
外研版九年级英语上册 Module7 动画、音频、知识点及模块测试汇总

初中之友 2023-02-11



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01Module  7单词


discuss [dɪ skʌs] 讨论;谈论

thinker [ θɪŋkɚ] 思想家

wise [waɪz] 有判断力的;明智的

review [rɪ vjuː] 评论(文章)

influence [ ɪnflʊəns]  影响;作用于

sense [sens] 道理;意义;合理性

make sense 易理解;合情理;有意义

by the way 顺便提一下

suppose [sə pəʊz] 猜想;推测;相信;认为

well-known [,wel nəʊn] 众所周知的,著名的

adventure [əd ventʃə] 冒险(经历)

get into trouble 遇上麻烦

run away 逃跑

escape [ɪ skeɪp] 逃离,逃脱

cave [keɪv] 洞穴

dead[ded] 死的

for a time 一小段时间,一度,一时

neighbour [ neɪbə] 邻居

funeral [ fjuːnərəl] 葬礼

surprised [sɚ praɪzd] 惊奇的,惊讶的

alive [ə laɪv] 活着的

southern [ sʌð(ə)n] 南方的

state [steɪt] 州,邦

pay for 为……付出代价

action [ ækʃn] 举止,行为,情节

everyday [ evrɪdeɪ] 日常的普通的

dialogue [ daɪəlɒg] 对话


Module 7 Unit 1 

Module 7 Unit 2


1.What’s up?= What’s wrong?
    =What’sthe matter? + with sb./sth. 
2. more… than…与其说…不如说…    
3. discuss v. 讨论– n. discussion -- have a discussion 进行讨论
4. makesense合情理;明智,有意义  
    make sense to sb. /sth. 对某人/某物有意义
    That does not make sense to me. 那对我没意义。
5. influencesb. / sth. 影响… 
    = have an influence onsb. /sth.      对…有影响
    I don’t want to influence you.  
He has a great influence on the government.
6. by the way顺便问一下        
7. be supposed to do sth. 
= should do sth.应该做某事
8. why don’t you do sth.? 
= Why not do sth.?  为什么不做某事?
9. not as/so..as...   不如 .......     
10.live with sb.和某人一起生活
11. get into trouble遇上麻烦       
12.run away逃跑,逃走
13. in the middle of  在......中间/中部 
14.take away拿走,带走
15. escape from…从…逃跑       
16. Part of = a part of  一部分
17. for atime 一度,一时,一段时间 
    I want to stay herefor a time.
18. be surprised to do sth.对做某事感到惊讶 
    be surprised at sth. 对某事感到惊奇
    in surprise 吃惊地,惊奇地     
    to one’ssurprise  令某人吃惊的是
19. more than + 名词  不只是,不仅仅是  
    Bamboo is used for more than building.
20. pay for(sth.)为…付钱;为.....付出代价  
    How much did you pay for the book?  
    You will have to pay for what you have done.
21. in everyday English用日常英语
22. It  is thought to be = People think that 人们认为
23. in the form of以......的方式,以.......的形式  
    My garden is in the form of a square.
19.grow up 成长,长大                 
14.get lost 迷路,丢失
20.all the time 总是,一直               
16.miss school 缺课,逃学
21. laugh at  sb. 嘲笑某人  smile at sb.对菒人微笑
22. turn the  situation round  扭转局势
23. in return作为回报     
      I sent him a present in return for hishelp.
24. be included in被包括在.......中
25. for free无偿,免费   
    You will get a book for free.


1. It is thought to be... 人们认为……
2. What’s up? 怎么了?
3. What do you think of ... 你认为……怎么样?
4. as...as 和……一样
5. be surprised to do... 做……感到惊讶
6. be pleased to do... 做……很开心

1. She waters the flowers every morning. 
→The flowers are watered by her every morning.

2. The teacher gives us much homework every day. 
→ Much homework is given to us by the teacher every day.

3. They don’t read that kind of book. 
→ That kind of book isn’t read by them.

4. Do farmers grow rice in the south? 
→ Is rice grown by farmers in the south?

一般现在时被动语态表示现阶段经常性、习惯性的被动动作,由“主语 + is / am / are + 动词过去分词 + by + 动作执行者”构成,无需说明动作执行者时可省去 by + 动作执行者,句中主语就是原主动语态的宾语,动作执行者就是原主动语态的主语。is / am /are 由主语的单复数形式和人称而定。

一般现在时被动语态句型变换紧紧扣住 is/am/are 进行,一般疑问句将 is / am / are 提至句首,特殊疑问句的被动语态由特殊疑问词 + 一般疑问句的被动语态构成,否定句在 is/am/are 后面加 not。



以“My favouritebook”为题,写一篇不少于80词的英文短文。
My favourite book
    My favourite book is The Story of My Life.It was written by an American writer called Helen Keller. She was a blind,deaf and dumb person,but she was very brave and clever. The Story of My Life describes her hard struggle to become an outstanding writer.
    In the book,she wrote that she had not been able to see,hear or speak since the age of one year and seven months. This unusual thing made her very sad. When she was seven years old,she knew Miss Sullivan,her good teacher. Then,Miss Sullivan helped her learn how to write words. At first,Miss Sullivan wrote some words on Helen s hands with her own fingers. Helen got happier day by day. After that,she wrote and published many famous works. I am deeply moved by her story.
    I like this book very much. It shows us a truth,“Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it!” If you haven t read the book yet,read it now.
鲁迅是一位伟大的作家。请你根据所给提示及对鲁迅的认识,以“My favourite writer”为题,写一篇不少于60词的英文短文。
提示:short hair,known, a fighter with his pen, young people, influence, thought
My favourite writer
    There are many famous writers in the world.And my favourite writer is Lu Xun.He was a man with short hair. He wrote many articles and books in his life. And he was known as a fighter with his pen. Now many young people are still influenced by his thoughts. As a student,I will work hard and become a great writer like him.




