
【学术视频】新兴量子技术国际会议 | 麻省理工学院Peter W. Shor教授

KouShare 蔻享学术 2021-04-25



图 | Peter W. Shor题   目:Quantum Money报告人:Peter W. Shor单   位:Massachusetts Institute of Technology时   间:2019-09-17地   点:合肥



  • Quantum Money: Motivation and History
  • Cryptography Background
  • Knot money
  • Lattice money (work in progress)


Peter Shor is Morss Professor of Applied Mathematics since 2003. He received the B.A. in mathematics from Caltech in 1981, and the Ph.D. in applied mathematics from MIT in 1985, under the direction of Tom Leighton. Following a postdoctoral fellowship at MSRI, he joined AT&T. He was a member of its Research staff, 1986-2003. He joined the MIT faculty in applied mathematics as full professor in 2003. Professor Shor's research interests are in theoretical computer science: currently on algorithms, quantum computing, computational geometry and combinatorics. In 1998, Peter Shor received the Nevanlinna Prize and the International Quantum Communication Award. He also received the Dickson Prize in Science from Carnegie-Mellon in 1998. He was awarded the Gödel Prize of the ACM and a MacArthur Foundation Fellowship in 1999. He received the King Faisal International Prize in Science in 2002, and was named one of Caltech's Distinguished Alumni in 2007. He is a member of the National Academy of Science (2002).

2018年,Peter Shor因发明首个有现实应用前景的大数分解算法,提出量子纠错编码而获得墨子量子奖。


量子信息技术是当今世界前沿科技,也是各国竞相角逐的未来技术制高点,欧盟、美国、英国、德国等纷纷启动该领域的国家级战略计划。在此背景下,为了解国际上该领域的最新发展动态,推动国内外高层次学术交流,提升我国在该领域的地位和影响力,中国科学院量子信息与量子科技创新研究院于2019年9月15日至20日在合肥举办 “新兴量子技术国际会议( International Conference on Emerging Quantum Technology, ICEQT 2019 )”。本次会议包括诺贝尔物理学奖获得者及沃尔夫物理学奖获得者在内的多位国际知名学者专家参会,并于9月20日举行墨子量子奖颁奖典礼。


—— ——往期精彩回顾—— ——

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