
水无近,山自长 | 南宁·美的悦江府

域道设计 看见景观 2022-05-17


——亚布拉罕 · 考利

God built the first garden, and Cain built the first city.

—— Abraham Cowley

在荫郁的森林里穿行心中盛开了幽兰花几缕阳光溜了进来听风儿轻轻地吟唱树梢点头仿佛向我致意Walk through the shady forestThe orchid is blooming in my heartA few rays of sunshine slip inListen to the wind sing softlyThe treetop nodded as if to greet me
南宁这座城市的绿就像空气一样无处不在,如影随形,城在绿中生,绿在城中长,走在南宁的街上,半城绿树半城楼,所谓的“草经冬而不枯,花非春而常开”倒并不夸张。The green of Nanning is like the air everywhere, like a shadow. The city grows in the green, and the green grows in the city. Walking on the streets of Nanning, half the city is green with trees and half the tower. The so-called "grass passes through winter but never withers. "It is not an exaggeration to say that flowers do not spring but always bloom."


The green that can be seen everywhere brings a trace of tranquility to the busy and noisy city. All the plants work together and show up in full, forming a moving picture of the greenery of the forest. The whole city is rippling in the green ocean all year round. And Qingxiu Mountain, as the name suggests, is a beautiful mountain with green and green. Whoever is in the mountains has aura, the vegetation in the mountains is charming and charming, and the green in the mountains is verdant and beautiful. And Guangxi, a province named after ethnic minorities, is naturally full of unique cultural charm.


The designer hopes to portray the most intuitive feelings of the city at the beginning in the design. Just like this city, the profound cultural characteristics and the ease of relaxation are not inseparable. Nationally named provinces are naturally full of unique cultural charm.

The welcoming interface creates an entrance landscape with a sense of ceremony, depicting the exit courtyard space in an open form, and the overall landscape has a sense of hierarchy.


The design uses a freehand technique to create a special-shaped pool of water and smooth water paths, like a flying hump flying over the water, light and agile, everywhere in the light and shadow, deducing the oriental complex and aesthetic style of modern people.

沿着连廊游览在光影走廊的转角乍现一处极具禅意的山水空间Tour along the corridorAt the corner of the corridor of light and shadowSuddenly there is a Zen-like landscape space轻盈灵动,于光影中处处成景,演绎出现代人的东方情结和审美格调。

Light and agile, it is everywhere in the light and shadow, deducting the oriental complex and aesthetic style of modern people.

庭    院    深    深回    廊    相    绕漫    步    其    中处    处    成    画

引 入 一 片 森 林,绿 色 气 息 充 满 整 个 社 区形 成 诗 意 盎 然 的 自 然 剧 场Introduce a piece of forest, the green breath fills the whole community Forming a poetic and natural theater


As night falls, the dim lights make this scene more dreamy and smart than during the day. The "mountain and flowing water" walls are decorated with star lights that seem to blend with the stars of the night.

打造复合式的功能空间,激发社区活力模糊各个功能区的边界,实现功能的融合。营造更好的邻里生态体验,更多元化的景观体验。Create a composite functional space, stimulate the vitality of the community, blur the boundaries of each functional area, and achieve the integration of functions. Create a better neighborhood ecological experience and a more diversified landscape experience.

春风里结合当地人文自然文化,抽取符号抽象提炼。Combining local humanities and natural culture in the spring breeze Abstract extraction of symbols.

Using simple materials to form a quantitative order, this order gradually transforms into a free disorder to achieve a harmonious and harmonious oriental aesthetic conception of people, architecture, and the environment.


感谢 WEDO域道设计


大小的设计方法 | 3种设计挑战 . 3种设计方法

灵动轻盈的白色景观单体 | 廊与桥



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