
RIBAxBUAB 丨论坛精彩回顾-城市更新的信息脊梁:BIM与老建筑重生

RIBA 2022-05-21

The following article is from 北京城市建筑双年展 Author BUAB


The Backbone of Urban Renewal: BIM and Adaptive Reuse online forum organized by the Beijing Institute of Architectural Design was held on September 30. Bringing together six internationally renowned architectural practices overfour different time zones, presented to the audience nine distinct architectural projects by eleven core BIM and design professionals, curated and hosted by two architects, one based in New York, one based in Beijing, academic supported by RIBA, this 3 hours longhighly condensed international panel discussion brought 1101 international online participants to investigate the relationship between BIM and adaptive reuse projects.


Architecture is the carrier of our daily activity. Ones' urban experience often takes a particular building, street, city block, or public space as the backdrop. As nodes of daily social lives, they defined our relationship with a city from dimensions of both space and time. Spatial experience and life memories form such a holistic entity, to the point that when a specific building is demolished, one might still point to the void in space to recall different moments in time, tracing back to their life moments. With the rapid urban development, countless old buildings are demolished or have their sides combined and redeveloped. The physical mark of a generation’s memory dissipates. 


Looking across global architecture practices, some highly creative offices have created or currently creating great architectural delights in the preservation and adaptive reuse projects. While preserving the urban memories of the previous generations, they also produce completely new sceneries for the younger population. Balancing between the existing urban fabric and program layouts that have are outdated with socio-economic development. The more established an office, and the larger the scale of their practice, the greater their understanding, and the more advanced their implementation of digital technology would be. 


Beijing has entered a new era. The new master plan focused on controlling of the population, and put forward the decremental development strategy for urban and rural construction land, It’s to achieve the transformation from expansion in quantity to a leap forward in quality. Issues in preservation and urban renewal become topical for many practices. 


However, the fourth dimension, time, and the often unknown as-built information impose the labyrinthine layers of complexity for practitioners. Technologies are essential to empower architects to realize their visions in reinvigorating and transfiguring historic buildings for new lives. Among these technologies, Building Information Modeling (BIM) and associated technologies have become the irreplaceable tool for collaboration and execution for contemporary practice.


It's needless to mention that a substantial amount of carbon saving and the preservation of the intangible sociocultural assets can be achieved by effectively and efficiently adapting the existing structure for the new uses. We believe the application of BIM and associated technologies are key to achieving this.


This online panel discussions showcase a series of exemplary architectural projects that implement innovative digital methods to envision the future of historical buildings. Regarding implementation of technology, we expand our conversation towards the value of adaptive reuse and preservation, the division of labor in contemporary practice, and the culture of collaborations. 


Grace 计佳怡(RIBA 中国区 视觉与新媒体负责人),
Steven Chou 周士甯(北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司,副主任建筑师),
Sunny Li 李啸(SOM BIM经理),
Dr. Georgios Kapogiannis (广联达科技股份有限公司 Glodon Company Limited,Head of Thought Leadership 领导力思维负责人)
Marla Gayle (纽约SOM建筑事务所合伙人),
Joyce Ignacio (纽约SOM 建筑事务所资深建筑师),
Antonio Duran Bautista (BIM经理与主持建筑师),
Mikael Sydor (加拿大ERA建筑事务所项目经理)
Alfonso Monedero (Heatherwick studio, BIM负责人),
Dev Mehta (加拿大BDP Quadrangle Architects 合伙人), 
Nicholas Dabideen (加拿大BDP Quadrangle Architects BIM与设计技术经理),
Mathew Suriano (加拿大BDP Quadrangle Architects 中级建筑师)

Curatorial Executive Summary

本论坛策划之初,我们有意的去寻找BIM技术在城市中老建筑改造再利用项目中起到关键作用的案例。参与讨论的嘉宾都是不同事务所中BIM设计的核心成员,也在一定程度上强化了我们对于BIM 技术重要性的论述。我们意识到,随着现代建筑实践中专业分工越来越明确,BIM工程师也逐步成为了更加专业化和不可替代的角色。可以说,这几位BIM 工程师是他们事务所的核心骨干,是他们高端项目实践的脊梁。
We begin curating this international panel with the idea that BIM technology is critical to projects in the areas of urban renewal and adaptive reuse. It is a fair assumption based on the fact that the guest speakers are primarily BIM leaders of different offices. We were very much aware that BIM practitioners have become highly professionalized. They play an irreplaceable role in an increasingly diversified modern architecture practice with a strong division of labor. It would be fair to call them one of the backbones for the projects in the areas mentioned above.

After seeing the six highly diverse and professional presentation that mediates between design problems and technicalities, the curators revisited the title of this panel The Backbone of Urban Renewal —— BIM andAdaptive Reuse, we have the following three observations, if not conclusions to the commonality among the six practices. Within the context of this panel, we shall call them the three backbones:

1) Solid technical platform: formed by a team with BIM managers who came from an architectural background, with expertise incomputation.

2) Culture of Collaboration: to solve multitude layers of problems. Strong feedback loop and excellent communication and coordination. Critical to Adaptive Reuse.

3) Flexibility among the Apparatus/methodologies: using the best tool to solve the right problem. Analog and digital integrations.Communication and meeting logs, blueprints, digital prints, conventional 2D& 3D sketches, clash detection software, 3D scanning etc are choreographed in harmony at its excellence and extreme form.


纽约SOM 建筑事务所
Moynihan Train Hall

Marla Gayle
合伙人/Principal, Transportation Practice

Joyce Ignacio
资深建筑师/Senior Architectural Professional II

SOM 建筑事务所回顾了宾夕法尼亚车站的历史,以新的玻璃拱顶将James A. Farley 邮局改造成交通枢纽,向老车站过去的辉煌致敬。结合现代技术与布扎美学,让历史建筑遗产获得重生。

In its design for Moynihan Train Hall, SOM paid tribute to the past glory of Pennsylvania Station by transforming the James A. Farley Post Office into a transit hub with a grand skylight. The project revitalized the heritage building by melding Beaux Arts aesthetics with modern technology. 

建筑剖面效果© Empire State Development, Image courtesy of SOM | Public Square

加拿大BDP Quadrangle Architects
Yonge Sheppard Centre, Bata Shoe Factory

Dev Mehta, OAA

Nicholas Dabideen
BIm与设计技术经理/Associate, BIM/Design Technology Manager

Matthew Suriano, OAA
中级建筑师/Intermediate Architect

Yonge and Sheppard Center 改造前效果图

Yonge and Sheppard Center 改造后效果图

位于加拿大多伦多的Quadrangle Architects为我们带来了两个在规模上相当不同,但是随着社会发展,在功能上都需要进行一定程度改变的项目。通过系统性的设计和改造,两座建筑都在新的社会经济需求下得到了重生。
BDP Quadrangle Architects from Toronto had brought us two very differentprojects in scale, but both with outdated programs that had to go through a certain degree of complex program shifts and design upgrades for adapting to the new socio-economic context.

第一个项目是多伦多最早的大规模混合开发项目。Yonge 和 Sheppard 中心同时也是多伦多两条地铁的换乘枢纽。该地点非常适商场和住宅开发,在功能上并没有太大的改变。但是原设计昏暗的室内环境,过气了的空间组织模式,脱离街道的设计和与周边城市邻里的疏离,都是需要解决的问题。
As one of the earliest large scale urban mixed-used development in the city, Yonge and Sheppard Center was also a major transportation hub for two subway lines. With development, the Center has a series of problems. This prime location is excellent for retail mall and residential usage, but the existing space is dark, outdated, inaccessible from the street, and very detached from the community at large.

The BATA shoe factory was an industrial building transformed into a residential tower. Its program completely changed. Transforming the old industrial town into a new model for sustainable rural development 

BATA SHOE FACTORY 改造前照片、方案草图、BIM模型渲染效果



加拿大ERA Architects
Univeristy of Alberta Medical Building , Ken Soble Social housing

Mikael Sydor
项目经理/Project Manager

ERA 建筑事务所是加拿大在老建筑改造领域最权威的建筑事务所之一。他们带来的两个案例从完全不同的维度拓展了我们对老建筑改造和城市更新的理解。
ERA Architects is the leading Canadian firm for adaptive reuse projects. The two projects presented showed two distinct possibilities in the issue of adaptive reuse, expanding our understanding of the subject matter, if not a paradigm shift.

加拿大Alberta 大学医学大楼在原有历史建筑的基础上扩建了新的大楼,创造了新与旧的对比和对话。具有独一无二的特点。而Ken Soble 社会住宅背后所带来的议题,是关于加拿大更大范围公共住宅所共有的问题。这两个项目从历史保护到城市更新,从特定单一历史建筑拓展至为更广泛的社会群体服务(或者说更大的市场),为我们展现了同一个议题下不同的城市面貌。前者的阐述更多在于不同技术手段的运用,而后者展现了更加细致的设计问题——建筑保温。
The University of Alberta Medical Building adapts the old heritage building and build a new facility in conjunction with the old, while the Ken Soble Socialhousing project is very much at the heart of the idea of urban renewal for the greater public. The two projects shift from preservation to renewal, expanding their scope of work from restoring specific heritage buildings to designing for the greater public (or greater shares of the market). While the former presented a thorough grasp of the different technological tools, the latter presented the design challenge in a more granular level – building performance. 

University of Alberta 医学大楼

University of Alberta 医学大楼 – 老建筑3D扫描

University of Alberta 医学大楼 – 历史建筑图纸

University of Alberta 医学大楼 – 新老建筑融合BIM 模型

Ken Soble 社会住宅

Ken Soble 社会住宅保温改造

Ken Soble 社会住宅 – 全加拿大住宅情况

广联达科技股份有限公司 Glodon Company Limited

Dr. Georgios Kapogiannis
领导力思维负责人/Head of Thought Leadership

Dr. Kapogiannis的分享强调了两点内容。一方面是BIM 建筑信息模型。另一方面是对人们认知层次的探究。
The presentation emphasized two points: one is BIM, buildinginformation modeling, and the other is the hierarchy of human study.

The key point of the company is the capacity to provide a wide variety of services by utilizing different technologies besides building information modeling. While disucssing about BIM, not only the software shall be considered, but also shall we be mindful of the way of thinking. People need to be given access to data at the right time for better decisions to be made. Digital building platform that incorporates BIM empowers us to change the relationship between upstream and downstream of the industry chain to bring the manufacturing sector and design together.

西班牙Batille i Roig 建筑事务所
MSF headquarters, Ctra Prat Headquarters

Antonio Duran Bautista
BIM 经理&主持建筑师 / BIM Manager & Principal Architect

作为一家在建筑、景观和规划领域都有大量项目积累的事务所,Batille i Roig所有的建筑项目都是在BIM系统中完成的。事务所有独立的BIM 部门。该部门不仅仅作为设计人员的技术支持,同时也是将建筑产品信息、建筑规范、建筑模板、操作说明、内部材料库、数据互动和设计支援的综合性平台。
As an office with a great portfolio of multi-disciplinary works, combining planning, landscape and architecture, all architecture projects in Batlle i Roig are done in BIM thanks to its specialized office department. Not only serving as technical support to the members of its own office, BIM Management department also serves as a platform integrating the following elements: building product information, building standards, templates and manuals creation, internal and external libraries management, data interaction; and aided design. 

The two projects presented are rather similar in building type and form. What is unique in this presentation is the project phasing and the multiple models, each to manage a specific construction problem: from current state model without point cloud verification, from structure analysis and demolition works model with different phase embedded to partial and total demolition model, and a final construction design model; showing a clear phasing strategy in relation to the BIM models and to the industrialization process.

Heatherwick Studio 海德维克建筑事务所
Coal Drops Yard, Zeitz MOCAA, Savarin 

Alfonso Monedero
BIM 负责人 / Head of BIM, Associate

海德维克工作室为我们带来了三个极具标志性的建筑改造案例。位于伦敦的Coal Drops Yard 与位于捷克的Savarin项目在BIM技术运用上更加深入,而位于南非开普敦的Zeitz Mocaa相对较少。对于观众来说最大视觉和智慧盛宴可能来自于工作室所展现的多重的设计方法和对设计工具的精湛应用。回归本源的手绘分析图与细部大样被用于与不同专业沟通,探索施工步骤。而这些老办法似乎与新的数字技术相辅相成。从概念到施工的全过程中都运用了大量不同尺度的模型来沟通想法和工艺。
Heatherwick studio has brought to us three highly recognizable projects. While Coal Drops Yard and Savarin are heavily done in BIM, Zeitz Mocaa are less so. To our greatest intellectural and visual delight is the presentation on the multiplicity of design methods and tools implemented in their design process. Old fashioned hand sketched diagrams and construction details to communicate design ideas and construction sequence seem to be playing equal importance as digital modeling, not to mention the heavy use of physical model in both conceptual development/form finding and communication with contractors.

Coal Drops Yard 室内效果图

Coal Drops Yard 室外效果图

Coal Drops Yard 历史建筑3D扫描

Coal Drops Yard 屋顶细部设计

Coal Drops Yard 结构模型

Coal Drops Yard 屋顶细部模型

Zeitz Mocca 中庭施工工艺展示


策划人介绍 / Curator Backgrounds

Sunny Li 李啸在纽约SOM建筑事务所任职。作为BIM经理参与了在纽约市内包括Moynihan Train Hall在内的多期宾夕法尼亚火车站升级改造工程,Waldorf Astoria改造工程, 以及在欧洲的旧改和城市更新项目,如曼切斯特的St. Michael’s和米兰科尔蒂纳奥运

Sunny Li is co-leading the regional BIM efforts at SOM New York. In the capacity as BIM Manager, Sunny participated in numerous adaptive reuse and restoration projects, including Moynihan Train Hall and the associated critical improvements at Penn Station, and Waldorf Astoria Renovation in New York City. And recently, he is working on St. Michael’s Tower in Manchester and Milano Cortina Winter Olympic village with SOM London.

Steven Chou 周士甯,英国皇家特许注册建筑师,在北京市建筑设计研究院有限公司任副主任建筑师。曾经在纽约ENNEAD事务所参与美东最老的博物馆Peabody Essex 改造,以及纽约大学Langone 医疗中心的改造

Steven Shih Ning Chou, RIBA Chartered Architect, works at Beijing Institute of Architectural Design as a Deputy Chief Architect. He has contributed to Peabody Essex project and NYU Langone Medical Center Renovation project during his tenure at ENNEAD in New York.

两位策划/主持人都曾经在加拿大多伦多大学求学。期间调研了多伦多大量建筑改造、扩建和 “城市填充UrbanInfill“ 的经典项目案例。其中包含了Daniel Libeskind 改造的 Royal Ontario Musuem皇家安大略省博物馆。Frank Gehry 改造的 Art Gallery of Ontario 安大略省美术馆。英国建筑师 Wil Alsop 扩建的OCAD 安大略省艺术设计学院。ArchitectsAlliance Behnisch Architekten 设计的Donelly CCBR Center for Cellular and BiomolecularResearch 细胞和分子生物学研究的中心。英国福斯特事务所设计的Leslie L. Dan Pharmacy Building等。两人持续关注和研究各种大型城市重点建筑项目和城市更新项目,并且投入到这类项目的实践之中。

The two gentlemen met each other while studying at the University ofToronto, where they were surrounded by a collection of exemplary projects in adaptive reuse and urban infill. The list includes the iconic Royal Ontario Museum developed by Daniel Liberskin, Art Gallery of Ontario by Frank Gehry, the expansion for OCAD by Will Alsop, Donelly CCBR Center for Cellular and Biomolecular Research by Behnisch Architekten, and Leslie L. Dan Pharmacy Building by Foster and Partners. The duo has been keen on studying the impactful large-scale projects along the line of urban renewal. They have dedicated their careers to the practice and realization of the projects alike.



About RIBA:

Founded in 1834, RIBA (Royal Institute of British Architects) has a history of 187 years. In 1837, RIBA was awarded the Royal gold medal. In 1848, RIBA was given the royal title by Queen Victoria. Currently, RIBA has 50,000 members and architectural communities in 150 countries around the world. RIBA has always adhered to the mission of promoting the development of the world construction industry.  In January 2020, RIBA established the WFOE in China and started its work in an all-round way to promote the internationalization and high-level development of the Chinese construction industry and practitioners, and praise Chinese architects and outstanding architectures on the world stage.





