



倡 议 书

我们 来自东北亚地区的参会者于2022年8月25—26日通过线上线下方式在中国大连共同出席了东北亚语言文化论坛,共商东北亚语言文化多样性与文明交流互鉴大计,以期构建互信、互鉴、互惠的东北亚语言文化交流合作关系。

1. 我们主张,语言文化多样性对于东北亚地区可持续发展具有重要的意义。多样性是东北亚语言文化的特点和优势,是东北亚地区的文明活力之源、创新发展的重要驱动;保护和促进东北亚语言文化生态系统的多样性,共建美美与共的东北亚文明世界,促进东北亚地区语言、文化、经济和社会的可持续发展,是我们共同的心愿。

2. 我们倡导,文明交流互鉴是推动构建人类命运共同体的重要方式。我们应推动东北亚不同语言及文化间的平等对话与和谐共生,共建语言文化多元共存、语言服务互联互通、语言生态持续发展的东北亚语言文化共同体,服务区域内全体民众生活,为构建人类命运共同体作出贡献。

3. 我们支持,东北亚区域内高校和学术机构加强在语言教育、语言服务、语言资源保护传承、语言智库建设、语言文化国际传播、语言文字数字化建设等方面的学术交流和合作,共建东北亚语言文化学术共同体。

4. 我们提倡,青年是推动东北亚文明互鉴和构建东北亚命运共同体的先锋和使者,我们要搭建东北亚青年多层次人文合作的交流机制,包括教育合作、学术交流、智库交流、文化艺术交流等形式,推动东北亚青年互学互鉴走深走实。

5. 我们认为,数字化全联接的智能时代驱动东北亚语言生活新形态,赋能东北亚语言文化互通,要加强东北亚区域内机器翻译与计算机辅助翻译技术、大数据语料库建设、数字教育平台等领域合作,积极助推语言数字资源开放共享,消弭信息鸿沟,打造高质量东北亚数字化语言互通工程。

6. 我们希望,东北亚地区应秉持全人类共同价值,通过构建东北亚语言文化共同体推动多边主义理念广泛传播,打通东北亚民心相通之路,为东北亚地区共克时艰、同谋发展、合作共赢夯实人文基础。我们欢迎,丰富东北亚语言文化交流内容,扩大交流主体,共同推动东北亚语言文化论坛机制性建设。我们希望,以东北亚语言文化论坛为平台,不断推动东北亚文明交流互鉴,让东北亚成为不同文明和谐共处、相互促进的典范。


We, participants from Northeast Asia, jointly attended Northeast Asia Language and Culture Forum online and offline in Dalian, China on August 25 and 26, 2022. We got together to discuss issues concerning linguistic and cultural diversity as well as exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations in Northeast Asia, in an attempt to build communicative and cooperative relations across languages and cultures, featuring mutual trust, mutual learning and mutual benefit.

First, we hold that linguistic and cultural diversity is of profound significance to the sustainable development of Northeast Asia. Diversity represents the characteristic and strength of Northeast Asian languages and cultures. It stimulates the vitality of civilization, and drives innovation and development. It is our common wish to protect and promote the diversity of linguistic and cultural ecosystems. It is our shared hope to build a Northeast Asia where different civilizations harmoniously coexist, thereby promoting the sustainable development of language, culture, economy and society.

Secondly, we advocate that inter-civilizational exchanges and mutual learning function as an important way to build a community with a shared future for mankind. We should promote equal dialogue and harmonious coexistence among languages and cultures in order to build a Northeast Asian community featuring coexistence of multiple languages and cultures, connectivity of language services and sustainable development of linguistic ecosystems. We thereby serve the people within the region, building a community with a shared future for mankind.

Thirdly, we support universities and academic institutions in Northeast Asia to boost academic exchanges and cooperation in fields like language education, language services, language resource protection and inheritance, language think tank construction, international communication of languages and cultures, and digitalization of languages so as to jointly build an academic community of languages and cultures in Northeast Asia.

Fourthly, we propose that youths are the pioneers and envoys for promoting inter-civilizational mutual learning in Northeast Asia, and for building therein a community with a shared future. We need to establish a communicative mechanism of multi-layer cultural cooperation among youths by the way of educational, academic, cultural and artistic exchange as well as communication via think-tank, thereby advancing mutual learning in a thorough and in-depth manner.

Fifthly, we hold that the digital and fully connected era of intelligence drives the new modalities of languages, cultures and even life in Northeast Asia, empowering linguistic and cultural exchanges in the region. We must enhance our cooperation in areas like machine translation and computer-aided translation, big-data corpus construction and digital educational platform, boost the sharing of digital language resources, bridge the information gap, and establish high-quality digitalized language exchange projects in Northeast Asia.

Sixthly, we hope that Northeast Asia will uphold the common values of all mankind and promote the spread of multilateralism by building a community of languages and cultures. It will pave the way for closer people-to-people bonds within the region, and lay the foundation for mutual assistance amid difficulties, shared development, and win-win cooperation in Northeast Asia. We welcome the efforts to enrich the content of linguistic and cultural exchanges in Northeast Asia, to expand the subjects of exchange and to jointly promote the mechanism construction of this forum. We hope that, taking this forum as a platform, we will consistently promote exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations, and will make Northeast Asia a model of harmonious coexistence and mutual enhancement among different civilizations.


审 核 | 刘   慧

编 辑 | 李叶凡


名家讲坛 | 助力人类命运共同体建设:语言文字国际交流合作这十年


陶红印:美国华语结构与运用的多视角探讨 | 《全球华语语法·美国卷》问世

张治国 | 中国语言政策学界的一位国际友人——悼念博纳德·斯波斯基教授




