雷军 1994 年写的代码,不服不行!
点击上方 Java后端,选择 设为星标
在 2011 年的时候,我们在微博转过雷军在 1994 年写的一段完整的汇编代码。雷军这段汇编代码,有程序员评价「如今能写出这么高质量的代码的程序员恐怕也不多」
后来雷军在转发我们微博时还补充说:「这个程序第一个版本是我 1989 年写的,怀念当初写程序的快乐时光」
在移动端窄屏看大篇幅代码,可能体验不如 PC 端。并且代码太多,完整版我已经放在后台,可以关注公众号「Java后端」回复「程序」下载完整版代码,这里截取片段。
; RI.ASM Revision 2.12 [ July 12, 1994 ]
Revision equ 'V2.12 '
; **************************************************************************
; * *
; * RAMinit Release 2.0 *
; * Copyright (c) 1989-1994 by Yellow Rose Software Co. *
; * Written by Mr. Leijun *
; * *
; * Function: *
; * Press HotKey to remove all TSR program after this program *
; * *
; **************************************************************************
; ..........................................................................
; Removed Softwares by RI:
; SPDOS v6.0F, WPS v3.0F
; Game Busters III, IV
; NETX ( Novell 3.11 )
; Norton Cache
; Microsoft SmartDrv
; SideKick 1.56A
; MOUSE Driver
; Crazy (Monochrome simulate CGA program)
; RAMBIOS v2.0
; 386MAX Version 6.01
; ..........................................................................
; No cancel softwares:
; Windows 3.1 MSD
; No removed TSR softwares:
; MS-DOS fastopen
; Buffers, Files ... (QEMM 6.0)
; QCache (386MAX 6.01)
; ..........................................................................
V2.04 Use mouse driver software reset function to initiation mouse
2/17/1993 by Mr. Lei and Mr. Feng
V2.05 RI cannot work in Windows DOS prompt
3/9/1993 by Mr. Lei
V2.06 1. When XMS cannot allocate 1K memory, RI halts.
2. RI repeat deallocates EMS memory.
V2.07 HotKey Setup Error
4/25/1993 by Mr. Lei
V2.08 KB Buffer
V2.10 1. Release high memory blocks (EMM386 QEMM386 S-ICE 386MAX)
2. RI copies flag
V2.12 1. Exists a critical error in Init 8259 procedure
2. Save [40:F0--FF] user data area
.model tiny
locals @@
org 100h
Start: jmp Main
org 103h
True equ 1
False equ 0
MaxHandles equ 100h
INT3 macro
out 0ffh,al
; HotKey Status Test Var
; --------------- ---------------
; 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 417 418 496
; . . x . x . . . Left Alt is pressed 8 2
; x . . . x . . . Right Alt is pressed 8 8
; . . . x . x . . Left Ctrl is pressed 4 1
; . x . . . x . . Right Ctrl is pressed 4 4
; . . . . . . x . Left Shift is pressed 2
; . . . . . . . x Right Shift is pressed 1
LeftAlt equ 00101000b
RightAlt equ 10001000b
LeftCtrl equ 00010100b
RightCtrl equ 01000100b
LeftShift equ 00000010b
RightShift equ 00000001b
HotKey db LeftCtrl or RightCtrl
DataBegin dw 0
NextDataSeg dw 0ffffh
oldInt2F_addr dw 0, 0
XMS_control dw 0, 0
Handle_begin dw 0
cvtOfs dw 0 ; DOS 3.0 equ 0 and above DOS 4.0 is 1
org 104h
db 0dh
db Revision
db ??date
db 26
org 114h
tsrLength dw 0
MachineID db 0FCh ; IBM PC/AT
AuxHotKey db 0 ; 2Dh ; 'X' Scan Code
AuxHotKeyName db 'X$ '
Power db True
Flag db '!'
Kbd102 db 0
NoFlag db 0
StopFlag db 1
DosEnv dw 0
WorkSeg dw 0
PrevDataSeg dw 0
Copies db '1'
old_8259 db 0 ; 21h port
db 0 ; a1h port
Status dw 0
XMSbit equ 00000001b
EMSbit equ 00000010b
SKbit equ 10000000b
GoINT1C: db 0eah
oldInt1C_addr dw 0, 0
test cs:Status, SKbit
jnz GoINT1C
cmp cs:StopFlag, 0
jz @@0
; Mr. Lei 2/8/1993
; Problem: if WPS quit and reenter, old RI cann't control keyboard.
push ds
push ax
xor ax, ax
mov ds, ax
mov ax, ds:[9*4]
cmp ax, offset NewInt9
pop ax
pop ds
jnz GoINT1C
mov cs:StopFlag, 0
@@0: push ax
push ds
push es
xor ax, ax
mov ds, ax
mov es, ds:[9*4+2]
cmp word ptr es:[101h], 'IE' ; 'LEI'
jz @@1
mov cs:StopFlag, 1
mov ax, ds:[9*4]
mov cs:oldINT9_addr2, ax
mov ax, ds:[9*4+2]
mov cs:oldINT9_addr2[2], ax
mov ds:[9*4], offset newINT9_2
mov ds:[9*4+2], cs
@@1: pop es
pop ds
pop ax
jmp GoINT1C
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; INT2F Func
; AX = C0D7h Return RI segment in AX
; AX = C0D8h Removes all TSR programs after RI
; AX = C0D9h Removes all TSR programs include RI
; AX = C0DAh Removes all RI copies
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
cmp ax, 0c0d7h ; LEI Hanzi GB Code
jnz @@1
push cs
pop ax
@@1: cmp ax, 0c0d7h+1
jnz @@2
jmp KeepSelf
@@2: cmp ax, 0c0d7h+2
jnz @@3
jmp NoKeepSelf
@@3: cmp ax, 0c0d7h+3
jnz @@9
mov cs:NextDataSeg, -1
mov cs:Copies, '1'
jmp NoKeepSelf
@@9: jmp dword ptr cs:oldInt2F_addr
mov cs:NoFlag, 1
db 9ah ; call far ptr oldint9_addr
oldInt9_Addr2 dw 0, 0
jmp newINT9_proc
db 9ah ; call far ptr oldint9_addr
oldInt9_Addr dw 0, 0
cmp cs:NoFlag, 0
jz newINT9_proc
mov cs:NoFlag, 0
cmp cs:Flag, '!' ; busy ?
jnz @@0
mov cs:Flag, '!' ; set busy flag
push ax ; cmp hot key
push bx
push es
mov ax,40h
mov es,ax
cmp cs:AuxHotKey, 0
jz @@_1
mov bx, es:[1ah]
cmp bx, es:[1ch]
jz @@10
push bx
mov bl, es:[bx+1]
cmp bl, cs:AuxHotKey
pop bx
jnz @@10
mov ah,es:[17h] ; test CTRL SHIFT ALT
mov al,cs:HotKey
push ax
and ax,0f0fh
cmp al,ah
pop ax
jnz @@10
cmp cs:Kbd102, True
jnz @@1
shr al, 1
shr al, 1
shr al, 1
shr al, 1
push ax
mov ah, es:[18h]
and ax, 303h
cmp al, ah
pop ax
jnz @@10
mov ah, es:[96h]
shr ax, 1
shr ax, 1
and ax, 303h
cmp al, ah
jnz @@10
cmp cs:AuxHotKey, 0
jz @@_3
inc bx
inc bx
cmp bx, 3eh
jb @@_2
mov bx, 1eh
mov es:[1ah], bx
call IsWinDos
or ax, ax
jz @@1
call Beep
pop es
pop bx
pop ax
mov cs:Flag, ' ' ; no busy
@@1: ; OK
pop es
pop bx
pop ax
call RemoveTSR
push es
mov es,cs:WorkSeg
mov dx,es:tsrLength
mov di,dx
mov al,0h ; Aug 24, 1993
mov cx,100h
rep stosb
pop es
int 27h
mov ax,0e07h
int 10h
mov cs:clsStr, 47h ; Color (White in Red)
call RemoveTSR
dec cs:Copies
call RestoreSelfIntVec
push es
cmp cs:PrevDataSeg, 0
jz @@1
mov es, cs:PrevDataSeg
mov es:NextDataSeg, -1
@@1: pop es
mov ax, 4c00h
int 21h
; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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