

KCSCD 成都狄邦肯思学校 2022-06-07

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What is a holistic education? As we have said in the past, a holistic education is not about a pupil who excels in all subjects, academics, sport, arts and so on, our understanding is to cultivate pupils into independent individuals, allow them to be physically and mentally sound, and with a passion for life and learning, and who can not only actualise themselves but also serve their country and society.

We seek both academic excellence and opportunities for pupils beyond the classroom, but this cannot be achieved by limiting children to traditional classroom learning. These programmes offer a range of sports, music, drama and extra-curricular extension activities to provide a highly personalised education for each child.

As an important part of a holistic education, the program is rigorously designed with the same clear goals as the academic curriculum, which complements the academic curriculum.

In the second week of school, we have already started 42 CCAs/ECAs and 28 clubs and societies for pupils to choose from, and we will expand our holistic education program to even more options in the future according to pupils' interests and abilities.

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CCAs, ECAs, Clubs and Societies

- 医药俱乐部 -


发现医学职业是否适合你! 了解不同类型的医生和卫生保健提供者的内部情况,讨论当前的医学主题和不断变化的医疗保健世界,以及在我们的社区内提供志愿服务的机会和你在进入大学方面的技能。与Y1医学学生/大学建立联系,客座讲师,解剖/外科实验技能。

- 智者的挑战 -


对于9-18岁的学生来说,"在智力上挑战你的极限!"是Owlypia的精神。它的目的是激发青少年的求知欲,培养他们的研究技能和学术自信。Owlypia包括面向所有人的在线测试、在不同国家举行的为期2天的当地活动以及在世界各地最著名机构举行的为期4天的全球活动。科目包括 - 艺术和设计、经济和商业、文学和文化、科学和技术、社会科学。这些也包括个人和团队元素。

- 生物学图书俱乐部 -


生物学图书俱乐部将是向学生介绍科学写作体裁的一种有趣方式,发展他们的阅读技能、科学知识和讨论技能。它也有可能发展成与感兴趣的学生进行辩论的方式。我们将向学生介绍 "科学 "体裁,并将我们正在讨论的书与生物学大概念联系起来。此外,我们将把我们正在讨论的这本书与尽可能多的具体科学概念联系起来,并把书中的概念与我们的日常生活联系起来。

- 艺术:创新思维俱乐部 -



- 艺术:木偶戏和布景设置 -



- 商业和投资 -



- 哲学:伟大的思想 -



- 儿童茶艺 -










- 书法 -



- 英语角 -


如果你用一个人听得懂的语言和他交流,那就会进入他的大脑。如果你用他自己的语言与他交谈,那就会进入他的内心。" 纳尔逊-曼德拉。Nesbit先生的ESL英语角是为1至3年级的学生设计的,以帮助他们获得对英语的信心和兴奋感。从大量不同的材料和活动中学习,这些材料和活动在日常的课堂上可能不容易得到。博物馆之旅、烹饪课和体育活动都可以与其他许多活动结合起来。我们将鼓励学生表达自己的兴趣,继续发展他们的知识和对语言的迷恋。无论你的水平如何,我们都将共同成长。我们将建立一种伟大的友情,因为我们将是狄邦肯思学校有史以来的第一个英语角。

- 中世纪英语 -



- 国际象棋 -


国际象棋大约在10世纪以后,经阿拉伯人传到欧洲的各个地区,先传到意大利,然后是西班牙和法国。11世纪末叶,遍及欧洲各国。在当时的文献中,将其列为骑士教育的 “七艺” 之一。现在国际象棋是一个受到高度重视和全球流行的战略游戏。它需要仔细考虑和计划才能在棋盘上出类拔萃。你将学习如何使用国际象棋棋盘以创造形势优势并将其转化为胜利。你将得到大量的练习时间以及关于如何在游戏中创造优势的战略培训。如果你对国际象棋有兴趣,这里就是你的理想之地。

- 烹饪 -



- 宝石鉴定 -



- 舞蹈:拉拉队和 HipHop -


在舞蹈课外活动中,我们将学习不同种类的舞蹈,如 Hip-hop,城市舞蹈和拉拉队。你将有机会代表学校与其他国际学校进行舞蹈比赛。你将有机会通过舞蹈见到其他学校并与之交流,提高你对不同风格的理解。我们希望通过舞蹈帮助学生们培养自信。最重要的是引导学生通过一系列不同的风格来建立他们对舞蹈的兴趣。通过积极参与,他们也会对身体、心理和社交的健康发展有所了解。

- 瑜伽 -



- 板球 -


板球(Cricket),起源于英国,是一项"绅士的游戏"(gentleman's game)。13世纪,英王爱德华一世就曾在英格兰东南部的肯特参加过类似板球的运动。板球被誉为贵族运动,亨利八世称板球为"国王的运动",是英国的国球,也是英国的三大运动(足球、英式橄榄球、板球)之一。学习板球的基本知识,这是一项迅速发展和扩张的运动。通过有趣的小型比赛和挑战,你的击球、头球和防守的能力将得到发展。了解游戏规则、外场位置和击球时的不同招式。本学期的课外活动课程将建立在完成你的第一场Kwik板球比赛上。


To be continued










塑造个性化品格 培养服务社会责任感

Inspiring lives of scholarship, character and service.

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CCAs, ECAs, Clubs and Societies

- Medicine Club -

Holistic Education Category: Academic

Find out if a career in medicine is right for you! Get an inside view on what different types of physicians and health care providers do, discuss current topics in medicine and the changing world of healthcare, and volunteer opportunities to help within our community and your skills for university opportunities. Make connections with Y1 medical pupils/universities, Guest lecturers, Dissections/surgical lab skills.

- Owlypia: The intellectuals' challenge -

Holistic Education Category: Academic

For pupils from ages 9-18, “Challenge your limits intellectually!” is the spirit of  Owlypia. It aims to inspire intellectual curiosity and develop research skills and academic  confidence in young minds. Owlypia consists of ONLINE tests for everyone, 2 day  LOCAL events in different countries and 4-day GLOBAL events at the most prestigious  institutions around the world. The subjects include - art and design, economics and  business, literature and culture, science and technology, social sciences. There are  individual and team elements.

- Biology Book Club -

Holistic Education Category: Academic

The Biology Book Club will be an interesting way to introduce pupils to the science  writing genre, developing their reading skills, scientific knowledge and discussion skills. It  also has potential to develop in to a debate style with interested pupils. We will introduce  pupils to the ‘Science’ genre and link the book that we are discussing to the Biology Big  Ideas. Furthermore, we will link the book that we are discussing to as many specific  science concepts as possible and relate the concepts in the book to our daily lives.

- Art Creative Thinking Club -

Holistic Education Category: Creative

Welcome to practical problem-solving and design solutions! How do you turn a teapot  into a conceptual bridge design? How do you create a tower structure in paper to hold  heavy books? How do you create a ping pong assault course that moves around the  room? Come along and find out!

- Art: Puppetry & Set Design -

Holistic Education Category: Creative

Puppetry and Shadow theatre are key performance art forms that all ages can be  involved with! Through this club, primary pupils will have the opportunity to create their  own hand puppets and shadow puppets and take an active role in performing stories with these styles in mind. Pupils will learn creative skills such as performing with puppets, but  also key artistic ability and an awareness of performance skills. There will be an  opportunity to perform scenes to the rest of the school at various points during the year.  Puppetry is a form of theatre that involves the manipulation of puppets. Created from  inanimate objects, often resembling an animal or a human, this introduction into puppetry  teaches pupils the art of breathing life into objects to invoke emotional responses in  productions. These workshops will begin by teaching the art of breath work, creating  puppets together, and staging a performance using puppets. pupils will learn creative skills  such as performing with puppets, but also artistic design work and directorial roles. pupils  have the chance to perform at the end of the year as part of the artistic showcase.

- Business & Investment -

Holistic Education Category: Academic

The Business and Investment club will start in the first semester and the participants  will form groups and get involved in the process of building real start-up businesses within  the school. The targeted market will be other pupils, teachers and school staff. The venue  of the business could be a booth in a corner in the dining hall, online or a combination of  both. Activities starts from the business planning stage, then to executing it, fundraising,  running and managing the company. Participants may need to be flexible in using their  lunch time to run or promote their businesses. They will also get the chance to join  activities from outside the school like ASDAN business simulation.

- Philosophy: Great Minds -

Holistic Education Category: Academic

In Philosophy club we explore ideas about critical thinking and pondering over some  interesting but challenging questions. We also learn about some of the famous, classical  Greek and Roman philosophers and what they thought about in the stoas and hillsides over 2000 years ago. We will also explore some of the classical Greek stories that shaped  the era!

- Children's Tea Art -

Holistic Education Category: Culture

Children's tea ceremony courses will consist of tea ceremony, basic knowledge of tea  and brewing skills and will be highly interactive. Children can learn the Chinese tea culture  and improve their communication ability through the course.

- Chinese Calligraphy -

Holistic Education Category: Skill

Calligraphy is a traditional Chinese art of writing. It is usually written with a writing  brush and black ink. It is said that people can develop their patience and perseverance  through practicing calligraphy. Besides, by opening the Chinese Calligraphy ECA, we also  hope that our pupils can contribute to the maintenance of traditional Chinese culture.

- English Corner -

Holistic Education Category: Academic

"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to  him in his own language, that goes to his heart." Nelson Mandela. Mr Nesbit’s ESL English  Corner has been designed for Grade’s 1 to Grade 3 pupils to help gain confidence and  excitement in English. Learning from a vast variety of different materials and activities that  may not be readily available in the day-to-day classroom. Trips to the museum, cooking  lessons and sporting activities can all be incorporated along with many others. Pupils will  be encouraged to express their own interests as we continue to develop their knowledge  and fascination of the language. No matter your level, we will grow together! Building a  great sense of camaraderie in the knowledge that we will be the first English Corner ever  held at KCS Chengdu

- Medieval English -

Holistic Education Category: Academic

English is ever changing and has a vivid and rich history. Medieval English will range  between 700ad and 1400ad. We will look at topics such as the heroic old English epic  poem Beowulf as he faces monsters as well as Geoffrey Chaucer’s the Canterbury Tales  and The Book of The Duchess. I must warn you that Old and Middle English are written  before the King James standardization of English and can be a bit archaic but also fun to  read. This class will look at modern translation as well as original language. Come with an  open mind and prepared to break every spelling and pronunciation rule ever taught to  you.

- Chess: International -

Holistic Education Category: Skill

Capture the King and experience victory. Chess is a highly regarded and globally  popular strategy game. It requires careful consideration and planning to excel on the  board. You will learn how to manoeuvre the chess board to create situational advantage  and turn that into victory. You will get lots of practice time as well as strategic clinics on  how to create advantage while playing. If you have a passion for chess this is the place for  you.

- Culinary -

Holistic Education Category: Skill

Culinary in KCS is one of the best ways to explore the cultures of different regions in  the world. We will try new cuisines, explore your own favourite dishes, or indulge musthave food cravings. We can organise competitions among different groups, or even an  exhibition about foods from different parts of the world. You will not just learn about  cooking; you will share your ideas and teach your friends how to cook your favourite  food. Welcome on board to infuse your most beloved food with KCS Culinary.

- Gemstone Identification -

Holistic Education Category: Skill

In this course, knowledge of the basics of gemmology will be shared, including the  appearance, features and occurrence of gemstones. Meanwhile, simple visual identification  methods will be covered. We will have an image-based identification guessing game in the  later in the semester. You may also test this skills while shopping with your family. Have  fun!

- Dance: Cheerleading & HipHop -

Holistic Education Category: Skill

In Dance ECA we will learn different kinds of Dance, like Hip-hop, Urban dance and  cheerleading. You will have the chance to represent the school in dance competitions with  other international schools. You will get a chance to see and interact with other schools  through dance and improve your understanding of different styles. We hope to help pupils  cultivate confidence through dance. The most important thing is to guide pupils through a  range of different styles to build their interest in dance. Through active participation, they  will also develop an understanding of physical, mental, and social wellbeing.

- Yoga -

Holistic Education Category: Sport

Do you want to be more focused, rooted and calm, and empowered with a positive  mind? If your answer is YES, then you need to try Yoga. We will explore different types of  Asana Yoga together. Do not worry if you have never learned Yoga before, we will start  from the basic skills! Beside the conventional Asana Yoga practices, we will also explore  other elements of Yoga, such as Karma Yoga and Raja Yoga. Much more than just beautiful  poses, yoga is a path that opens the door to a deeper understanding of oneself. Welcome  to embark on this beautiful journey!

- Cricket -

Holistic Education Category: Sport

Cricket originated in Britain as a "gentleman's game" and was played by King Edward I in the 13th century in Kent in the south east of England. Cricket was known as a noble game and Henry VIII called it "the King's game". It is the national game of England and one of the three major sports of England (football, rugby and cricket).Learn the basics of Cricket a rapidly developing and expanding sport. Through fun mini  games and challenges your ability to bat, bowl and field will begin to develop! Learn about  the rules of the game, the fielding positions and different strokes to play when batting. The  ECA this semester will build in to completing your very first Kwik Cricket Match!


To be continued

A school for the future should undoubtedly focus its education on the development of pupils’ competencies rather than simply imparting knowledge. We want to build a world-class learning community that helps pupils to develop holistically and become independent problem-solvers and future-ready individuals, so that each pupil can benefit for life.

An ideal pupil needs to possess these attributes - academic excellence, personal integrity, a strong sense of social responsibility, creativity, critical thinking, a strong passion, the ability to collaborate, humility and a desire to go above and beyond.

We are looking for families that support the whole person philosophy and open the door to a future of their own for each of their children. If the educational philosophy of KCS Chengdu matches your expectations for your child, please feel free to inquire via the following channels:


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塑造个性化品格 培养服务社会责任感

Inspiring lives of scholarship, character and service.

