
【预告】阿里巴巴量子实验室Cupjin Huang:Classical simulation of quantum...

KouShare 蔻享学术 2022-07-02


此次讲座由鹏城实验室主办,于2020年7月10日 10:00开始,授权蔻享学术进行网络直播。

主题:Classical simulation of quantum supremacy circuits

主讲人:Cupjin (Jiachen) Huang

单位:Alibaba Quantum Laboratory

时间:2020年7月10日 10:00


It is believed that random quantum circuits are difficult to simulate classically. These have been used to demonstrate quantum supremacy: the execution of a computational task on a quantum computer that is infeasible for any classical computer. The task underlying the assertion of quantum supremacy by Arute et al. (Nature, 574, 505--510 (2019)) was initially estimated to require Summit, the world's most powerful supercomputer today, approximately 10,000 years. The same task was performed on the Sycamore quantum processor in only 200 seconds. In this work, we present a tensor network-based  classical simulation algorithm. Using a Summit-comparable cluster, we estimate that our simulator canperform this task in less than 20 days. On moderately-sized instances, we reduce the runtime from years to minutes, running several times faster than Sycamore itself. These estimates are based on explicit simulations of parallel subtasks, and leave no room for hidden costs. The simulator's key ingredient is identifying and optimizing the "stem" of the computation: a sequence of pairwise tensor contractions I that dominates the computational cost. This orders-of-magnitude reduction in classical simulation time, together with proposals for further significant improvements, indicates that achieving quantum supremacy may require a period of continuing quantum hardware developments without an unequivocal first demonstration.


Cupjin Huang is a quantum research scientist at Alibaba Quantum Lab. He obtained his Bachelor's degree from Tsinghua University and PhD degree from the University of Michigan, both in computer science. He has broad interest in quantum information sciences, information theory as well as theoretical computer science. His recent research has been focusing on classical simulation of quantum computation.

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