
【学术视频】固态量子器件暑期学校与国际学术研讨会 | 中科院理论所Panagiotis Kotetes博士

KouShare 蔻享学术 2021-04-25



图 | Panagiotis Kotetes

题   目:Aspects of hybridization, topology, and Majorana manipulations in super-semi hybrids (Lecture 1)

The rise of synthetic topology & chiral anomaly in Majorana-Josephson devices (Lecture 2

报告人:Panagiotis Kotetes

单   位:中科院理论物理研究所

时   间:2019-08-27

地   点:北京大学



(Lecture 1): In this intro Lecture, I will focus on three key aspects of topological superconductivity in hybrid devices. (i) First, I will discuss the proximity effect from a self-consistent Schrödinger - Poisson viewpoint. Based on numerical and analytical methods,I will bring forward a number of material aspects which control the degree of hybridization in these devices, as well as the arising topological properties. (ii) After briefly introducing the general framework for the classification of topological systems,I will analyze hybrid devices which harbor multiple Majorana bound states (MBSs) per edge, that are protected by either a Kramers degeneracy or a sublattice symmetry. (iii) Finally, I will conclude with properties of coupled MBSs, e.g. the 4π - Josephson effect,and review two routes to perform braiding, i.e. by direct MBS exchange, and effectively.

(Lecture 2): In this talk, I demonstrate how to design various nonstandard types of Andreev-bound-state (ABS) dispersions, via a composite construction relying on Majorana bound states (MBSs). Here, the MBSs appear at the interface of a Josephson junction consisting of two topological superconductors (TSCs). Each TSC harbors multiple MBSs per edge by virtue of a chiral or a unitary symmetry. My collaborators and I have found that, while the ABS dispersions are - periodic, they still contain multiple crossings which are protected by the conservation of fermion parity. Our findings open perspectives for topological band structures with nodes or Weyl points in synthetic dimensions, the realization of chiral anomaly and, finally, the possibility for fermion - parity pumping with a cycle set by the ABS - dispersion details. The successful experimental demonstration of ABS engineering in these devices, further promises to unveil new paths for the indirect detection of MBSs.


Panagiotis Kotetes, 2005年7月本科毕业于雅典国立技术大学的应用数学与物理系;于2011年5月雅典国立技术大学获得博士学位,自2011年-2015年,在德国卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院做博士后研究,期间担任助教以及硕士生导师工作,2015年-2018年在丹麦哥本哈根大学尼尔斯玻尔研究所担任博士后,2019年至今,任ITP-CAS副教授。



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