【学术视频】第十三届冷原子物理青年学者学术讨论会 | 中国科学技术大学赵博教授
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题 目:Observation of atom-molecule Feshbach resonances at ultracold temperatures报告人:赵博单 位:中国科学技术大学时 间:2019-07-30地 点:西安南洋大酒店扫码观看精彩报告视频
Ultracold molecules offer great opportunities to study molecular collisions in the quantum regime. At ultralow temperatures, the de Broglie wavelength of the collision partners is much larger than the range of molecular interaction potential, and only the lowest possible partial wave of relative orbital angular momentum dominates the collision process. Therefore, the collisions at ultracold temperatures are highly quantum mechanical. Scattering resonances are among the most remarkable quantum phenomena. They are extremely sensitive to the details of molecule interaction potential and thus offer a unique probe of the potential energy surface governing the collision dynamics. I will talk about our recent work on the observation of magnetically tunable Feshbach resonances in ultracold collisions between potassium-40 (40K) atoms and sodium-23–potassium-40 (23Na40K) molecules in the rovibrational ground state. We have observed 11 resonances in the magnetic field range of 43 to 120 gauss. The observed atom-molecule Feshbach resonances at ultralow temperatures probe the three-body potential energy surface with exceptional resolution and will help to improve understanding of ultracold collisions.个人简介
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