
Seurat Weekly NO.06 || Scanpy2Seurat

周运来 生信菜鸟团 2022-08-10




其实,我们在2019年的时候就介绍过单细胞转录组数据分析||Seurat3.1教程:Interoperability between single-cell object formats,讲了单细胞转录组数据对象的转化。对R语言境内的Seurat,CellDataSet,SingleCellExperiment,loom的格式转化起来还是比较方便的,但是对于异域的anndata转化一直不是很友好,所以我借此机会学会了python(在等短信验证码的那六十秒之内)。anndata的数据就在python中分析,完事。



library(Seurat)cellxgene1 <- ReadH5AD(file = "some.processed.h5ad")


# 报错信息太长,我们只显示最有用的。In addition: Warning message:Functionality for reading and writing H5AD files is being moved to SeuratDiskFor more details, please see https://github.com/mojaveazure/seurat-diskand https://mojaveazure.github.io/seurat-disk/index.html


remotes::install_github("mojaveazure/seurat-disk")library(SeuratDisk)Convert("some.processed.h5ad", dest = "h5seurat", overwrite = TRUE)`Warning: Unknown file type: h5adWarning: 'assay' not set, setting to 'RNA'Creating h5Seurat file for version 3.1.2Adding X as dataAdding X as countsError: Cannot find feature names in this H5AD file

同样,转角处遇到Error,于是直接google Error信息,我们看到Seurat团队给出的答案:

For this specific H5AD file, it’s compressed using the LZF filter. This  filter is Python-specific, and cannot easily be used in R. To use this  file with Seurat and SeuratDisk, you’ll need to read it in Python and  save it out using the gzip compression

import anndataadata = anndata.read("some.processed.h5ad")adata.write("some.processed.gzip.h5ad", compression="gzip")


library(reticulate)reticulate::py_config()Sys.which('python') # 该python 下要安装了anndata # usethis::edit_r_environ()
filesmy2 ='some.processed.gzip.h5ad'ad <- import("anndata", convert = FALSE)some_ad <- ad$read_h5ad(filesmy)adata = anndata.read("some.processed.h5ad")some_ad$write("some.processed.gzip.h5ad", compression="gzip")


Convert("some.processed.gzip.h5ad", dest = "h5seurat", overwrite = TRUE)Warning: Unknown file type: h5adWarning: 'assay' not set, setting to 'RNA' # 这里其实要格外小心,看看数据里面是不是 RNA啊Creating h5Seurat file for version X as dataAdding raw/X as countsAdding meta.features from raw/varAdding X_umap as cell embeddings for umap

Convert 成功后目录下多了一个文件:some.processed.gzip.h5seurat,就差一个Seurat对象了。

cellxgene <- LoadH5Seurat('some.processed.gzip.h5seurat', assays ="RNA")
Validating h5Seurat fileInitializing RNA with dataError in dimnamesGets(x, value) :   invalid dimnames given for “dgCMatrix” object

同样,在转角处遇到了Error ,于是我们再次Google 这个Error 。一番浏览,我们发现自己遇到了Google解决不了的问题。


debug(LoadH5Seurat)cellxgene <- LoadH5Seurat('some.processed.gzip.h5seurat', assays ="RNA")# 一波回车debug( as.Seurat) #因为LoadH5Seurat里面用了这个函数,所以在LoadH5Seurat的debug环境种再debug as.Seurat# 一波回车debug(AssembleAssay) #因为as.Seurat里面用了这个函数,所以在as.Seurat的debug环境种再debug AssembleAssay# 一波回车


slots.assay <- names(x = Filter(f = isTRUE, x = index[[assay]]$slots)) slots <- slots %||% slots.assay slots <- match.arg(arg = slots, choices = slots.assay, several.ok = TRUE) if (!any(c("counts", "data") %in% slots)) { stop("At least one of 'counts' or 'data' must be loaded", call. = FALSE) } assay.group <- file[["assays"]][[assay]] features <- assay.group[["features"]][] if ("counts" %in% slots && !"data" %in% slots) { if (verbose) { message("Initializing ", assay, " with counts") } counts <- as.matrix(x = assay.group[["counts"]]) rownames(x = counts) <- features # 还是第一个features <- assay.group[["features"]][] colnames(x = counts) <- Cells(x = file) obj <- CreateAssayObject(counts = counts, min.cells = -1, min.features = -1) } else { if (verbose) { message("Initializing ", assay, " with data") } data <- as.matrix(x = assay.group[["data"]]) rownames(x = data) <- features # 还是第一个features <- assay.group[["features"]][] colnames(x = data) <- Cells(x = file) obj <- CreateAssayObject(data = data) }

也就是在这部分代码中作者是认为,slots 之counts和data 的行名是一样的,其实我们知道Seurat的每部分存的数据其实都是可以独立操作的,所以可能并不是都一样。


Browse[8]> counts <- as.matrix(x = assay.group[["counts"]])Browse[8]> dim(counts)[1] 33567 10550Browse[8]> data <- as.matrix(x = assay.group[["data"]])Browse[8]> dim(data)[1] 33421 10550Browse[8]> length(features )[1] 33567


既然我们找到了invalid dimnames given for “dgCMatrix” objectError 的报错原因我们就可以针对counts来转化,data的部分我们在Seurat里面做。为什么不找到data的行名,赋值给data呢?这里留作思考题吧。坏。

我们开始改造原函数使之能够接受slots=’counts’ 这样的限定,于是我们找到 as.Seurat源代码中调用AssembleAssay的部分:

for (assay in names(x = assays)) { assay.objects[[assay]] <- AssembleAssay( assay = assay, file = x, slots = assays[[assay]], #这里强制对所有的slots进行转化,我们要让他接受传参 verbose = verbose )  }

除了在函数参数中加入slots = NULL,之外,这部分改为:

for (assay in names(x = assays)) { assay.objects[[assay]] <- AssembleAssay( assay = assay, file = x, slots =slots %||% assays[[assay]], verbose = verbose ) }

考虑到基本上要改动https://github.com/mojaveazure/seurat-disk/blob/master/R/LoadH5Seurat.R这个脚本的大部分函数,所以我们Fork一份seurat-disk 对应的我们改https://github.com/tuqiang2014/seurat-disk/blob/master/R/LoadH5Seurat.R

至于怎么改的,这里就略过了。如果遇到一模一样的问题,你可以安装这个改过了的。改完之后,我们卸载掉这个官方的seurat-disk ,安装自己改过的。

detach("package:SeuratDisk", unload = TRUE)remove.packages('SeuratDisk')remotes::install_github("tuqiang2014/seurat-disk") # tuqiang2014就是我啦library(SeuratDisk)undebug(LoadH5Seurat) undebug( as.Seurat)undebug(AssembleAssay) # 这里的提示忽略,不是同一个环境。
cellxgene <- LoadH5Seurat('some.processed.gzip.h5seurat', assays ="RNA",slots='counts')
# 提示信息:Validating h5Seurat fileInitializing RNA with countsWarning: Feature names cannot have underscores ('_'), replacing with dashes ('-')Adding feature-level metadata for RNAAdding reduction umapAdding cell embeddings for umapAdding miscellaneous information for umapAdding command informationAdding cell-level metadata


cellxgeneAn object of class Seurat XXXX features across XXXXX samples within 1 assay Active assay: RNA (XXXX features, 0 variable features) 1 dimensional reduction calculated: umap

library(ggplot2)ggplot(DimPlot(cellxgene)$data,aes(umap_1 , umap_2 ,fill=ident)) + geom_point(shape=21,colour="black",stroke=0.25,alpha=0.8) + DimPlot(cellxgene,label = T)$theme + theme_bw()+ NoLegend()

Seurat Weekly 专栏总结(送圣诞礼物)

Seurat Weekly NO.0 || 开刊词
Seurat Weekly NO.1 || 到底分多少个群是合适的?!
Seurat Weekly NO.2 || 我该如何取子集?
Seurat Weekly NO.3 || 定制可视化
Seurat Weekly NO.4 ||  高效数据管理

Seurat Weekly NO.05 || 大数据集处理之Pseudocell


[单细胞转录组数据分析||Seurat3.1教程:Interoperability between single-cell object formats](https://www.jianshu.com/p/396345566479)
[Convert AnnData to Seurat fails with raw h5ad](https://gitmemory.com/issue/satijalab/seurat/1021/479993549)
[convert-anndata RMD](https://github.com/mojaveazure/seurat-disk/blob/master/vignettes/convert-anndata.Rmd)
[Error: Cannot find feature names in this H5AD file #7](https://github.com/mojaveazure/seurat-disk/issues/7)

