【预告】土壤生态学系列学术讲座(一):Soil biodiversity, microbiomes and their...
主题:Soil biodiversity, microbiomes and their predators: Disentangling their diversity and importance for soil functions
报告人:Stefan Geisen 博士(瓦格宁根大学)
时间:2020年12月04日 19:00-21:00
A large part of the planet’s biodiversity lives in soils, most being microbial. This soil microbiome makes life on Earth possible as it promotes plant growth and catalyses cycling of elements. We gained a lot of knowledge on physicochemical processes as determinants of soil microbiomes, but miss an understanding of the importance of biotic interactions in structuring soil microbiomes. Here I will introduce the importance of predation as a key process in determining microbiome composition and functioning. My focus will be on the two most important microbiome predators: protists and nematodes. I will provide insights into their diversity and functioning in soils. I hope to attract attention to many scientists to include protists and nematodes in their research portfolio as I believe that only with that we will advance holistic insights into how soils function!
Stefan Geisen博士,土壤生态学家,致力于微生物组捕食者(原生生物和线虫)与其细菌和真菌的猎物之间的相互作用,以及这些相互作用的功能含义,例如对植物性能,温室气体排放和其他土壤功能的影响等;同时关注土壤中微生物组捕食者群落的驱动因素及其功能的变化,通过优化技术尤其是侧重于高通量扩增子测序技术研究这些生物并估计其丰度和生物量。近年来在Nature, The ISME Journal, Trends in Plant Science, Microbiome, mSystems, Functional Ecology等期刊发表论文70余篇。编辑:王茹茹
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