

UMS里表都会 看见景观 2023-09-06


"People live quietly, even if they listen to the wind quietly, they can feel the poetic life." - Heidegger


The Project is located at the core of Hunnan New City, Shenyang, Liaoning, close to the Shenyang Municipal Government and the Hunnan New City Park, etc. In addition, the Site is well supported with education, commerce, medical and other life service facilities around, and the potential development value of the area is high. It is not only the core of Hunnan New City in the future, but also a key node for urban development.


Good location and complete supporting resources become the basis of such improved housing. How to achieve a "balance" between noble dignity and natural romance when creating the internal environment may be the key issue in this design. The construction of landscape in neighborhoods may also gradually get colder while constantly pursuing infinite refinement and delicacy. "Balance" is to maintain friendliness and sustainability while creating the elegance of the space state. It is the co-existence of function and aesthetic expression, also allowing the parallel communication of rational thinking and personal emotion.


The sculptural waterscape at the entrance of the community lobby is the core landscape of the entrance. In consideration of the dry season, its design is integrated with a sculpture. The sculpture is a "dripping" water drop, and the water pan is the fluctuating ripples. These ripples also become the mechanism of the waterscape itself, extending to the ground pavement. The water pan echoes with the sculpture and becomes a part of the downward extension of the sculpture. Even in the dry season, it still maintains a sense of sculptural elegance and exquisiteness in the overall landscape space.


The slanted community lobby and the internal buildings of the community form an unfavorable angle at the exit of the lobby. The design takes advantage of the featured "diamond-shape" (echoing with the project name) pavement to solve the transition of filler broken pavement caused due to the angle, which also gives the entrance a unique landmark feature.


The "balance" in the space state comes from the application of material restraints, which interprets the refined shape and the flowing space. The overlapping blocks are interspersed, and the trickling water flow is used as a clue of visual guidance. The open water surface and planting space become a carrier of light and shadow.


How to make the waterscape in the atrium achieve a "four-sided" and "fascinating" effect is another topic in the deliberate design. Our final answer is to present different "states" of water on all sides. On the east side of the waterscape, the walls are interspersed to form a "spring-like" outfall, which in combination of the landscape walls, becomes a clue for entering the space. 


The north side of the waterscape adjacent to the corridor extends to the corridor in the state of "static" water surface, introducing the mottled tree shadow and sunlight outside the corridor into the dark space under the corridor; The north side of the waterscape is also a core position of the atrium. The multi-level cascades and the planting intersperse and overlaps with each other, squeezing the water into a rushing-down turbulent state, just like a "mountain stream" in the forest. The west side of the waterscape serves as an outdoor rest space, raising the water surface to form a "waterfall" pouring down. The murmuring water and the jumping splash, block out surrounding interference for people taking a rest and make them addicted to the tranquil atmosphere in this corner.


The raised water surface near the indoor negotiation area, joins the two water surfaces originally separated by the waterside traffic flow into a whole continuous water surface, with the  waterside traffic flow hidden in it.; When looking outside from the negotiation area, people can see that the still water in front extends to connect the core cascaded waterscape, and form the close, medium and long shots in the picture, together with the connecting corridor and trees in the distance. The curtain wall of the building also frames the full skyline created by trees, the sky reflected by the water surface and the shadow of trees, thus forming playful interactions internally and externally between the landscape and the building.


Deliberation in design is actually the creation of a better life in the future. Instead of intentional stuffing with so-called techniques and details, it aims to achieve a balance between design aesthetics and daily life with an accurate building volume and a flexible measure, which results in a dialogue between space and nature and the incorporation of time and nature, with space demonstrates peace and elegance inside out, thus creating a unique and comfortable living environment.



PROJECT NAME/ 项目名称:沈阳中海·天钻

LOCATION/ 地理位置:辽宁省沈阳市

TYPE/ 类型:住宅展示中心

LANDSCAPE AREA/ 景观面积:6200㎡

COMPLETION/ 完工时间:2022. 09.30

CLIENT/ 业主:中海地产


INTERIOR DESIGN/ 室内设计:矩阵北京设计中心

LANDSCAPE DESIGN/ 景观设计:里表都会(北京)规划设计咨询有限公司

CONSTRUCTION TEAM/ 施工单位:辽宁新金域景观园林绿化工程有限公司


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