【学术视频】第十五届中国-新加坡物理学前沿研讨会 | 中国人民大学李涛教授
图 | 李涛
题 目:What does the giant thermal Hall effect observed in the high-Tc cuprates imply?报告人:李涛单 位:中国人民大学时 间:2019-11-23地 点:中山大学
A giant negative thermal Hall signal is discovered recently in the pseudogap phase of the high temperature superconductors\cite {Taillefer}. The Wiedemann-Franz law relating the charge and thermal transport is found to be strongly violated as the thermal Hall signal increases monotonically with decreasing doping in the pseudogap phase when the Hall response of the system is seen to be strongly suppressed. In particular, the thermal Hall signal is the strongest in the parent compounds, which are antiferromagnetic insulators. People believe that such an observation may challenge our understanding of the parent compounds as a spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the square lattice, since it is forbidden by a well known no-go "theorem" for quantum magnets with an edge-sharing lattice. Here we show that the observed thermal Hall signal can be naturally understood as the orbital magnetic response of the quantum Heisenberg model on square lattice. We show that the thermal Hall signal is in fact a measure of the spin chirality fluctuation in the system. The universal observation of the giant negative thermal Hall signal in and only in the pseudogap phase implies that the antiferromagnetic correlation between local spins is at the root of the pseudogap phenomena. It also implies that the pseudogap phenomena in the cuprates is always accompanied by strong spin chirality fluctuation, which is suppressed only when the local spin fluctuation at low energy is totally replaced by itinerant quasiparticle behavior at sufficiently large doping.
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