一本好书 | 经典著作,建筑入门必须收藏的理论书《morden architecture since 1900》
《morden architecture since 1900》
作者: William J R Curtis
出版社: Phaidon Press
This work on 20th-century architecture combines a clear general outline with analysis and interpretation of particular buildings. While technical, economic, social and intellectual developments are fully treated, the final emphasis is on individuals and on the qualities that give buildings their lasting value.This book sets the Modern tradition in perspective, relating it to earlier traditions, and analyzing its richness and complexity.
SOURCE:《morden architecture since 1900》
柯蒂斯活跃于包括“第三世界”在内的诸多国家的批判性讨论,他的著作被翻译成多种语言。1987年.《芝加哥论坛报》(Cbicago Trrbune)的保罗·盖普( Paul Gapp)形容柯蒂斯为“英文作者中最好的建筑历史学家”。
There are deep moral/practical reasons for our search which give form to our work: with the form we create we can adjust to the laws of matter with all reverence, forming a dialogue with reality and its mysteries in essential communion ... For architecture to be truly constructed, the materials must be used with profound respect for their essence and possibilities; only thus can 'cosmic economy' be achieved ... in agreement with the profound order of the world; only then can we have the authority that so astounds us in the great works of past.
SOURCE:《morden architecture since 1900》
《morden architecture since 1900》现在已经成为关于20世纪建筑的标杆性著作。它在视野上具有真正的全球性,并把现代建筑传统的总体发展历程和对建筑个案的精湛分析与解读,在论述中完美地融合在一起。作者采用一种整体的方式,融合了实践、美学和社会等多个维度——但是其重点仍然是在艺术的形式与象征层面。这本处理的是如何以建筑学的方式来对理念进行表达。
SOURCE:《morden architecture since 1900》
• 真正全球化的视野
——斯坦尼斯劳斯·凡·慕斯( Stanislaus Von Moos),《艺术杂志》
——彼得·塞任伊( Peter Serenyi),《建筑历史学家协会杂志》
SOURCE:《morden architecture since 1900》
This is the best survey/textbook level treatment of any subject that I have ever seen. Curtis strikes a great balance between writing a good general survey and having a strong point of view....The truly global coverage, the choice of illustrations, the connections drawn across works and eras, it’s just ridiculously good and far better than anything else available. Curtis has more than encyclopedic knowledge; he “gets” architecture. He doesn’t seem able to write anything pedestrian or uninteresting.
——DR 亚马逊书评
SOURCE:《morden architecture since 1900》
• 对建筑历史敏锐的洞察力
SOURCE:《morden architecture since 1900》
SOURCE:《morden architecture since 1900》