
【TIO 太和观察家】Selected Remarks at the 7th Taihe Civilizations Forum

太和智库 太和智库


On Times We Focus

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This special issue of the TI Observer (TIO) presents highlights from eminent minds at the 7th Taihe Civilizations Forum and its theme of "Science Culture · Future Ethics · Common Values." Issues explored include cultural exchanges, the digital economy, Central Asia, international relations, and talent integration.

Within this collection are contributions from groundbreaking researchers, thought-provoking intellectuals, and inspiring storytellers that shed light on key issues facing China and the world. We hope this collection serves as testament to a collective global commitment to building a more inclusive, empathetic, and prosperous world.

2023年7月至10月,第七届太和文明论坛在泉州、太原、阿斯塔纳、北京、香港五地成功举办。本期《太和观察家》(TI Observer)太和文明论坛特刊整理汇编本届论坛中的精彩发言与深刻洞见,聚焦“科学文化,未来伦理,共同价值”主题,共同探讨人文交流、经济科技、中国-中亚合作、国际关系、人才融合等领域中的时代性重要议题。


太和智库线上英文刊物《太和观察家》(TI Observer)致力于促进中外沟通交流,弥合 “理解鸿沟”。

TI Observer (TIO) is an online monthly English publication produced by Taihe Institute. TIO is dedicated to promoting transnational interaction and mutual understanding, thus bridging the gap of misunderstanding and bringing China and the world closer to each other.

TIO本期作者 (Sorted by Last Name) 

Siyabonga Cyprian Cwele

Ambassador of the Republic of South Africa to China

Ding Yifan

Senior Fellow of Taihe Institute,

Former Permanent Vice-Director of World Development Institute of Development Research Center of the State Council

Marcos Galvão

Ambassador of the Federative Republic of Brazil to China

Gu Boping

Chief Cultural Scholar of Taihe Institute,

Member of the 12th CPPCC National Committee and Vice-Chairman of the Social and Legal Affairs Committee of the CPPCC (2013-2015)

Moin ul Haque

Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to China

Shahbaz Khan

Director of UNESCO Multisectoral Regional Office for East Asia and Rep to China, DPRK, Japan, Mongolia and Republic of Korea

Vladimir Norov

Distinguished Fellow of Taihe Institute,

Secretary-General of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (2019-2021),

Foreign Minister of Uzbekistan (2006-2010, 2022)

Ong Tee Keat

Senior Fellow of Taihe Institute,

President of the BRI Caucus for Asia Pacific

Qian Feng

Senior Fellow of Taihe Institute,

Researcher of National Strategy Institute of Tsinghua University

Erik Solheim

Co-Chair of BRI Green Development Institute,

UN Under-Secretary-General and UNEP Executive Director (2016-2018)

Einar Tangen

Senior Fellow of Taihe Institute,

Founder and Chairman of Asia Narratives

Xiaojun Grace Wang

Trust Fund Director of United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation

Wu Hailong

President of China Public Diplomacy Association

Yang Xin

Secretary General, Institute of Hong Kong and Macao Affairs of the Development Research Center of the State Council




【TIO 太和观察家】China's Global Initiatives for a Multipolar World

【TIO 太和观察家】G7 and China-Central Asia Summits Under Scrutiny

【TIO 太和观察家】Currency Multipolarity, and the Longue Durée

【TIO 太和观察家】De-Dollarization‍, Beginning ‍of the End?

【TIO 太和观察家】Imperatives of a Multicurrency Int'l Monetary System







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