
【明日十点】《分子光电科学》系列讲座 | Yang Hui Ying of SUTD

KouShare 蔻享学术 2021-04-25



主题:Low-dimensional nanoarchitectured materials for energy storage: recent advances and future perspectives 

主讲人:Yang Hui Ying


时间:2020年6月9日 10:00


Advanced two-dimensional (2D) materials have attracted significant interest due to their extraordinary physical and chemical properties over the past decade. Understanding and controlling the growth of novel 2D crystal materials is central for the performance of various applications, spanning from electronics to energy storage. Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) method is a key technology we used to develop exceptional nanomaterials and explore their applications in effective energy storage devices as well as scalable water purification. One of the greatest challenges besetting the development of battery technologies is fast charging, especially within flexible or compact designs. We discuss how the design of low dimensional nanostructure can correlate with the ion transportation efficiency, the activity of electrochemical reaction and energy storage based on chemical transformation. We have also studied the prospects of fast prototyping and scalability for 2D materials based devices.


Dr. Yang Hui Ying is currently an associate professor at Singapore University of Technology and Design. She studies low dimensional nanomaterials for electrochemical energy storage and water treatment devices, which are centered on exploring the influence of function engineering and chemical doping on the materials synthesis and device performance. She has received a number of prestigious awards including the Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineer Award, IUMRS Young Researcher Award, L’Oreal Singapore for Women in Science National Fellowship, Lee Kuan Yew Fellowship, and Singapore Millennium Foundation Fellowship. She is elected to be the Fellow of Royal Chemistry Society in 2020. Dr. Yang has published more than 240 manuscripts in top international journals with more than 10000 citations and a H-index at 57.

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