【WIPO|B&R】First Day in study at SICIP
9月20日,上海国际知识产权学院WIPO项目、一带一路项目第一堂课在我校综合楼1005开讲。由同济大学教授李明德(中国社会科学院研究生院博士生导师;中国知识产权法学研究生会常务副会长,国家知识产权专家咨询委员会委员),世界知识产权组织官员Martha CHIKOWORE 担任授课老师。
September 20th, 2017, students of the two international programs (WIPO-Tongji MIP in Design and B&R MIP) has their first day in study at SICIP. Prof. Dr. LI Mingde (Ph.D Tutor of Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Social Science, Executive Vice President of China Intellectual Property Law Association, Member of the National Advisory Committee on Intellectual Property Rights) and Ms. Martha Chikowore (Training Officer of WIPO Academy) gave the courses and lectures to the students.
Prof. Dr. Li listed many practical skills in IP Information Retrieval, including the aim and contents of MIP of Tongji; Research in WIPO and WTO; Research in EU; Research in China etc.
Martha CHIKOWRE女士讲授世界知识产权组织的管理条约和开展的活动。她在讲解TOBLERONE的知识产权案例时, 寓教于乐,向同学们发放外观专利设计糖果并邀请WIPO项目、一带一路项目的同学到世界知识产权组织举办的暑期学校分享在上海的学习经历。
Ms. Martha Chikowore enlightened the students of the history and development of WIPO. When mentioned in the case of TOBLERONE Chocolate as a patented design product, she shared this brand of chocolate to the students and invited students to share the learning experience in Shanghai with a summer school organized by WIPO.
In the afternoon, students have the Orientation for the curriculum and class meeting, which made students clear for the courses and know each other via self-introduction.
文案 | 马克婷
校稿 | 孔维佳
责编 | 杨新