【大学频道】西北大学物理学院呈献 | 加拿大温莎大学G.W.F. Drake教授
图 | Gordon W.F. Drake
题 目:Accuracy in atomic and molecular data报告人:Gordon W.F. Drake单 位:University of Windsor, Canada时 间:2019-11-14地 点:西北大学
As physicists we all learned how to estimate the uncertainties in experimental measurements, and error bars are a standard part of published results. However traditionally the same has not been true on the theoretical side. A lack of uncertainty estimates limits the usefulness of the results in comparing with experiment (do they agree or not?) or in applications to other areas such as astrophysics or plasma modeling. The situation is now changing with advances in techniques for estimating uncertainties, and requirements for uncertainty estimates in published data . The talk will focus on sources of uncertainty in calculated atomic and molecular data involving high precision measurements and scattering cross sections. Following a recent review article , the talk will discuss model uncertainties due to approximations to the fundamental many-body quantum mechanical equations with the aim of providing guidelines to estimate uncertainties as a routine part of computations of data for structure and scattering.个人简介
Gordon Drake教授,国际著名原子分子物理学家,加拿大Windsor大学物理系教授,美国物理学会期刊Physics Review A副主编,顾问编辑。他于1964年在McGill大学获学士学位,1965年在Western Ontario大学获硕士学位,1967年在York大学获博士学位并于1967至1967年在Harvard-Simthsonnian天体物理中心从事博士后研究工作。曾任加拿大物理学会主席,美国物理学会原子、分子与光物理分会主席。Gordon Drake教授已经发表了208篇学术论文,在包含相对论和量子电动力学效应的双、三电子原子精密谱研究方面的出色工作得到了广泛的关注和引用。Gordon Drake教授曾获多项国际学术奖,包括Killam奖,加拿大物理学会Herzberg奖,Peter Kirkby奖等。除了与物理学相关的研究工作外,自2008年起,他还先后担任Canterbury学院,Windsor大学Anglican附属学院等的院长。
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