Kavli ITS Workshop-Majorana Modes | Tianci Zhou
The Kavli ITS workshop on “Majorana Modes in Topological Super conductors” was held at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Sciences (Kavli ITS) at UCAS in Beijing from January 8-11, 2019. The workshop mainly focuses on the realization and application of elusive Majorana modes in topological superconductors.
Majorana particles, which are their own antiparticles, have been of consider able interest for quantum computing in solid state systems since the zero-bias peak of the conductance was observed in the semiconductor nanowires. Now there are multiple experimental hints to support the potential existence of the Majorana states possessing zero energy. Since Majorana states can form qubits for quantum computation, once the Majorana states are able to be fully controlled and manipulated, the number of the Majorana qubits can be scalable to accelerate the speed of the quantum computation.
The scope of this workshop is to discuss the recent topics in Majorana bound states and Chiral Majorana edge modes in class D, aiming at promoting new collaborations among participants and seeking practical implementations to use Majorana modes for quantum computation. Furthermore, in the workshop, there will be a discussion session focusing on Majorana physics in the vortices of the topological superconductors.
图|Tianci Zhou
题目:Dynamics of Entanglement in Random Unitary Circuit
报告人:Tianci Zhou
单位:Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics
We systematically study the dynamics of quantum entanglement in a random unitary circuit, which is a minimal model of chaotic systems with local interactions. The problem maps to the statistical mechanics of interacting domain walls, where entanglement is the free energy. We find that the linear growth of R\'enyi entropies in a global quench is determined by the line tension of the domain wall, and their fluctuation obeys the universal Kadar-Parisi-Zhang scaling due the replica interaction. This picture allows us to understand the behaviors of entanglement in systems at the strongly chaotic limit.
Dr. Zhou graduated in Department of Physics, Zhejiang University in June, 2012, and received his Ph D from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in Aug., 2018. Dr. Zhou is currently a postdoctoral researcher at KITP working on non-equilibrium dynamics, including quantum quench, entanglement, and recently quantum chaos, etc.
1. Kavli ITS Workshop-Majorana Modes | 封东来:Clean and robust Majorana zero modes in an iron selenide
3. Kavli ITS-APW-Tsinghua-RIKEN Workshop 学术报告视频--Yuval Oreg: Spin liquids from Majo Zero Modes
5. Kavli ITS-APW-Tsinghua-RIKEN Workshop 学术报告视频--2018.11.26