
2021经验谈【57】 | 计划+行动,打败焦虑斩获顶尖藤校GSD/Cornell/UVA/CMUoffer

点击关注☞ RAC设计课堂 2022-04-21
Melody Zhao
本科:弗吉尼亚理工 Virginia Tech,景观建筑

2020 Virginia ASLA General Design-Student Commendation
2020 ASLA Excellence in Landscape Architecture Studies Certificate of Honor Award
2020 Stanley Abott Award-Best Undergraduate Thesis
2019 上海静态空间展览
2017-2020 Virginia Tech Dean’s List

康奈尔Cornell MLA II
弗吉尼亚大学UVA MLA II
卡耐基梅隆大学 CMU MUD(Urban Design)

 OFFER 展示 






文书肯定是要和作品集相辅相成的,根据我的作品集项目大部分都是生态大规划项目+项目背后探索的social & cultural issues。我非常直白的讲述了自己是如何从VT 的教育体系走进生态修复领域的学习研究,到我对于自己毕设wasteland如何思考的,以及背后的post-industrial culture和周边居民的联系,到最后的我如何想在申请的学校里继续我的生态修复研究,和自己以后的职业规划。

“Ecological design is a process aimed at both involving nature in the system and making nature visible…The landfill constituted a distinct kind of landscape: wild, bald, and redundant. It can thrive with the past, fade with the present, and revitalize the future by integrating novel ecological remediation…livable marsh habitat's paradoxical beauty contrasted with the deserted,abandoned landfill with imaginable possibilities.”

2018-2019: 在RAC补习生态知识,优化设计逻辑和软件练习,并且开始找课题做和确定毕设方向。
2019-2020.5: 做一年毕设,写thesis,刷GPA,冲刺校内最佳毕设奖和州内奖,并拿到ASLA Study Honor Award.
2020.5-2020.12: 开始工作,拿到老板和Project Manager的强力推荐信,复盘重做从前全部项目,写文书+修改N遍,和教授一起讨论确定要报的学校和方向。

找工作的话,一定要做好plan A和plan B,因为可能拿不到dream offer。 我当时找工作的时候,正处于美国疫情最严重的时期,很多公司都裁员了,很少公司在招人。所以对于能够留美工作的不确定性,我也很积极地投了国内很多公司。期间我找了沈小年老师和学校career center 的advisor反复打磨简历和作品集很多很多遍,并且找朋友们帮我看和留意各处工作信息。功夫不负有心人,最终在美国拿到几个offer,也很快入职了。很幸运的没有浪费额外精力和时间,并迅速投入到考研准备里。




ISSUU,神网 Pinterest,ASLA 和 Sasaki。



设计者:Melody Zhao
指导老师:Brian Katen/季弘斐
项目解读:From Grave to Cradle -Transforming the Wasteland into a Living Mechanism
The site, the Keegan landfill, is located in Meadowlands, which is known for being the site of notable burials and decades of environmental abuse. The landfill is adjacent to the Kearny Marsh and a wilderness of industrial blocks. Thus, the landfill and industrial areas are both pollution resources for the marsh and neighborhoods. The thesis redefines the landfill’s identity innovatively to transform the wasteland into a living mechanism by constructing several wetlands as filters to rehabilitate a diverse ecosystem between human activities and wildlife habitats and serve as a valuable teaching model for sustainable townscape transformations.
The design proposes three systems to solve individually but have mutual effects and reciprocal actions to lead the revitalization with new wildlife habitats and an ecological park responding to community activities. The first one, located near the western side of the industrial area, would treat the nearby industrial runoff contaminants. The second one, a terraced wetland, would function as a resilient infrastructure to collect the overflow under extreme weather. The final one would be integrated into a regenerative system near the wastewater treatment facility is to safely manage runoff from the whole site to prevent overflow pollution from reaching the marsh. There will be various programs of thematic experiences among visitors, such as discovering, learning, and reflecting will be the final destination to allow people to meander in the marsh to observe and reflect.

设计者:Melody Zhao
项目解读:The Inclusive Park
As the article Urban Design & Social Justice: A Foundation has written, "We believe that urban design can be used for the common good, and that good design should be an essential part of the toolkit for social justice."
The site I choose to explore this topic further is near Delaware River, Philadelphia. It was one of the earliest immigrant ports along the East Coast, but a vacant industrial heritage on the riverbank now. In the 1950s, the construction of the I-95 Highway broke the connection between communities and the Delaware River, accelerated the isolation of poor neighborhoods, such as ethnic enclaves and communities of color. After the shipyard firm and coal power plants closed, the site became a dead waterfront. Although it is only a 10-minute drive from downtown and has a rich history and culture, no one wants to come here anymore except for the Instagram Graffiti Pier.
 My revitalization plan aims to take advantage of the site's unique industrial heritage, reconnect the waterfront and communities, unify pieces into a holistic urban development, celebrate the cultural diversity and create a sense of identity and belonging for local communities. 

♯ 感谢 

也感谢朋友家人们一路的鼓舞和陪伴,love u all!

♯ 导师寄语

季弘斐哈佛大学RAC Studio创始人/城市&景观主管老师
师从于国际风景园林大师玛莎施瓦茨和国际景观生态学大师理查德福曼。毕业后在荷兰祖母级景观公司Bureau B+B工作,师从极简主义大师Micheal van Gessel。教学经验累计七年。累积教授学生超过200人,覆盖高中至博士各个阶段。超过80人录取藤校,UCL,TUD等顶级名校。辅导同学获得ASLA,WLA, LA先锋奖等奖项。辅导同学作品参加2020北京国际设计周,2019巴塞罗那设计周,2018威尼斯双年展等。他的设计包括:上海新天地"设计上海"主题装置、上海进博会西虹桥01-05,11-01,14-01市政绿地地块、上海嘉定交通园区设计、固县原市政府公园改建、上海农商银行总部、RAC屋顶花园等。
寄语:Melody是一个对设计很执着的人,也确实看到她在做作品集的时间里面成长了很多。表达上面风格我也很欣赏她。我记得在带她的时候她凭借直觉找来一个pattern。随着项目深入慢慢这个pattern落实成了整个项目。这样的感性我觉得是每个景观设计师所需要的。二维到三维,三维到二维。希望她记住这份能力,在这个行业里面闯出一片天地!— 留学相关 —
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