
Two-character French Play - Dans La Solitude des Champs de Coton

MORE Team MOREmagazine 2020-10-12

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Presented by Theatre des Halles (France)

  T I M E  

7:30pm, Saturday, December 14th

2:30pm, Sunday, December 15th

  V E N U E  

Arts Center in Westbrook


21 Zijingang Road


  T I C K E T S  

460RMB, 360RMB, 260RMB,160RMB

Contact: 18905813556 for purchasing tickets and more info

(Suitable for 12-year-old and above. Children under 1.2 meters are refused admission, and children over 1.2 meters are required to enter with tickets)

 Long press the QR Code to 

 purchase your ticket 

  D U R A T I O N  

85 minutes, no intermission. 

Latecomers and half-way audiences won't be admitted until a suitable break during the show.

  L A N G U A G E  

French (with Chinese Subtitle)

Dans La Solitude des Champs de Coton (In the Solitude of Cotton Fields) is a two-character play by the French dramatist and writer Bernard-Marie Koltès (1948–1989) in 1985.

⚠️  MORE is giving away four tickets for TWO, scroll to the bottom to see how to get it.

      About the Show     

The show portrays the meeting between two unnamed strangers at an unnamed desolate spot.

The two characters are identified as the Dealer and the Client, engaged in a conversation about desire and searching. A conquering game unveils as it exploits the visceral desire and fear deeply rooted in their hearts. Though it’s clear that the stakes are high, the goods exchanged remain unspecified, which might be desire, imagination, or something unknown. The implicit transaction gradually turns into a confrontation, in other words, a duel that leads to naked antagonism. 

Suspense runs through the whole play. Like Hitchcock’ films, it arouses the curiosity, imagination and speculation of the audience. Moreover, it resembles Beckett’s Waiting for Godot that prompts the audience to think: “what do they really want and what they are looking for”.

DANS LA SOLITUDE DES CHAMPS DE COTON is a production directed by Alain Timár, award-winning artistic director from Theatre des Halles. DANS LA SOLITUDE DES CHAMPS DE COTON is the magnum opus of Bernard Marie Koltès, the most prominent French playwright of the late twentieth century. He was regarded as the heir apparent to the legacy left by Jean Genet and Samuel Beckett. His plays are featured by ‘tension' and the lyricism, notably the classic of contemporary theatre works.




来自阿维尼翁最负盛名的公立剧院奥勒剧院(Theatre des Halles)、由屡获大奖的剧院艺术总监 Alain Timár 亲自执导。《孤寂棉田》 是法国已故天才戏剧大师贝尔纳·玛丽·科尔泰斯(Bernard-Marie Koltès)代表作,他是 20 世纪末法国最耀眼的剧作家明星,被视作热奈再世、贝克特的接班人。其剧作最大的魅力就是“张力”,每一句都是诗,节奏、声韵,堪称世界当代戏剧经典。

      Introduction of Opera      

Theatre des Halles

Theatre des Halles is in Avignon, France with the award-winning Alain Timar as the artistic director. He has created many works and helped the theatre to be one of the most important venues of Festival d’Avignon. Every year, Theatre des Halles will host theatre works from world-class artists and offers a platform for directors, playwrights, and performers. It develops a strong connection between artists and its audiences.

法国奥勒剧院位于法国南部阿维尼翁,艺术总监Alain Timar曾多次获得国际大奖。Alain Timar在不断创作的同时,也将奥勒剧院打造成阿维尼翁戏剧节最重要的“舞台”之一。每年,奥勒剧院都会接纳吸收优秀艺术家的戏剧作品,给予更多有才华的导演、编剧及演员们释放能量的机会。在观众与艺术家之间建立起沟通的桥梁。


“Un grand hanger désffacté, avec une lumière crépusculaire, très cinématographique.”

——La Provence

一个被改造的厂房,配合着昏暗的灯光,这场发生在舞台上的“对战”同样充满了电影色彩 ——《普罗旺斯报》

“Le mot désir, jalonne la pièce, c’est le réacteur, et il n’arrive pas à définir, il reste devant la question du désir. Ça, c’est la miroir de l’humanité.”—— AVINEWS

欲望,是涵盖在这场“对抗”中的关键词。它没有被直接定义,却揭露了人们生活中的许多问题。那些无力实现的欲望, 有时候成了每个人的镜子 ——《AVI 新闻》

“Toute la pièce repose sur les préludes du conflit, souligné par le son de la batterie qui fait sursauter le public et rythme les emportements de ce duo de comédiens, qui fera parler de lui dès ce soir et pour longtemps.” ——Boîte à culture

整部剧以冲突的序幕为基础,以震耳的爵士鼓声来突出这两位演员互相飙戏的节奏感, 这部作品从你观看的这个晚上直到之 后很长一段时间一定会被一直谈论起 ——《文化盒》

Alain Timar avait essayé d’imaginer la batterie avec son côté frappé et frotté. Cela crée des climats. Comme si la batterie avait la vocation d’un monde intérieur. Pour Alain, cette pièce est une sorte de trilogue.——VAUCLUSE MATIN

对于导演Alain Timar来说,这出戏有三个人在说话。爵士鼓手的加入,使整出戏更有温度。导演试图用鼓声去帮助大家想象人物的内心世界。——沃克吕兹晨报


Alain Timar

Alain Timár is a well-known French director, an excellent dancer and artist. He founded the Théâtre des Halles in Avignon, France in 1983 and has been a director, art director and director. To date, he has staged more than 60 dramatic works and numerous exhibitions. In addition, he has been active on the art stage as a stage designer and visual artist, pursuing his passion. Dimar was awarded the "Knight Medal of French Literature and Art" in 2003 and the "Knight Medal of French Merit" in 2008.

He is one of the few French directors invited by theaters outside France to direct non-French drama. Due to being a multi-national hybrid and growing up in different cultures, Dimar has always been curious about other cultures, his creations are inspired and driven by the richness of multiculturalism, and he actively pursues the integration of French / European culture with them.

He defines himself as a cosmopolitan, and likes to break down barriers and eliminate the boundaries between real and man-made. He was able to practice his art in different actor environments, and he dared to try to respond in another language in a powerful and often innovative drama, which also illustrates his openness to the world.


  Special For MORE Followers 


[2 WINNERS 2名]


One winner will get two FREE tickets (valued 720RMB)



One winner will get two FREE tickets (valued 520RMB)


How to Get It

Write down the name of your favourite drama in the comments. The one who gets the most likes will receive 1st prize, and the third one who collects the most likes will receive 2nd prize.


Comment Deadline: 4pm, December 10th


Available on December 14th-15th, 2019


The Arts Center has the right of final interpretation 




If we catch you cheating or trying to double up on a prize, you will be banned from entering future contests.


Arts Center in Westbrook


21 Zijingang Road 

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