

xueshan199 科研共进社 2021-12-21






方法2:利用Google scholar等工具有目的性地将一些同类型的表达方式总结在一起,迅速地构建自己的句型模板库。这种方法的优点是时间比较集中,所得到的模板库也比较全面,缺点是需要额外花费一定的时间。


比如你在文献中看到这样一句话,觉得很好,如何利用Google scholar搜集很多同类的表达方式?

1. Nature succeeds in transforming CO2 into carbohydrates by photosynthesis, but the reduction of this highly oxidized molecule is a significant challenge for chemists. (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 10253 –10255)

首先提炼一下这句话的关键词:photosynthesis,CO2 reduction,challenge,然后在Google scholar里面检索

Google scholar的好处在于可以显示与关键词相关的内容,这样可以很方便地判断哪篇文献与所检索的内容相关,从而节省检索时间。

上图显示的是,google scholar检索结果中的第1,2条,从显示的内容来看,第二条出现了bottlenecks in natural systems, photosynthesis等词,与我们的例句1比较接近,符合预期,同时论文发表在Science上,比较有参考价值,而第一条无法从显示内容上判断是否有相近的表达,可以跳过,因为搜集模板库只需要找到合适的就行,并不需要查看所有可能的文献。



Nature succeeds in transforming CO2 into carbohydrates by photosynthesis类似的表达有:

1)Photosynthesis fixes CO2 from the air by using sunlight. 

2)Photosynthetic organisms harness solar radiation to build energy-rich organic molecules from water and CO2. (Science 2016, 352, 1210-1213)

而与the reduction of this highly oxidized molecule is a significant challenge for chemists类似的表达有:

Numerous energy conversion bottlenecks in natural systems limit the overall efficiency of photosynthesis. (注:意思不同,但表达接近)


Photosynthesis uses solar light energy to couple the formation of O2 and carbohydrates with the fixation of CO2. (Adv. Mater., 2014, 26: 4607-4626)


1. Although it is estimated that Nature uses CO2 to make over 200 billion tons of glucose by photosynthesis each year, synthetic chemists have had little success in developing efficient catalytic processes that exploit this attractive raw material. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 1998, 120, 11018-11019)

2. Photosynthetic organisms usesolar energy to generate reducing equivalents and incorporate atmospheric CO2 intoorganic molecules. (Nature Biotechnol. 2009, 27, 1177–1180)

3. Conversion of carbon dioxide (CO2)to fuels enabling a closed-carbon cycle powered by renewable energy has thepotential to dramatically impact the energy and environmental fields. However,the chemical reduction of CO2 to highly reduced products suchas methanol (CH3OH) remains a daunting task. (J. Am. Chem.Soc. 2014, 13645, 16081-16095)

4. Artificial photosynthesis, the solar conversionprocess that is combining water splitting and CO2 reduction withoutsacrificial electrondonors is a great challenge for the generation of sustainablegreen energy. (Nano Energy 2016, 25, 128-135)

5. Making sustainable fuels and storing light energy in chemical bonds, through the transformation of CO2, using only the sun, water, and carbon dioxide, is the coveted holy grail. (ACS Energy Lett. 2016, 1, 281−282)

6. The chemical activation of CO2,that is, the splitting of its structure in a chemical reaction, is a major challenge in synthetic chemistry because of the very high thermodynamic stability of CO2, which requires an efficient energy source for its activation. (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2007, 46, 2717-2720)

7. Photosynthetic organisms capture sunlight very efficiently and convert it into organic molecules. (Chem. Soc. Rev., 2009, 38, 185-196)

8. Nature uses carbon dioxide, on amassive scale, as a one-carbon building block for the synthesis of organic molecules. (J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2005, 12749, 17196-17197)

9. Utilizing solar energy to fix CO2 with water into chemical fuels and oxygen, a mimic process of photosynthesis in nature, is becoming increasingly important but still challenged by low selectivity and activity, especially in CO2 electrocatalytic reduction. (Chem 2017, 3, 950-960)

10. Arguably, catalysis is still faraway from mastering the combination of CO2 and renewable energyas elegantly and efficiently as Nature does.


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