
侯峰、王立群、梁骥团队AM论文: “大禹治水,变堵为疏”——通过利用和调控锌枝晶实现超高倍率超长循环锌负极

能源学人 2022-09-24

The following article is from 水系储能 Author 课题组&水系储能





受上述策略和相关预测的启发,作者开发了一种高效的晶面匹配枝晶调节策略,利用Zn(002)/Cu(111)晶面匹配诱导并调控锌枝晶产生和生长,实现了超高充放电速率下可逆的锌电镀/剥离。与传统的Zn枝晶抑制策略相比,在铜纳米线(CuNWs)基底的规则暴露的Cu(111)面上外延沉积形成了大量均匀而微小的Zn枝晶。微小的、大小相似的、均匀分布的Zn枝晶形貌有效抑制了其“自我放大”的生长效应,消除了不规则枝晶的异常长大。受益于该独特枝晶状形貌,对称电池在100.0 mA cm-2的条件下,实现了长达30000圈的高度稳定和快速的电镀/剥离循环,从而获得了30 Ah cm-2的高累积面积容量。此外,外延沉积诱导并调控枝晶生长的策略有希望应用到到其他金属的沉积,如镁和铝负极,具有广泛潜力。

近期,该成果以“An Ultrahigh Rate and Stable Zinc Anode by Facet‐matching‐induced Dendrite Regulation”为题,发表在国际顶级期刊Advanced Materials上。天津师范大学王立群博士、天津大学侯峰副教授和梁骥教授为本文的共同通讯作者,天津大学材料科学与工程学院2019级硕士生易喆涵为第一作者。

Figure 1 Theoretical prediction of Zn dendrite morphology control. (a) The potential field distribution around a large dendrite and many small, homogeneously distributed, and identical dendrites. (b) The schematic of typical dendrite formation modes. Three unfavorable modes: (I) Large, and isolated dendrites; (II) Irregularly distributed dendrites; (III) Dendrites with different sizes; and one favorable mode: (IV) Small, homogeneously distributed, and identical dendrites. (c) The interface structures and interfacial energies of (top) Cu(100)/Zn(002), (middle) Cu(110)/Zn(002), and (bottom) Cu(111)/Zn(002).

Figure 2 The structure and morphology of CuNWs. (a) The schematic of the atom arrangement of a CuNW. (b) The TEM image of a CuNW, (c) the HRTEM image of the twin boundary region of a CuNW, (d) and the HRTEM image of the cross-section of the twin boundary region of a CuNW. The inset in (b) is the SEM image of the cross-section of a CuNW, and the inset in (d) is the TEM image of the top of a CuNW with false color. (e) The HRTEM image and (f) SAED patterns of a CuNW when the electron beam is parallel to one of the side surfaces. (g) the HRTEM image and (h) SAED patterns when the electron beam is perpendicular to one of the side surfaces. (i) The digital photograph and (j) SEM image of a CuNW film. Inset in (j) is the SEM image of the cross-section of the CuNW film.

Figure 3 Characterization of Zn deposited on CuNWs. (a) The SEM image, (b) the TEM image, and (c) the SAED patterns of CuNWs after initial Zn deposition. (d) The schematic of epitaxially deposited Zn on CuNWs. (e) The SEM image of Zn deposited on CuNWs at an areal capacity of 20 mAh cm−2 (Zn@CuNWs). (f) The XRD patterns of CuNWs and Zn@CuNWs. (g) The Zn electrodeposition voltage profiles on CuNWs, and (h) the nucleation overpotential and plateau overpotential of Zn electroplating on CuNWs and Zn foil at the current densities of 1.0, 2.0, and 5.0 mA cm−2.

制备出的Zn@CuNWs电极在循环过程中发生大量枝晶的均匀增大和缩小,不会有枝晶异常长大,刺穿隔膜造成电池短路的情况和伴随的强烈副反应。具有优异的循环性能,在2.5 mA cm-2下可循环2500 h。尤其值得注意的是,由于这种利用枝晶,调节枝晶的独特锌负极稳定化方式,Zn@CuNWs电极具有优异倍率性能,在超高电流密度下仍然保持优异稳定性,在100 mA cm-2下可循环超过30000圈,累积容量达30 Ah cm-2
Figure 4 Cycling performance of Zn@CuNWs anode. The voltage profiles of long-term galvanostatic plating/stripping of Zn@CuNWs//Zn@CuNWs and Zn//Zn symmetric cells (a) at the current density of 1.0 mA cm−2 and areal capacity of 1.0 mAh cm−2 and (b) at the current density of 10.0 mA cm−2 and areal capacity of 1.0 mAh cm−2. The insets in (a) and (b) are the partially enlarged voltage profiles at specific times. The voltage profiles of long-term galvanostatic plating/stripping of Zn@CuNWs//Zn@CuNWs symmetric cells (c) at current densities of 0.5 and 2.5 mA cm−2 and an areal capacity of 0.5 mAh cm−2, and (d) at a large current density of 20.0 mA cm−2 and a large areal capacity of 5.0 mAh cm−2. The insets in (c) and (d) are the partially enlarged voltage profiles at specific times. The surface morphology of Zn@CuNWs anode after (e) 50 cycles and (f) 200 cycles. (g) The XRD patterns of Zn@CuNWs anode after 50, 100, and 200 cycles. (h) The schematic illustration of the surface of Zn@CuNWs anode after cycling. The surface morphology of Zn anode after (i) 50 cycles and (j) 200 cycles. (k) The XRD patterns of Zn anode after 50, 100, and 200 cycles. (l) The schematic illustration of the surface of Zn anode after cycling.
Figure 5 Electrochemical performance of Zn@CuNWs anode at ultrahigh current densities. (a) Plating/stripping voltage profile of Zn//Zn and Zn@CuNWs//Zn@CuNWs symmetric cells at the current density from 1.0 mA cm−2 to 50.0 mA cm−2 and the areal capacity of 1.0 mAh cm−2. Long-term galvanostatic stripping/plating of Zn@CuNWs//Zn@CuNWs symmetric cells at the current density of (b) 50.0 mA cm−2 and (c) 100.0 mA cm−2 with the areal capacity of 1.0 mAh cm−2. (d) The voltage hysteresis comparison at different densities of Zn@CuNWs//Zn@CuNWs symmetric cells with other recent Zn anode research. (e) The comparison of the highest current density, the corresponding lifespan, and the cumulative capacity of Zn metal-based anode in recent ZIBs studies.

此外,Zn(002)/Cu(111)晶面匹配导致的外延沉积表明,外延沉积不需要相同或相似的晶格结构,只需要相似的晶面原子排布。同时,金属大多数为密排六方(HCP),面心立方(FCC)和体心立方(BCC)晶格结构,其密排面的原子排布最小单元为正三角形或正方形。例如,FCC(111) 和HCP(002)最小单元为正三角形,FCC(100)和BCC(100)最小单元为正方形。只要这些最小单元尺寸相近,便很可能具有晶面匹配外延沉积的趋势。因此,外延匹配在负极稳定化应用的范围大大拓宽,具有广泛的应用前景。

Table 1 Potential epitaxial match and corresponding substrates for some anode metals.

总之,通过预测——概念验证的方式,通过诱导枝晶,调控枝晶和抑制枝晶的“自我放大”来实现均匀的金属沉积。首先利用有序暴露的Cu(111)晶面,使得Zn通过与Cu(111)匹配沿Zn(002)方向外延沉积,从而引导均匀一致的Zn枝晶形成。这种有意的枝晶诱导和调控和有效地促进了均匀的锌电镀/剥离,显着降低了过电位,从而延长了锌负极的寿命并提高了倍率性能。因此,Zn@CuNWs 负极可以在 100.0 mA cm-2的超高电流密度下稳定运行超过 30,000 次循环,并且在5 A g-1下循环800次后,全电池容量保持率为 91.4%(~281.9 mAh g-1),远远优于迄今为止报告的值。尽管CuNWs的成本以及大面积Zn负极表面工程的困难限制了现阶段的大规模应用,但这些问题可以通过材料制备和负极改性相关的新技术来解决,例如印刷技术。因此,这种通过晶面匹配来调节枝晶的概念具有很好的推广意义,为各种金属负极的性能改进提供了启示。

Zhehan Yi, Jiaxin Liu, Shandong Tan, Zhiyuan Sang, Jing Mao, Lichang Yin, Xiaoguang Liu, Liqun Wang, Feng Hou, Shi Xue Dou, Hui-Ming Cheng, Ji Liang, An Ultrahigh Rate and Stable Zinc Anode by Facet-Matching-Induced Dendrite Regulation, Advanced Materials, 2022.







【顶刊攻略】锌金属负极电结晶取向调控—— 策略 + 挑战














