
2022iSTART国际教育论坛 | 开窗!对话与行动!

A4美术馆 麓湖A4美术馆 2022-11-24

2022 iSTART国际教育论坛


2021 iSTART International Education Forum

Open the Window: Dialogue and Action



Date and Time:

From November 19th, 2022 to November 20th, 2022




Online Platform (Zoom)



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(*麓湖A4美术馆微信视频号也将同步直播论坛* )


Through the past eight iSTART, we have always been thinking over issues regarding child development. Starting from the "The Imaginary Museum of Games" of this year’s iSTART Children’s Art Festival, we try to pass through history, civilization and imagined life from the perspective of children, and discover their creative potential in an all-round way.Thanks to our in-depth cooperation with educational institutions, scholars and teachers who also concern child development, our knowledge of children and education has been broadened during these years. Although educational practitioners in different fields have their individual understanding and perception on educational issues, there is still the possibility of reaching a consensus. Hence the iSTART International Education Forum came into being. Since 2016, pioneers in art education, innovative education and other fields from all over the world were invited to A4 Art Museum to share their experiences and discuss forward-looking and valuable ideas on children and education, thus broadening the vision of education-related communities.


In 2020, responding to the outbreak of the pandemic, we paid our attention on the possibilities of art education under and after the pandemic. The theme in 2021 was the value of game-based education, we attempted to rediscover children in a more gamified way. This year, more open topics are expected to be discussed on cutting-edge and in-depth educational ideas. Experts and scholars from famous universities, aesthetic education institutions and other educational fields are to be invited to initiate a series of "opening a window" talks on art education, in terms of traditional concepts, aesthetic education actions, and educational methodology, so as to find new approaches to education.


Open the Window: Dialogue and Action


The word "window" has both realistic and abstract meanings. Connecting inside and outside, it brings in light, scenery and fresh air. The act of opening a window means openness, that is, welcoming new and sometimes unknown things, and meanwhile indicates that individuals who retain their independent views can communicate with each other through the window. We are inspired because of this act. Sometimes, educators open windows for learners, while at other times, educators and learners in different fields constantly find new windows, work together to open them and view new sceneries. When these windows open, more colorful sceneries will unfold in front of us, and the barrier between different worlds may disappear. Due to the pandemic, more people become learners in the digital world, connecting to the world through "windows" online which break through obstacles and become bridges in time and space.

Similarly, due to urban and rural differences, difficulty in changing a paradigm, and barriers to system reform and other reasons, educators are faced with many practical difficulties, which makes us back to the image of "opening a window". A very simple act means the first step that everyone can take. From here, we start to "find", and then understand each other better. After meaningful exploration and dialogue, we practice and develop.

So, “open the window” is taken as the theme of this year's iSTART International Education Forum. Three honored guests will be invited as our special consultants to convene three discussions on children's history, rural aesthetic education action, and educational methodology along with domestic and foreign scholars. We are looking forward to ideas on both cutting-edge trends and solutions to existing problems.

1. 作为观众实时观看嘉宾分享与对话,并可在Q&A环节进行提问与交流扫描下方二维码完成问卷,进入“2022iSTART国际教育论坛群”,论坛前我们将在群内发送zoom邀请码。

2.参与闭幕环节“发现窗户”分享活动,分享你的教育故事: 如果你也是一名教育行动者,希望同我们分享属于你的经验,也十分欢迎你能扫描下方二维码报名发声,愿你的故事为更多人开启灵感之窗。

3. 参与特别单元“交换窗户” Project Jam,线上组队限时碰创:在论坛结束后的一周内,你可以和来自不同地区、拥有不同身份的伙伴们展开为期一周的灵感碰撞,一起创造新的项目,你们的方案有机会获得A4美术馆的支持,得到孵化与落地,你也可能由此成为我们未来长期的合作伙伴。赶紧扫描下方二维码加入我们!

4. 本次论坛也将在麓湖A4美术馆微信视频号同步直播,欢迎大家届时预约收看,直播中参与互动也有机会获得我们准备的电子会刊及其他小惊喜!





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WeChat ID: A4education


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文案编辑 果基伊星

视觉设计 一栋不动设计公司

内容排版 果基伊星

内容校对 果基伊星

