
【学术视频】ASOS2019 | 贝尔法斯特女王大学Alan Hibbert教授

KouShare 蔻享学术 2021-04-25



The 13th International Colloquium on Atomic Spectra and Oscillator Strengths for Astrophysical and Laboratory Plasmas (ASOS2019) 研讨会本着“将原子分子数据研究者与应用者凝聚在一起”的宗旨,历经了36年的发展,逐步成为等离子体光谱领域具有国际影响力的盛会。

本届研究会恰逢原子结构与光谱领域著名的理论物理学家、应用数学家、计算机科学家Charlotte Froese Fischer教授九十华诞。会议特别安排了来自英国贝尔法斯特女王大学的Alan Hibbert教授作了题为"Charlotte Froese Fischer: her works and her impact"的传记式专场报告,以此特殊方式庆祝Charlotte教授90周岁生日,对她60余年孜孜不倦的科学工作与杰出贡献表示致敬。





 | Alan Hibbert

题   目:Charlotte Froese Fischer: her work and her impact

报告人:Alan Hibbert

单   位:Queen's University Belfast

时   间:2019-06-24

地   点:复旦大学



For more than six decades, Charlotte Fischer has been at the forefront of the development of theoretical methods used in the calculation of properties of atomic structure, and of their implementation to produce definitive results for a wide range of atoms and ions.

We will survey the achievements in which she has been instrumental, including

  • The Hartree-Fock method

  • The extension to the Multi-Configurational Hartree-Fock (MCHF) method

  • The use of B-splines in the solution of the MCHF equations

  • The use of non-orthogonal orbitals

  • The introduction of relativistic effects through the Breit-Pauli Hamiltonian

  • The extension of the MCHF processes within a fully relativistic treatment, to give the Multi-Configurational Dirac-Hartree-Fock (MCDHF) method

  • The combination of MCHDF and the GRASP treatment introduced by Grant and earlier by Desclaux

In parallel to all of these methods, Charlotte has been central in the development of computer packages which enable calculations based on those methods to be carried out, both for accurate, ab initio energies as well as for properties such as transition rates, oscillator strengths and isotope shifts. She has also disseminated her expertise which is needed for others to carry out calculations with confidence and to assess the accuracy of their results. 

In so much of her work, Charlotte has been an excellent mentor to many scientists, some of whom were at the start of their careers and are now established researchers in their own right. We can look back with gratitude to the encouragement she gave us, and we count it an honour and a privilege to have been able to work with her and, for some of us, to continue that collaboration. Her leadership in the field of theoretical atomic structure and the impact she has made, and continues to make, is second to none. 


Professor Alan Hibbert, a member of Connor Diocesan Council, has been awarded an MBE in the Queen’s Birthday Honour’s List. Prof Hibbert obtained a degree in Mathematics from Oxford and a D.Phil in Theoretical Atomic Physics. He came to Queen’s in Belfast as a Post Doctoral Research Fellow and remained as a member of staff. He eventually became Head of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics. And is currently Deputy Chair of the Management Committee of Armagh Observatory and Planetarium. He receives his MBE for services to astronomy.



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