
和SPAIN2U一起穿越西班牙! Celebrate Artistic Brilliance At SPAIN TO YOU!

Spotlight Team Shanghai Spotlight 聚焦上海



「SPAIN TO YOU」项目应运而生


「SPAIN TO YOU」的意义正悄然改变着...

Since the beginning of 2020, when the glamorous international lifestyle we have all come to know was met with considerable challenges, people’s appetite for high quality international cultural experiences has only grown stronger. The SPAIN TO YOU project was created with the intention of providing access to many of the famous and highly desirable aspects of Spain’s rich cultural heritage.

Now, in early spring of 2023, people are increasingly able to travel and connect with international opportunities wherever they may be. The purpose of SPAIN TO YOU is also evolving to offer its growing audience the most exciting and meaningful cultural interactions it can.




Juan José Zaballa先生



Luis Antonio Calvo Castaño先生



To fully appreciate the hard work and opportunities created by SPAIN TO YOU, let’s have a quick look at the wider background of the deep rooted relationship between Shanghai and Spain and some of the history of the interactions between the two.


Architecture built in the modern Spanish-style was especially popular from the mid 1920’s to the early 1940’s, and the openness of Shanghai embraced a wide range of architectural forms, including Spanish and Moorish styles.


The prevalence of Spanish style architecture in "Old Shanghai" was undoubtedly linked to the burgeoning foreign community. The rapidly growing population led to a strong demand for real estate, prompting the more talented architects to incorporate Spanish elements or features into residential construction in a pragmatic manner.


Forty-one of Shanghai's modern Spanish-style buildings are listed as Outstanding Historical Buildings in Shanghai, according to another estimate, there are as many as 300 surviving historical Spanish-style buildings in Shanghai.

“我们举办‘SPAIN TO YOU’艺术季活动,不仅仅希望展现上海众多历史建筑中的西班牙印记,而更多的是希望鼓励上海民众了解西班牙文化不同的侧面,同时也希望激发更多西班牙人对上海这座城市的兴趣。”西班牙驻沪总领事Luis Antonio Calvo Castaño先生说道。

早在今年1月初始,SPAIN TO YOU III四场赛事已如期热火如茶地开启艺术作品招募。赛事反响热烈,许多艺术作品给大家留下了深刻的印象。中西建筑、文化、艺术早已悄然越于纸上、定格在菲林、穿插进短视频中。


At the beginning of 2023, the four events of the third edition of SPAIN TO YOU successfully opened with an impressive variety of powerful works representing several aspects of Spanish culture. The response has been overwhelming and many of the works have left a lasting impression on the Shanghai art community. Chinese and Western architecture, culture and art have already been captured on paper, framed in film and interspersed in short videos.


With careful consideration and reflection on the range of art on display, this impressive collection opens the door to our collective imagination, allowing the audience to wander freely though this creative oasis. The cross cultural communication empowered by events such as this allows each of us to immerse ourselves in the beauty born from the clash and interweaving of cultures, and to plant the seeds of inspiration that can flourish within us all. 



In addition to the group exhibition in the exhibition hall, some of the winning entries will be on tour at six Meliá Hotels Group hotels in China, including Shanghai, Xi'an, Chengdu, Chongqing, Jinan and Zhengzhou, starting in June.


除了艺术季,SPAIN TO YOU还打造了西班牙生活方式集合店,许多快闪品牌纷纷入驻,众多“奇珍异宝”在此展现,从特色美食到生活品质,从艺术美学到人文交流,一起来一场与西班牙的春日邂逅。


In addition to the offerings of the SPAIN TO YOU art season, the organizers have also created a Spanish lifestyle shop where many high quality brands can be located and a range of ‘exotic treasures’ are on display. From historic craft foods   and lifestyle influences to art aesthetics and humanistic exchanges, the key cultural event in Shanghai this season has to be SPAIN TO YOU. Come together and let’s explore the many possibilities of the connection between Spain and Shanghai! 


展厅空间会不间断地举办各种形式的艺术活动,跟SPAIN TO YOU一起,发掘更多的艺术与生活灵感,了解西班牙的万种风情。

Join SPAIN TO YOU to discover more about the art and life of Spain with a wide range of art events and activities.


You are welcome to join us on March 25th for a charity event and on 1st April for a joyful flamenco workshop and incredible dance performance!




Join our community to celebrate the important anniversary of 50 years of diplomatic relations between Spain and China. With all that has been achieved and experienced during this time and with so much benefit on each side there is a huge amount to celebrate and be thankful for. Let’s pay tribute to the genius of Picasso and his many talented compatriots at SPAIN TO YOU right now!

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