【学术视频】拓扑量子计算2019会议 | 复旦大学孔令欣研究员
图 | 孔令欣
题 目:Topological entanglement in the presence of boundaries and the defect verlinde formula
报告人:孔令欣单 位:复旦大学时 间:2019-12-16地 点:南方科技大学
Topological entanglement entropy via Ishibashi states
» Gapped boundaries and anyon condensation
» their contribution to topological entanglement
Half-linking number and the Defect Verlinde Formula
Condensing fermions at the boundary-work in progress
孔令欣,2004年在英国牛津大学获学士学位;2005年在英国剑桥大学攻读硕士;2009在英国剑桥大学理论物理系获博士学位;2009年-2014年分别在加拿大Perimeter Institute、美国哈佛大学物理系从事博士后研究;2014年至今在复旦大学物理任研究员。研究领域为规范场论/引力场论对应(AdS/CFT Correspondence)及其在量子纠缠及量子信息学的应用。
Topological quantum computing (TQC) represents one of the best approaches to building a large-scale fault-tolerant quantum computer. The key for realizing TQC lies in the existence and manipulation of topological phases of matter. Topology, classical or quantum, is central in studying the mathematical theory of such phases. Alternatively, tensor categories and their higher dimensional generalizations give the algebraic characterizations. The conference is on all theoretical aspects that are loosely related to TQC. Interested topics include, but are not limited to, topological phases of matter, tensor/higher categories, subfactor theory, topological quantum field theories, conformal field theories, quantum error correction, entanglement, etc.