
WeChat Launches New 'Floating Window' Feature

ThatsSuzhou 2019-06-25

By Jesse Pottinger

If you’ve yet to ditch your iPhone for one of its more cost-effective Chinese counterparts, then we’ve got some good news for you. 

Late last month, the WeChat Chatterbox reported that the latest version of WeChat for iOS devices, WeChat 6.6.7, will come with a couple of new features that are pretty cool, not to mention useful. 

The new ‘float a webpage window’ feature allows users to minimize, or ‘float,’ a webpage or official account article in order to carry out some other activity on the app. 

Image via WeChat Chatterbox 

Simply swipe right and hold down, and you will be prompted by a little ‘float window’ icon in the bottom right corner. Drag and release it, and the page will be reduced to a tiny, hovering icon to be reopened later on, allowing you to carry out other tasks on the app.


So, WeChat addicts, say goodbye to the first worldiest of first world problems — having to reload a page on your shiny new iPhone X. 

The other new feature, as reported by That’s yesterday, is a new Chinese to English — and vice versa — translator that uses the ‘scan’ tool to translate anything from street signs to restaurant menus. Translation apps aren’t always the best, so unless your Putonghua is on point, this one is a game changer.

For more handy functions available on China’s favourite app, check out these 12 amazing WeChat features you might not know about

[Cover image via Matt Bossons]

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