
【直播】光子学公开课 | 加州理工学院汪立宏教授、康奈尔大学Chris Xu教授

KouShare 蔻享学术 2022-07-02




生物医学光子学已成为多学科交叉和快速发展的前沿领域,也是生命科学和医学成像等重要学科前沿研究的重要组成部分。光子学公开课本次聚焦“生物医学光学成像”这一专题,邀请国内外领军科学家,详细介绍该领域的相关基础知识和前沿进展。本专题分两个周末开展。首先,1月30日由来自加州理工学院的美国工程院院士汪立宏教授介绍光声成像和压缩超快成像的发展过程、核心技术与前沿进展;1月31日,由来自康奈尔大学的Chris Xu教授为大家介绍多光子成像的最新研究进展,包括三光子成像和自适应激光技术在脑神经科学研究中的重要突破;2月6日,由来自华盛顿大学的王瑞康教授为大家讲解光学相干层析技术的基础知识及其在生物医学领域的前沿应用;2月7日,由中科院院士骆清铭教授讲授脑图谱相关的生物医学影像技术前沿。



(Photoacoustic tomography, PAT) 是一种新型的无损无创生物医学影像技术,近年来得到了快速发展。压缩超快摄影技术 (Compressed ultrafast photography, CUP) 凭借超快的成像速度突破了成像技术的局限,拥有广阔的发展前景。那么,光声层析成像技术与压缩超快摄影技术的特点和优势是怎样的?前沿研究进展如何?

主题:Photoacoustic Tomography and Compressed Ultrafast Photography

报告人:汪立宏 教授(加州理工学院)

时间:2021年01月30日 10:00




We developed photoacoustic tomography to peer deep into biological tissue. Photoacoustic tomography (PAT) provides in vivo omniscale functional, metabolic, molecular, and histologic imaging across the scales of organelles through organisms. We also developed compressed ultrafast photography (CUP) to record 10 trillion frames per second in real time, orders of magnitude faster than commercially available camera technologies. CUP can capture the fastest phenomenon in the universe, namely, light propagation, at light speed and can be slowed down for slower phenomena such as combustion.



Lihong Wang edited the first book on photoacoustic tomography. His book entitled "Biomedical Optics: Principles and Imaging" , one of the first textbooks in the field, won the 2010 Joseph W. Goodman Book Writing Award. He has published 550 peer-reviewed journal articles and delivered 540 keynote/plenary/invited talks. His Google Scholar h-index and citations have reached 138 and 80,000, respectively. His laboratory was the first to report functional photoacoustic tomography, 3D photoacoustic microscopy, photoacoustic endoscopy, photoacoustic reporter gene imaging, the universal photoacoustic reconstruction algorithm, and CUP (world's fastest camera). He chairs the annual conference on Photons plus Ultrasound, the largest conference at Photonics West. He was the Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Biomedical Optics. He received the NIH Director's Pioneer, NIH Director's Transformative Research, and NIH/NCI Outstanding Investigator awards. He also received the OSA C.E.K. Mees Medal, IEEE Technical Achievement Award, IEEE Biomedical Engineering Award, SPIE Britton Chance Biomedical Optics Award, IPPA Senior Prize, and OSA Michael S. Feld Biophotonics Award. He is a Fellow of the AIMBE, COS (Foreign Fellow), Electromagnetics Academy, IEEE, OSA, and SPIE. An honorary doctorate was conferred on him by Lund University, Sweden.He was inducted into the National Academy of Engineering.




主题:Multiphoton microscopy for imaging deeper, wider, and faster

报告人:Chris Xu 教授(康奈尔大学)

时间:2021年01月31日 09:30




Over the last three decades, multiphoton imaging has become an indispensable tool for biological and biomedical research. In particular, multiphoton microscopy is the go-to technology for in vivo fluorescence imaging deep within intact tissues. In this talk, the fundamental challenges of deep tissue, high-resolution optical imaging are discussed. New technologies for in vivo structural and functional imaging of live animal brains using long wavelength excitation and three-photon microscopy will be presented. We will illustrate the requirements for imaging the dynamic neuronal activity at the cellular level over a large area and depth in awake and behaving animals, and show applications where 3-photon microscopy outperforms conventional 2-photon microscopy in both signal strength and image contrast. Finally, we will discuss several future directions, including new laser sources, to further improve the imaging depth and speed in biological tissues. Although we focus on the applications in brains, the technology presented will be applicable to other biological tissues.



Chris Xu is the IBM Professor of Engineering, the Director of School of Applied and Engineering Physics at Cornell University, the founding co-director of Cornell Neurotech, and the director of Cornell NeuroNex Hub, an NSF funded center for developing and disseminating neurotechnology. Prior to Cornell, he was a member of technical staff at Bell Laboratories, and pioneered breakthrough development of fiber optic communication systems based on differential phase-shift keying. His research areas are biomedical imaging and fiber optics at Cornell, where he pioneered the development of temporal focusing and long wavelength 2- and 3-photon microscopy for deep tissue imaging. Dr. Xu has chaired or served on numerous conference organization committees and NSF/NIH review panels. In addition to journal and conference papers, he has 32 patents granted or pending. He has delivered > 300 plenary/keynote/invited conference presentations, research seminars, and outreach talks. He has won the NSF CAREER award, Bell Labs team research award, the Tau Beta Pi Professor of the Year Award, and two teaching excellence awards from Cornell Engineering College. He received the 2017 Cornell Engineering Research Excellence Award. He is a fellow of the Optical Society of America, and a fellow of the National Academy of Inventors.


Frontiers of Optoelectronics (FOE)期刊是由教育部发起、高等教育出版社出版、德国施普林格(Springer)出版公司海外发行的Frontiers系列英文学术期刊之一,以网络版和印刷版两种形式出版。由北京大学龚旗煌院士、华中科技大学张新亮教授共同担任主编。

其宗旨是介绍国际光电子领域最新研究成果和前沿进展,并致力成为本领域内研究人员与国内外同行进行快速学术交流的重要信息平台。该刊的联合主办单位是高等教育出版社、华中科技大学和中国光学学会,承办单位是武汉光电国家研究中心。FOE期刊已被Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI), Ei Compendex, SCOPUS, INSPEC, Google Scholar, CSA, Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD), OCLC, SCImago, Summon by ProQuest等收录。




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