
艺术&学术 | 英国名校艺术史博士如何申请?| 牛津-剑桥-UCL-华威-SOAS-考陶尔德等多所院校申请要求详解

UniDesignLab 2021-05-20

The following article is from TechArt学究科研社 Author TechArt科研社

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[ 年代划分 ]

Classical古典艺术;Medieval中世纪;Renaissance文艺复兴;Baroque/Rococo 巴洛克;Early Modern 近现代艺术;Modern/Contemporary 现当代艺术……

[ 区域划分 ]

East Asian/South East Asian;Middle East;European (Northern Europe, Western Europe,Mediterranean / Northern Africa; Eastern Europe/Western Asia)……

[ 作品类型划分 ]



1. 牛津大学—Oxford—DPhil in History of Art

2. 剑桥大学—Cambridge—PhD in History of Art

3. 伦敦大学学院—UCL—MPhil / PhD History of Art

4. 爱丁堡大学—Edinburgh—History of Art-PhD

5. 华威大学—Warwick—MPhil/PhD in History of Art

6. 伦敦大学亚非学院—SOAS—MPhil/PhD) History of Art and/or Archaeology

7. 考陶尔德艺术学院—The Courtauld lnstitute of Art

艺术史涵盖的研究广泛,院校除了以上提到的7所院校之外,也有圣安德鲁斯大学(University of St Andrews)、格拉斯哥大学(University of Glasgow)、约克大学(University of York)等可进行选择



DPhil in History of Art

涵盖的研究领域 | Research Areas


Medieval Society, Policy, Religion, Culture and Art


British History and Art, and Modern Art


Social and Cultural History, 1500-1700


History of Photography


Contemporary Art

申请材料 | Supporting Documents

The set of documents you should send with your application to this course comprises the following:


Official transcript(s)




Research proposal:A minimum of 500 words to a maximum of 1,500 words


Written work:Two essays of a maximum of 2,000 words each, or one essay of a minimum of 4,000 words to a maximum of 5,000 words


References of recommendation:Three overall, generally academic

其他申请信息 | Application Information

项目长度 | Expected Length

Full-time:3-4 years

Part time:6-8 years

截止时间 | Application Deadline

January 2022(参考2021年申请,今年时间待定)

学位要求 | Degree-level Qualifications

As a minimum, applicants should hold or be predicted to achieve the equivalent of the following UK qualifications:(按照英国分数统计)



a master's degree with distinction or a high pass; 

a first-class or strong upper second-class undergraduate degree with honours in any subject.

背景要求 | Background Requirement



If you plan to apply without a prior degree in history or history of art you should ensure that you link your proposed thesis topic with your previous expertise when you present it in your application. You should also show that you have already done a considerable amount of background research into the topic. Your submitted written work should demonstrate that you have the necessary skills for art historical research and writing(需要有足够的研究背景,并提交相关历史研究的文章). Professional experience in research, such as holding a research assistantship with an individual researcher or on a research project, may be an appropriate substitute for a master's degree (研究助理-研究项目经历).

平时成绩要求 | GPA Requirement

For applicants with a degree from the USA, the minimum GPA sought is 3.75 out of 4.0.

英语成绩要求 | English Language Requirement


No Graduate Record Examination (GRE) or GMAT scores are sought. This course requires proficiency in English at the University's higher level. If your first language is not English, you may need to provide evidence that you meet this requirement. The minimum scores required to meet the University's higher level are detailed in the table below.



PhD in History of Art

涵盖的研究领域 | Research Areas


Medieval art and architecture 


Italian late Medieval and Renaissance art 


European art and architecture and their theories


20th- and 21st-century art, and moving image


Sculpture and exhibition cultures


British and European architecture in 17th-19th Century ……

申请材料 | Supporting Documents

You will need to arrange for the following documents to be submitted with your application:


Academic Reference(s) 




Evidence of Competence in English if English is not your first language.


Sample of Work - this could be a journal publication or a chapter from your undergraduate dissertation.


Research Proposal of 1000 - 1500 words should consist of a topic and a hypothesis, a literature review, a statement on method, and key references.

6)套磁+文章+300字的研究提案 | Email+Writing Sample+RP

If one of our UTOs has relevant research interests to your own, please email them directly with a short research proposal of about 300 words, an example of your writing and a CV to determine whether they are potentially available to work with you as a supervisor before you make a formal application.

其他申请信息 | Application Information

项目长度 | Course Length & Dates

3 years full-time/5 years part-time, October start.

截止时间| Application Deadline

January 2022(参考去年,今年时间待定)

毕业指标 | Examination

A dissertation of not more than 80,000 words. 

申请要求 | Academic Requirement

A 1st class or a high 2i honours degree and a Masters degree with distinction (if a distinction category exists) in History of Art or a related discipline. 一等或二等一荣誉学位,一等硕士学位(英国分数制度)



MPhil/PhD History of Art

主要研究领域 | Main Research areas


Art theory and the history of the discipline


European art and architecture c. 1700–1945


Art, architecture, and aesthetics of the Global South


Cross-cultural studies and globalisation


Materials, objects and practices of art history


Modern and contemporary art


Medieval and early modern studies


The history of the body and the relationship between art and science


The history of visual technologies (print, photography, time-based media)

申请材料 | Supporting Documents

步骤1)Your initial email to the Graduate Tutor and/or potential supervisor might be an informal email with a short sketch of the proposed project(邮件套磁+初步研究计划). 步骤 2)If we consider your application, we will ask for a 1500-2000 word proposal that outlines the project and research questions, situates the project within the scholarly field and proposes a methodological approach(若导师回复对研究感兴趣,需完成1500-2000字得研究提案-包含研究问题、文献综述、并提出自己得方法论). 步骤 3Once candidates have officially applied, they will be interviewed either in person or online(via MS Teams or Zoom), typically by their future supervisor and the Graduate Tutor(网上申请递交材料之后,将和导师进行面试). During the interview, we will discuss your project with you, but there will also be time for your questions and to talk about funding opportunities and procedures(面试将涉及申请者的研究,也可交流奖学金等问题).

其他申请信息 | Application Information

项目开始 | Programme starts

September 2021

学制长度 | Modes and duration

Full time: 3 years

Part time: 5 years

申请时间 | Application dates

All applicants

Open: November 2021 

Close: July 2022(参考2021年申请)

学费 | Tuition fees (2021/22)


£22,230 (FT)

£11,190 (PT)

奖学金申请 | Scholarship Application


AHRC Scholarships

Wolfson Postgraduate Scholarships (UK/Overseas)

ORS/GRS Scholarships (UK/Overseas)

UCL Research Opportunities Scholarship 

Departmental Funding 2021-22

语言成绩 | English language requirements

The English language level for this programme is: Good.

Overall grade of 7.0 with a minimum of 6.5 in each of the subtests.

Overall score of 100 with 24/30 in reading and writing and 20/30 in speaking and listening.



History of Art-PhD

主要研究领域 | Main Research Areas


Medieval Art


Renaissance Art


Early Modern Art


Nineteenth-Century Art


Modern and Contemporary study

申请材料 | Supporting Documents


Research Proposal (up to 3,000 words)


Bibliography, provide a bibliography of relevant scholarly literature and other key research resources


Research Summary (500 words) ,provide a summary of the full research proposal


Qualifications and/or Relevant Professional Experience (300 words)


Preparedness for Doctoral Project (300 words)—(a) Previous study (b) Relevant professional experience (c) Professional development


Personal Statement (300 words)


Assessment of your Supervision & Training Needs (300 words)


Writing Sample (miniumum 5,000 and maximum 10,000 words)

其他申请信息 | Application Information

截止时间| Application Deadline

January 2022

September 2021

项目长度 | Course Length & Dates

3 years’ full-time study (6 years part-time)

毕业要求 | Dissertation

The MPhil and PhD degrees are both major pieces of independent research, preparing you for a future in academic scholarship. These degrees are obtained by research and presentation of a thesis of up to 80,000–100,000 words (PhD). The first year of a PhD is probationary, meaning that you must pass a first-year review before you are permitted to continue to the second year of the PhD. At your review, you will be required to discuss with a review board a presentation comprising an overview of your thesis and proposed chapter plan, with a bibliography, and a draft chapter of at least 10,000 words.

学历要求 | Degree Requirement

A UK 2:1 honours degree, or its international equivalent, in a relevant subject.(二等一成绩-英国制学分)



MPhil/PhD in History of Art

主要研究领域 | Main Research Areas


European Medieval, Renaissance and Baroque Art and Architecture


British Art and Architecture from the 18th to 21st Centuries


Colonial Art and Empire; Historiography, Theory and Aesthetics


French Painting/American Art/Colour; Scandinavian Art


Exhibition and Display




Art and Science


Video and Performance Art

申请材料 | Supporting Documents

研究提案要求 | Research Proposal Requirement

Provide an overview of your research question, explaining why it is of academic and or practical importance outline the main objectives of your research, providing details of two or three key aspects indicate the importance of previous related research and how your own research question might make a useful contribution to the area , briefly state the main research techniques (interviews, case studies, modelling etc.) you might use indicate your suggested data collection procedures, indicating sources and any possible difficulties explain the techniques you intend to use add an outline timeline of activities(研究问题-学术/实践重要新-文献梳理之前相关研究的重要性,自身研究的贡献度,研究会使用的技术,研究时间线).

其他申请信息 | Application Information

学制长度 | Duration

Full-time: 4 years

Part-time: up to 7 years

毕业要求 | Dissertation

PhD: 80,000 words      

截止时间 | Application Deadline

There is no deadline for applications for research degrees(申请上没有时间限制)

学位要求 | Degree Requirements

Entry requirements 2:1 undergraduate degree (or equivalent) in History of Art or related subjects and a Master’s in History of Art a related subject.(二等一本科学位-英国学制,或和艺术史相关的硕士项目)

语言要求 | Language Requirements

English language requirements:IELTS overall score of 7.0, minimum component scores of two at 6.0/6.5 and the rest at 7.0 or above (雅思总分7,2个小分6.0、6.5,另外两个小分7分或以上).



History of Art-PhD

主要研究领域 | Main Research Areas

Research topics can be considered under three headings:


Historical and contextual studies of the traditions, forms and artists of the past


The study of contemporary and popular visual arts


The contribution of Asian and African art studies to the development of a comparative philosophy of art and archaeology

申请材料 | Supporting Documents

Students are expected to be sufficiently familiar with the subject and to have their own ideas about the research they wish to do. They are required to submit an outline proposal with their application. This should be at least 1,500 words and should indicate the treatment of research intended and the sources of the materials to be used(1500字的研究提案,并指明方法论和材料来源). Proposals must indicate the scope and significance of the study as well as the feasibility and intended approach(研究范围,可行性和预期的方法).

其他申请信息 | Application Information

项目开始 | Start of programme

September intake only

项目参与方式 | Mode of Attendance

Full-time or Part-time

截止时间 | Application Deadline

Please note that the preferred deadline for submitting all relevant application documentation and references is 30th June. We do recommend you complete your application before that date to ensure a decision can be made in time to start your studies in September. 

学位要求 | Degree Requirement

It is expected that candidates will already have completed postgraduate taught courses in the form of a taught Masters degree (an MA, MSc or LLM, for example) and obtained good results before starting a PhD programme.

毕业要求 | Dissertation

100,000 for the PhD



History of Art-PhD

主要研究领域 | Main Research Areas



Spanish Renaissance sculpture


Netherlandish artists and migration


Gardens and empire in China


Victorian art and science


American fashion photography

申请材料 | Supporting Documents


English Language Test


Supervisor Contact


Research Proposal Title


Research Proposal Summary – 300 words (including which member of faculty you wish to ask to be your supervisor and why)


Curriculum Vitae

其他申请信息 | Application Information

项目开始 | Status

Full-time or part-time


项目长度 | Duration

Full-time: 3 years

Part-time: 6 years


申请时间 | Deadline

Applications for 2021/22 entry will open in mid-November


语言成绩要求 | Language Requirement


We accept the following English language proficiency tests:

International English Language Testing System Academic (IELTS Academic / for UKVI) with an overall bandwidth of 7.0 or above, with no less than 6.5 in Reading and Writing (must be taken within 2 years of the start of the program) 


学历要求 | Degree Requirement

Academic Requirements: PhD applicants are expected to have achieved a Master’s degree in a subject relevant to their proposed research(硕士方向和博士申请的研究方向相关). Those with Masters awarded in the UK normally are expected to have received at least 65% overall, with at least 70% in the dissertation or thesis(硕士成绩要求,英国分制65分总分以上,论文成绩至少70分).

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