【直播】【中国科大寰宇开物天文讲坛】上海天文台王均智研究员:Molecular gas in HI-rich UDGs
Molecular gas in HI-rich UDGs
王均智 研究员(上海天文台)
2021年6月8日 16:00
I will present our observations of CO lines toward a sample of HI-rich Ultra diffuse galaxies (UDGs) with IRAM 30 meter telescope. With one marginal detection of CO 1-0 and upper limits for other galaxies, extremely low molecular to atomic gas ratios in such galaxies are obtained. Based on the CO observations, the inefficiency of star formation in these HI-rich UDGs are due to the difficulty of forming molecular gas from atomic gas, instead of forming stars from molecular gas.
Junzhi Wang is currently a research Professor at radio division of Shanghai Astronomical observatory (SHAO). He obtained his Bachelor, Master and PhD degrees in Astronomy at PKU. He was then a postdoc at Purple Mountain Observatory and an associate professor in NJU until 2013. His research interests are star formation and ISM in nearby galaxies and the Milky Way, AGN feedback, and Mega-masers, using radio and (sub-)millimeter facilities in the world, including IRAM 30 meter, Effelsberg, JVLA, NOEMA, SMA, GBT, Arecibo, and the ALMA.