2019studio15 | The physiognomies 千城千面
- 千城千面 -
The physiognomies
- From / Morphology (形态/类型)
an experimental urban studio
▲ Dense City (Multi-directional):
Building System Variation, in OM Ungers
课程方向 - 建筑、城市、规划专业学生
授课方式 - 线下上海和广州均有
课程时间 - 广州7-8月 上海8-9月(时间会根据学生状况调整)
课程导读 - 需要补充中大尺度项目的同学,提供几个具有特色的场地,思考符合当下语境的城市形态。
- 导师 -
宾夕法尼亚大学 建筑+景观双学位硕士
佐治亚理工 建筑学学士
LIN 建筑事务所创始人
Rac studio 联合创始人
“89+”global artist
“Shanghai Project”Designer
建成作品包括Minde酒店、Moochoos甜品店,Nude Coffee上海体验店、Engery Pantry上海体验店、Luxury House in Boston等。
- 课前准备 -
Preparation before class
Cities and Urban Life -by John J Macionis And vincent N. parrillo
Good City Fom - Kelvin Lynch
www.ocw.mit.edu courses architecture
Rhino / SU adobe suite / VRAY 部分需要 Grasshopper
- studio 背景 -
Studio Background
▍Prologue-1 / 序幕-1
Good City Form
Lynch looks at connections between human values and the physical forms of cities, sets requirements for a normative theory of city form, reviews earlier physical images of what utopian communities might be, sees what is to be learned from hellish images, and helps us place city forms into one or another of three theoretic constructs: cosmic or ceremonial centers, the machine city, and the city as an organism. He tells us at some length how we might evaluate the 'goodness' of cities, speaks to the enduring issues of city size, growth, and conservation, and, having done all this, tells us about what his good city form might look like. The appendixes are a major part of the book, taking well over 100 pages...This is a volume that in short order will be (or at least should be) standard, desired, provocative, influential reading for just about anyone concerned with why cities are the way they are and, more important, with achieving good places for people to live.
凯文林奇 Kelvin Lynch在《good city form》通过人类价值观之间的连接和物理形式的城市,集需求规范城市形式理论,回顾早期的物理图像的乌托邦社区,他详细地告诉我们如何评价城市的“好”,谈到城市规模、增长和保护等长期存在的问题,在做了所有这些之后,他还告诉我们,他的好城市可能是什么样的。
▍Prologue-2 / 序幕-2
Masters’ City theory
Howard < Garden City> 霍华德《田园城市》
Le Corbusier < La Ville Radieuse> 柯布西耶《光辉城市》
Superstuido <Futuropolis > 超级工作室《未来城市:十二座理想城》
Archizoom <Non stop city> Archizoom 《不歇城》
Archigram <plugin city> 电讯派 《插件城市》
O M. Ungers <Green Archipelago city within city> 昂格尔 《绿色群岛(城中城》
Colin Rowes <Collage City>克林罗 《拼贴城市》
Aldo Rossis <analogical City> 阿尔多 罗西 《类比城市》
Stan Allen <Barcelona Manual> 斯坦 艾伦 《巴塞罗那手册 》
Cedric Price <Generator> 塞德里克·普赖斯 《发生器》
Kenzo Tange <Tokyo bay> 丹下健三 《东京湾》
▍Prologue-3 / 序幕-3
City form/City Morphology
Urban morphology, sometimes referred to as the ‘urban fabric' or ‘urban texture’, deals primarily with the particular shape and dimensions of the built environment and with the aggregations and configurations of building types. At this fine scale the configurations of cities directly affect both outdoor and indoor climates and have a direct bearing on embodied and operational energy use (Adolphe, 2001).
Urban form refers to the arrangement of the larger functional units of a city, reflecting both the historical development of the city and its more recent planning history; it is defined by the spatial patterning of industrial, commercial and residential land uses and also by different levels of residential density (Rose, 1967).
城市形态分析概念出现在19世纪末的德国地理学科中出现,并由康泽恩进一步发展和完善,主要从结构(structural)与构成(composition)的角度去分析城市形态 ,以及城市肌理各部分在变化过程中与不同尺度的协调,关注分析(analytical)与概念性(conceptual)而非单纯的描述(narrative)研究城市和解答城市如何建造的。
- studio 目的 -
Studio Aim
▲ Archizoom non stop city 1969
▲ INTERSECTION FIELDS I: Archizoom vs P.V. Aureli
▲ Bernard Tschumi The Manhattan Transcripts
▲ Wall City, credit Anton Tonchev
▲ Credit Price ATOM / 来自 公众号 阿克邦
▲ Analogical City
- studio 大纲 -
Studio Leading Principles
▍Phase 01
Research and analysis 调研与研究
Part 01:基本形式的研究,要求学生从给到的城市理论寻找一种自己感兴趣的形式作为研究的开端,可以从历史性、功能性、社会结构、人口行为、地位等属性做研究。
Part 02:经典案例的研究,从Howard <Garden City> Le Corbusier <La Ville Radieuse > Superstuido <Futuropolis> Archizoom <Non stop city >Archigram < plugin city> O m. Ungers <Green Archipelago city within city> Colin Rowes< Collage City> <Analogical City> Aldo Rossis Stan Allen <Barcelona Manual> Cedric Price< Generator> Kenzo Tange <Tokyo bay> 等案例分析对某些具体的基本形式做的解读与创作。
▲ Credit from RAC学员
▲ Credit from RAC学员
▍Phase 02
Concept and design 概念与设计
Part 01:慨念的提出,要求学生从给定的几组场地里挑选自己心仪的场地,做场地分析。
Part 02:设计的开始,根据之前的分析,以及自己对场地的理解,提出设计概念。
▲ Credit from RAC学员
▲ Credit from RAC学员
▍Phase 03
Design development 深化设计
▲ Credit from RAC学员
▍Phase 04
Presentation and representation 出图表达
▲ Credit from lufenghao, yichen
- studio 成果 -
Studio Achievement
翔实的groundfloor plan,结构、配景、家具、流线、铺装
翔实的 section cut ,空间关系、结构关系、场景层次、空间氛围
- studio 授课及报名 -
Studio Teaching and Registration
开课暂定为 广州 7-8月 上海 8-9月,具体开课时间另行通知
线下/线上形式 上海/广州均有
内部学员按 studio 报名流程(教务发布课程,小程序报名)
人物 | 从哈佛到模袋,他说,选择比努力更重要
上海建筑景观地图 | 建筑篇