not affect city activities anymore, as they will become perfectly controllable, granting Milan the chance to become the capital of events. Public transportation, hung on the grid and separated from urban traffic, will be more efficient and will drive the abandonment of private transportation means, providing huge contribution to the reduction of traffic. The costs deriving from energy supply may be avoided thanks to self-sustainability of the upper city.


The two cities, despite being physically close and depending on each other for some aspects, would live an autonomous and totally separate life. To separate them, an inhabited wall that does not overlook the indoor central city, but rather looks at the suburbs, providing a sense of continuity with the overhead grid. Therefore, the wall both separates (the indoor space from the outside) and unifies (the outskirts and the grid), inserting itself among roads that were specifically selected to become exchange-points between the existing cityand the new one. The connection between these two parts could transform the suburbs in a cohabitation space, where locals could meet newcomers, but could also inevitably make it a conflict-zone. In fact, outskirts generally offer chances for lifestyles and social interactions that are different from the ones of the central city; however, they also often represent a place where the needy and the migrants fight with local citizens, as they do not enjoy the privileges deriving from juridical systems and working incomes.


Consequently, an environment characterized by three different realities emerges: an indoor city that is safe and overlooked, realm of finance and events; a subsistence city, totally free, where newcomers can be hosted, and a disconnected peripheral city. The project provides the right to the city to everyone, supporting and taking to the extremes the tendencies of the different classes, committing a specific space for each social and economic context. Despite the presence of separated areas, each inhabitant would always be considered a citizen of “De Magnalibus Urbis Mediolani”.

因此,现实中出现了三种不同的环境:一个安全和被忽视的室内城市,金融和事件领域; 一个自由的城市,完全免费,可以容纳新人,还有一个不连贯的周边城市。该项目为城市提供了对每个人的权利,支持和把握不同阶层的倾向,为每个社会和经济背景下一个特定的空间。尽管存在分离的地区,每个居民将永远被视为“De Magnalibus Urbis Mediolani”中的的公民。

注释: “De Magnalibus Urbis Mediolani”:是著名诗人和作家德拉里瓦用拉丁文写在形式在1288年发表的的论文。文章中描述了在子爵时期的工作与经验内容,象征着米兰城市的实力,现代和财富。


Claudia Consonni and Martina Fabris  graduated in Architecture at Politecnico di Milano.

They are particularly interested in exploring the effect of a tight collaboration between art and architecture, both in large and small-scale interventions and they try to convey their ideas through original and personal graphic works derived from continuous research and exploration.

They believe in the possibility of architecture to have an impact on the social context and to trigger virtuous processes that could improve our society, also starting from debate and discussion originated by theoretical proposals.

Claudia Consonni和Martina Fabris毕业于米兰理工大学建筑系。




