【学术视频】2019年复旦大学量子信息与计算暑期学校 | 中科院计算技术研究所孙晓明研究员
图 | 孙晓明
题 目:Quantum Query Complexity (Lecture 1-2)
Amplitude Amplification-2 (Lecture 3-4)
Quantum Exact Algorithms for Weight Decision Problems (Lecture 5-6)
报告人:孙晓明单 位:中国科学院计算技术研究所时 间:2019-07-21
地 点:复旦大学
The weight decision problem, which requires to determine the Hamming weight of a given binary string, is a natural and important problem, with applications in cryptanalysis, coding theory, fault-tolerant circuit design and so on. In particular both Deutsch-Jozsa problem and Grover search problem can be interpreted as special cases of weight decision problems. In this work, we investigate the exact quantum query complexity of weight decision problems, where the quantum algorithm must always output the correct answer. More specifically we consider a partial Boolean function which distinguishes whether the Hamming weight of the length-n input is k or it is l. Our contribution includes both upper bounds and lower bounds for the precise number of queries. Furthermore, for most choices of k, l and sufficiently large n, the gap between our upper and lower bounds is no more than one. To get the results, we first build the connection between Chebyshev polynomials and our problem, then determine all the boundary cases of with matching upper and lower bounds, and finally we generalize to other cases via a new quantum padding technique. This quantum padding technique can be of independent interest in designing other quantum algorithms.
复旦量子信息与计算暑期学校于2019年7月8日至7月21日在上海复旦大学举办。今年涉及的研究方向包括:量子模拟、量子精密测量与量子计算。暑期学校的教师均为活跃在学术前沿并有丰富教学经验的国际知名学者共7人,包括Stephen Bartlett, Renbao Liu, Zhengfeng Ji, Dieter Suter, Xiao-Gang Wen, Li You, Anthony Zee,授课语言为英文。
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