
外研版八年级英语上册 Module6 动画、音频、知识点及模块测试汇总

初中之友 2023-02-11



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01Module  6单词


1、snake [sneik] n. 蛇
2、neck [nek] n. 脖子;脖子
3、thin [θin] adj. 细长的;瘦的
4、danger [ deindʒə] n. 危险;危害
5、in danger 处于危险中
6、at last 终于;最后
7、interested [ intristid] adj. 关心的,感兴趣的
8、allow [ə lau] vt. 允许;准许
9、think of 想到,想出
10、protect [prəu tekt] vt. 保护,防卫
11、wild [waild] adj. 野生的; n.野生环境
12、grow [ɡrəu] v. grew [ɡru:] (逐渐)变得;生长
13、take away 夺去;拿走
14、enough [i nʌf] adj. 充分的;足够的
15、peace [pi:s] n. 和平;太平
16、in peace 和平地;平静地
17、notice [ nəutis] n. 告示,布告
18、look after 照顾;照看
19、raise [reiz] vt. 抚养;筹集(钱款);养育;
20、research [ri sə:tʃ] n. 研究;探讨
21、baby [ beibi] n. 婴儿,婴孩
22、situation [,sitju eiʃən] n. 情况;形势
23、scientist [ saiəntist] n. 科学家
24、produce [prə dju:s] vt. 生育;繁殖
25、southwest [,sauθ west] n. 西南 adj. 西南的;朝西南的
26、in order to 为了
27、government [ ɡʌvənmənt] n. 政府
28、set [set] v.设置;设定
29、set up 开办;设立;创办;建立
30、nature [ neitʃə] n. 大自然;自然界
31、nature park 自然公园
32、develop [di veləp] v. 研制;制定
33、feed [fi:d] vt. (fed [fed])喂养;饲养
34、symbol [ simbəl] n. 象征;标志


Module 6 Unit 1 

Module 6 Unit 2


Module6 Animals in danger
【重点短语】1. in danger  处于危险中                     2. be interested in  对……感兴趣3. think of  想起                            4. take away  拿走;带走5. look after  照顾;照料                      6. find out  找出;发现;查明7. many kinds of  许多种......                    8. set up  建立;创立
【重点句型】1. I am more interested to see the pandas in the Wolong Panda Reserve. 我对看卧龙保护区的熊猫更加感兴趣。2. Because it allows people to get closer to them. 因为它允许人们更加接近它们。3. It’s sad to think of the pandas and other animals in danger. 想起熊猫和其他频危动物就令我伤心。4. Many wild animals don’t have a safe place to live. 许多野生动物没有安全的栖身之所。5. I think we need to help animals live in peace. 我想我们需要帮助动物们和平地生活。6. Let’s find out what else we can do to save as many animals as possible. 让我们看看我们还能为保护尽可能多的动物做些什么别的事?7. The WWF is working hard to save them. 世界自然基金会正努力挽救所有动物。8. There are only about 1,600 pandas living in the wild today. 今天只剩下大约1,600只熊猫生活在野外。9. Each panda needs to eat a lot of bamboo every day. 每天每只熊猫要吃掉许多竹子。10. The zoo asks us not to feed the animals. 动物园要求我们不能投喂动物。11. We should work hard to stop people killing tigers. 我们应该努力阻止人们杀戮老虎。12. We need to protect them better. 我们需要更好地保护它们。


作文一:请以“Let s HelpAnimals”为题写一篇70词左右的文章,呼吁人们热爱动物、保护动物。要点提示:1.动物是人类的好朋友,人们应该善待动物。2.分析某些动物濒临灭绝的原因。3.提出保护动物的方法。 范文:Let s Help Animals    Animals are ourgood friends.We should treat them well.But now people kill too many  of them for their meat. People also cutdown  many trees and destroy their homes.Animals don t have a safe plac to live in .So they are becoming fewer and fewer.    It is not rightto kill animals .People should stop killing animals and cutting down trees. More trees should be planted. And someanimals can be kept in the zoos. 作文二:你知道许多动物已经濒临灭绝了吗?你知道我们为什么要保护野生动物吗?请以We should protect wild animals为题,写一篇英语短文。词数:90左右。 范文:We should protect wild animals    Many animals are in danger in the world. Tigers and pandas are examples of them. When people cut down trees,tigers have no place to hide in. Some people kill tigers for their fur. Also,there are fewer and fewer  places for pandas to live in .    We are not alone in the world. We can not live without plants and animals around us,so protecting them is very important .And we must stop people from killing animals. If each of us can plant a tree and build a bird house,the world will be more beautiful.




