

KouShare 蔻享学术 2021-04-25




Frank Wilczek


作者 | Frank Wilczek
翻译 | 胡风、梁丁当
配音 | Betsy Devine

感谢Frank夫人Betsy Devine女士为本专栏配音







弗里曼 · 戴森 (Freeman Dyson) 在2月28日去世了,享年96岁。他是我认识的最聪明的人之一,也是最可爱的人之一。在美国新泽西州普林斯顿高等研究所的那几年里,我的办公室就在他楼下。那儿的隔音效果还不错,但不完美:通常的对话是听不见的,但弗里曼讲电话的时候总会提高嗓门,我便能听到他的声音,虽然听不清他在说什么。(当然,我会尽量不去听。)他不时传来的笑声曾是我快乐的源泉。






如果你想感受下认识弗里曼是什么样的感觉,又或者想了解一些他精彩的人生与思想,那我强烈地建议你到故事网 (Web of Stories) 上去看他的采访。当你与弗里曼交谈时,他总是认真地倾听,经常以闪烁的目光回应——尤其是当他有机会给你惊喜或反驳你的时候。这是一种不寻常的风格。我会怀念他的。


The physicist Freeman Dyson, who died in late February, believed that scientific ingenuity would find a way to save the planet.

Freeman Dyson, who died Feb. 28 at the age of 96, was one of the smartest people I’ve ever known, and one of the sweetest. For several years I occupied the office directly under his at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J. The sound insulation was good but not perfect: Ordinary conversations were inaudible, but when Freeman talked on the telephone he spoke louder, and I could hear him then, though I rarely made out specific words. (Actually, I tried not to.) What did penetrate, reliably, was his laughter. It was a frequent, welcome source of joy.

Freeman made many fundamental contributions in physics and mathematics, but in the last years of his life he expressed some doubts about the significance of carbon dioxide emissions and climate change, which put him at odds with most of the scientific community, including myself. Unfortunately, this is now the main thing that many people know him for. Here I will try to frame the scientific issues at stake, in a way I think he might approve.

An average human adult consumes about 2,000 calories a day in food. That is roughly enough energy to run a 100-watt lightbulb continuously. Today, human beings use about 25 times that much energy per capita, including as fuel and electricity. In the U.S., the average is more like 95 times. This is a rough but objective indicator of how far our economy has advanced over bare human subsistence.

Using the energy needed for subsistence as our unit, the Sun’s energy output corresponds to some 500 trillion units per capita for the current world population. Of course, the Sun’s output gets radiated into space in all directions. To capture a big fraction of it, we’d need to put gigantic collection devices in space surrounding much of the Sun. Freeman thought about engineering projects of that sort, known as Dyson spheres. Hypothetically, they could support a much bigger economy and a much larger population than we have today.

If, more modestly, we restrict ourselves to the solar energy that reaches Earth, then we find “only” about 10,000 times our current energy consumption. Still, that should do for quite a while. This is the basic reason why sustainable solar energy is extremely promising as a long-term solution to human energy needs. We can put some absorbing panels on Earth and others in space, and gradually work toward a full Dyson sphere if the need arises.

Thus, Freeman believed, with the growth of technology our energy problems will solve themselves. He also had a heterodox view of carbon dioxide, which most scientists see as the chief culprit behind global warming. Freeman loved the idea of growing more trees and lusher vegetation—for food, shelter and spiritual nourishment—so he had a soft spot for carbon dioxide, whose abundance promotes photosynthesis. Freeman’s congenital optimism and visionary tendencies emboldened his brilliance. But they led him, I think, to underestimate the importance and danger of abrupt changes in Earth’s climate due to fossil fuel burning in the meantime.

If you would like to get a sense of what it was like to know Freeman, and to hear some wonderful stories and ideas, I strongly recommend that you sample his interviews at the Web of Stories website. When you talked to Freeman, he listened, and he often responded with a twinkle in his eye, especially when he had a chance to surprise or contradict you. It’s an unusual style. I’ll miss him.

—— ——往期精彩回顾—— ——

● 戴森传奇

● 两位物理学巨匠的人生











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