【预告】“物理学前沿”学术报告 | 清华大学龙桂鲁教授:量子直接通信进展
主办方:Frontiers of Physics编辑部,高教社自然科技期刊中心
Quantum secure direct communication (QSDC) is one branch of quantum cryptography. In QSDC, secret message is sent directly over a quantum channel. QSDC has changed the infra-structure of secure communication. QSDC is also a powerful basic quantum communication primitive to build other quantum communication protocols. In this talk, I will briefly introduce the basic ideas of QSDC, some typical QSDC protocols. In recent years, studies of QSDC in a noisy and lossy environment has achieved rapid progress. Security analysis and robust coding has been developed, and quantum-memory-free QSDC protocol has been designed, which circumvent one biggest difficulty in practical QSDC. Now a prototype setup has been completed with a distance of 10 km in commercial fiber, working at a secure rate of 4.6 kbps. Extensive researches on QSDC are under way around the world, including MIT, Rochester, NIST, Oakridge National Laboratory, and so on. Future perspective is also given toward the end of the talk.
Frontiers of Physics (FOP, IF 2.502)是由教育部发起、高教社出版、Springer海外发行的Frontiers系列英文学术期刊之一,其宗旨是报道国际物理学领域的最新成果和研究进展,突出前沿成果、热点问题和交叉点,主要发表Topical Review, Review, Research Article, 也委托专家组织特定主题的前沿专题。现任总主编:赵光达院士;执行主编:李定平教授;主编:龙桂鲁教授(量子计算与量子信息)、张卫平教授(AMO)、王楠林教授(凝聚态与材料物理)、李海波教授(核物理/粒子物理/天体物理与宇宙学)。期刊已被SCI, JCR, ADS, SCOPUS, INSPEC, Google Scholar, CSCI, CSCD等收录。2013-2018入选中国科技期刊提升计划资助项目,2019年入选中国科技期刊卓越行动计划资助项目。详细请扫描关注:
● 直播回放:厦门大学化学化工学院云讲座 | 曹阳教授:二维异质结材料与器件●【经典回顾】中国科大郭永怀系列讲座集锦● 直播回放:安徽省科协科普大讲堂:中国工程院院士李建刚 | 追逐太阳
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