【学术视频】Topological Physics in Quamtum Materials | 加州大学圣地亚哥分校尤亦庄
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题 目:Emmy Noether looks at DQCP报告人:尤亦庄单 位:University of California, San Diego时 间:2019-06-13地 点:清华大学扫码观看精彩报告视频
Noether theorem: emergent continuous symmetry→emergent conserved currents, which can be observed in the low-energy excitation spectrum.
Apart from spin/boson systems, fermion systems can also have "DQCP" with emergent symmetry. Noether current provides a universal probe for these exotic quantum phase transitions.
QMC+SAC allows us to explore spectral features of DQCP in both bosonic and (sign-problem-free) fremionic systems.
The spectral features are relatively easy to probe by INS, RIXS or NMR, and are robust in a range of temperature, which may guide the search for DQCP in real materials.
Theme: IASTU Workshop on Topological Physics in Quamtum Materials
Date: July 10 to July 13, 2019
Organized by: Institute for Advanced Study, Tsinghua University
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