
【学术视频】拓扑量子计算2019会议 | 清华大学刘正伟教授

KouShare 蔻享学术 2021-04-25



图 | 刘正伟

题   目:Quantized Graphs and Quantum Error Corrections报告人:刘正伟单   位:清华大学
时   间:2019-12-20
地   点:南方科技大学



Graph theory is important in information theory. We introduce a quantization process on graphs and apply the quantized graphs in quantum information. The quon language provides a mathematical theory to study such quantized graphs in a general framework. We give a new method to construct graphical quantum error correcting codes on quantized graphs and characterize all optimal ones. We establish a further connection to geometric group theory and construct quantum low-density parity-check stabilizer codes on the Cayley graphs of groups. Their logical qubits can be encoded by the ground states of newly constructed exactly solvable models with translation-invariant local Hamiltonians. Moreover, the Hamiltonian is gapped in the large limit when the underlying group is infinite.


刘正伟,2009年在北京大学获得学士学位;2009年-2011年在美国新罕普什尔大学读研究生;2015年在美国范德堡大学获博士学位;2015年-2019年在哈佛大学做博士后;2019年至今,任清华大学丘成桐数学科学中心和数学系教授。曾获得华人数学家大会ICCM银奖(2019),ICCM Best paper award (2018),AMS-NSF travel grant for 2018 ICM等。其研究领域包括子因子理论,算子代数,量子信息,数学物理,量子傅立叶分析。


Topological quantum computing (TQC) represents one of the best approaches to building a large-scale fault-tolerant quantum computer. The key for realizing TQC lies in the existence and manipulation of topological phases of matter. Topology, classical or quantum, is central in studying the mathematical theory of such phases. Alternatively, tensor categories and their higher dimensional generalizations give the algebraic characterizations. The conference is on all theoretical aspects that are loosely related to TQC. Interested topics include, but are not limited to, topological phases of matter, tensor/higher categories, subfactor theory, topological quantum field theories, conformal field theories, quantum error correction, entanglement, etc. 

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