
【学术视频】太赫兹电磁波与量子材料相互作用学术研讨会 | 中科院固体物理研究所苏付海研究员

KouShare 蔻享学术 2021-04-25



图 | 苏付海

题   目:Probing ultrafast photocarrier dynamics of 2D materials under high pressure


单   位:中国科学院固体物理研究所

时   间:2019-11-16

地   点:上海大学



The extremely conditions such as high magnetic field and pressure are essential to control the interplay of charge, spin and lattice degrees of freedom in materials. Hydrostatic pressure above gigapascal (GPa) magnitude created in a diamond anvil cell (DAC) can generate sizeable compressive strain in layered 2D materials such as Black phosphorus (BP), graphene, etc, and therefore allow for effective modifications of interlayer interaction, interatomic orbital coupling, lattice structure and carrier transport.  In this work, we will present some of our recent results for the pressure dependent photocarrier dynamics in 2D materials including multilayer BP, graphene, etc. Recently, we have carried out in situ measurements of optical pump-probe spectroscopy (OPPS) under high pressure above 12 GPa. As for BP, the OPPS is featured with a subpicosecond saturable absorption (SA) followed by a longitudinal coherent acoustic phonon (CAP) with lifetime of hundreds picoseconds below 10 GPa. However, the SA suddenly switches to strong absorption enhancement (AE) whilst the CAP disappears as further increasing pressure. The pressure behaviors of CAP reflect the pressure-driven enhancement of interlayer coupling along the cross-plane direction. However, the transition from SA to AE dynamics indicates the pressure induced in-plane carrier transport change.  In addition, we have combined the time-domain Terahertz (THz) spectroscopy and  DAC with 300-micrometers clear aperture, and developed high-pressure optical pump-THz probe method basing on Fraunhofer diffraction. We measured the transient photoconductivity with sub-picosecond time resolution for BP and graphene under high pressure, which demonstrated the feasibility to probe the carrier dynamics of high-pressure phase materials by time resolved THz spectroscopy. 




Terahertz spectroscopy uses far-infrared radiation to extract spectral information in an otherwise inaccessible portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. Materials research is an essential component of modern terahertz systems: novel, higher-power terahertz sources rely heavily on new materials such as quantum cascade structures, metallic spintronic heterostructures. At the same time, terahertz spectroscopy and imaging provide a powerful tool for the characterization of a broad range of materials, including semiconductors and biomolecules. In recent years, the interaction of ultrafast THz spectroscopy and quantum materials research has blossomed into a vibrant branch of condensed matter science. This workshop was provided an open platform for the outstanding new questions and challenges in the THz and ultrafast spectroscopic technique and its applications to quantum materials. 


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