
一座户外艺术展场:重庆 国浩白屿林 | WTD纬图设计

WTD纬图设计 看见景观 2023-09-06


Outdoor Art Exhibition Grounds


At the inception of this project,we aimed to break away from the conventional character of regular real estate demonstration areas. The reason being, this project is located atop a hill-like pristine wilderness in the Central Park of Yubei, Chongqing, surrounded by areas awaiting development. It's akin to painting on a blank canvas; we aspire to present a landscape imbued with more of a terrestrial art temperament here.

Its architectural design is positioned as an art gallery, with various geometric-shaped boxes defining the functional areas of the site, thereby reinforcing the artistic ambiance of Baiyu Forest. The scattered architectural boxes across the site serve as a prerequisite, while our design approach considers the landscape as an extension of the art gallery—a outdoor art exhibition space. This envelops visitors in an artistic atmosphere even before entering the building, achieving a harmonious integration of landscape and architecture, as well as the outdoor and indoor spaces in terms of functionality and form.


As an "outdoor" exhibition venue, it naturally intersects with all elements of nature. Elements from nature such as water and light, trees and shadows, are thus incorporated into it, together with the clean architectural outlines, they create a minimalist landscape narrative. In conclusion, our design goal is to create a naturally pure artistic space.


Firstly, the landscape extends the architectural form. For instance, the open forecourt is divided using an array of lines and geometric shapes like circles and squares. The scattered figures not only link up the entire forecourt but also disrupt what would otherwise be a dull and uninteresting spatial composition.


These elements disrupt and reassemble the site structure, redefining it in terms of paving, color, and function. Symmetrical Chinese Tallow forests guide people into the shallow waters in front of the building. The shimmering water surface reflects the building and tree shadows, enhancing the sense of dynamism in the space.


Capturing Natural Light


After crossing the water area, the terrain begins to rise gradually. We use steps to address approximately a 5m height difference, which also generates a mid-field passage. We spread plants along both sides of the passage. Plants offer a soft and romantic expression and provide the smoothest and most natural transition. They are like carefully crafted paintings displayed on both sides of the passage for people to admire.

At the end of the stairs is the outer court of the building, a courtyard that is half-wrapped by the building, seeming like a natural outdoor gallery. We focus on art in this area, drawing attention through art sculptures. The rough stones clash with the delicate courtyard, creating a strong contrast between art and realism, resulting in a unique artistic emotional expression.


The circular sunken activity area continues to echo the building. Functionally, it also provides more possibilities for people to gather and socialize. In addition, we use a series of landscaped "captures" to seize natural spectacles, like the undulation of water, the refraction of sunlight, and the swaying tree shadows.


People can completely immerse themselves in this space. In the forest court, one can savor the emotions of nature; in the sky mirror, experience the tranquility of the sky; in the water court, admire the reflections of the architecture; in the tree gully, feel the breath of the grass and trees, and listen to the narrative of the space.

By combining nature and art, the design echoes the form and function of the architecture, creating a smooth yet meandering landscape flow. While facilitating easy passage, it also possesses a rhythmic sense of transition, presenting different angles and experiences of viewing the architecture, thereby creating an art exhibition venue full of rhythm and emotion.

Project Information

Project Name:GUOCOLAND Baiyuli
Landscape area: 11403 ㎡
Project Address: Yubei District, Chongqing
Landscape Design:WTD GROUP
设计团队:李卉 李彦萨 田乐 李丹丹 金凤 戴甘霖 李诗意 李理 张华盛 江季杭 陈妃 罗先强 薛凤仪 陈思丞 宋照兵 熊典葳 张书桢 兰明姝 郑卓璠
Design Team: Li Hui, Li Yan Sa, Tian Le, Li Dandan, Jin Feng, Dai Ganlin, Li Shiyi, Li Li, Zhang Huasheng, Jiang Jihang, Chen Fei, Luo Xianqiang, Xue Fengyi, Chen Sicheng, Song Zhaobing, Xiong Dianwei, Zhang Shuzhen, Lan Mingshu, Zheng Zhuofan
Architectural Design: Shanghai Tianhua Architectural Design
Landscape Construction: Chongqing Jisheng Landscape
Photography: Prism photography
Completion: 2023.05

感谢  WTD纬图设计


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