
Lab D+H实践|麓阶:峡谷中的独木舟码头 Luxel Step:A Canoe Dock in Canyon

Lab D+H LabDH 2022-01-13

地点 :成都,中国 







Location: Chengdu,China

Client: Wide Horizon Group

Area: 1,000 m2

Lead Designers: Zhongwei Li, Nan Lin

Team: Yijia Zhu, Jian Zhou, Zongjie Liang, Jiaqian Zhang, Xi Cao,Xu Lian

Photographer: Bing Lu

Built Time:2018.6-2019.8

△ 麓阶的独木舟活动

△ 麓阶深秋高草平台

缘起| Preface

麓阶是整个麓湖独木舟航道的起点,由Lab D+H负责设计。该项目的独特之处在于场地的公共空间条件极为复杂,他的左侧是居住区,右侧是游艇会。场地的一端连接着道路,另一端则是独木舟的启航点,两个界面相差近12米高,而面积却只有1, 000平米不到。因此,这两者的场地冲突发生在一个方寸之间。在我们介入场地设计之前,客户对于场地的想象仍然停留在使用连桥和绿化带来缓解场地冲突的阶段。为了能够让独木舟顺利的到达岸边,并且流畅的连接各个景观节点,我们引入了独木舟坡道的概念。除此之外,景观设计师也需要通过精确的场地测量,设计出不同坡度的坡道,为人们提供流畅的活动流线。

Lab D+H proposed the waterfront landscapedesign of Luxel Lake, the departure point of the canoe bay. This site hasseveral unique features, which challenged the space design. The site wassurrounded by residential areas on the left and the yacht club on the right. Itwas a connection between public roads and the departure point of the Luxel Lakecanoe bay. There was about a 12-meter elevation difference between the two interfaceswithin 1,000 square meters. Therefore, layout conflict occurred on this site. Initially,the client planned to solve this conflict by connecting the two interfaces withbridges and greenery. We introduced a novel concept of canoe ramps to provide aneffective path for the canoe and to connect the attractions smoothly. Beyondthat, landscape designers further proposed multiple slops in ramp designs toprovide a smooth pedestrian circulation. The design was proposed based oncareful survey and site measurement.

△ 平面图

设计策略| Design Strategy

△ 策略分析图


 To solve the conflict in limited space, we brokethe traditional design and proposed a top-down steps. It is the origin of the name,Luxel step. Through precise measurement of the elevation difference, we inserteda canoe ramp across the steps. This continuous Z-pattern allowed the canoe todescend and ascend along the slope without affecting the pedestrian. The end ofthe ramp was connected to the departure site of the canoes directly.

△ 麓阶秋景

△ 麓阶秋季鸟瞰

△ 麓阶夏季鸟瞰

△ 麓阶夏季鸟瞰

△ 麓阶夏季鸟瞰

△ 麓阶夏季鸟瞰


Meanwhile, landscape design defined twodistinct community functions effectively. In the residential area, we utilizeda large scale of greening to create a tranquil rest area for theresidents. In the leisure entertainment area, we formed an open and comfortablepublic space using the patchwork arrangement of plants. Mountain saplings werereplanted into the site to build a natural pattern, in which the step was a valleysurrounding by mountains. Functional buildings were located below the slope.Therefore, the 1,000 square meters green space became an infrastructure thatcarried urban functions through the efforts of the landscape.

△ 施工过程

 △ 施工过程

 △ 麓阶夏季独木舟下水

 △ 麓阶夏季独木舟下水

 △ 麓阶秋景

△ 麓阶秋景

 △ 麓阶秋景

结论| Conclusion


The smooth Z-shaped ramp and greenery maximizedthe communication in the limited space of the Luxel Lake site. Beyond an urbanpublic landscape, it also created commercial space to enrich residents'activities. In this project, our design achieved an optimized balance between thefunction of urban infrastructure and its diversity.

△ 细节照片

△ 细节照片

 △ 麓阶秋景

 △ 麓阶夏景

 △ 麓阶夏景

 △ 麓阶夏景

 △ 麓阶夏景

 △ 麓阶夏景

 △ 麓阶夏景

 △ 麓阶夏景

 △ 麓阶夏景

 △ 麓阶夏景

 △ 麓阶夏景

 △ 细节图

 △ 麓阶夏季鸟瞰

 △ 麓阶夜景

 △ 麓阶秋景

 △ 麓阶秋景

 △ 麓阶秋景

 △ 麓阶细节图

 △ 麓阶细节图

 △ 麓阶细节图

 △ 麓阶细节图

 △ 麓阶秋景

 △ 麓阶秋景

  △ 麓阶鸟瞰


地点 :成都,中国 



主创景观设计师:李中伟 林楠




Location: Chengdu,China

Client: Wide Horizon Group

Area: 1,000 m2

Lead Designers: Zhongwei Li, Nan Lin

Team: Jian Zhou,Yijia Zhu,  Zongjie Liang, Jiaqian Zhang, Xi Cao,Xu Lian

Photographer: Bing Lu

Built Time:2018.6-2019.8


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