【直播】【“半语-益言”系列讲座】Quantum optics based on hBN materials
主 题:Quantum optics based on hBN materials
主讲人:Dr. Mehran Kianinia (University of Technology Sydney, Australia)
主持人:刘文静 研究员(北京大学)
时 间:2021年9月8日 19:30-21:00
Solid state quantum light sources are emerging as promising candidates for many applications in quantum technologies. Among these sources, optically active point defects in hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) are attracting considerable attention due to their extreme brightness, and high Debye Waller factor which means the majority of the photons are emitted into the zero-phonon line (ZPL). For practical quantum photonic applications, where photon interference and generations of indistinguishable photons are required, it is important to characterize the coherent properties of the emitted photons. Specifically, studies of dephasing mechanisms, coherence and line broadening effects underpin the applicability of quantum emitters for photon interference experiments. On the other hand, optically addressable spin defects in wide band gap materials are highly sought after the realization of quantum devices and scalable quantum communication technologies. Tremendous effort has been made to engineer, characterize and control spin defects in solid-state host such as nitrogen vacancy and silicon vacancy centres in diamond, di-vacancy in silicon carbide and Yb ions in yttrium orthovanadate. In this presentation, I will give an overview of the recent progress we made on quantum emitters in hBN. First, I will present spectroscopy of hBN defects at cryogenic temperature to study dephasing mechanism of these emitters in details. And then I will introduce spin bearing defect in hBN, namely negatively charged boron vacancies and demonstrate deterministic generation of these defects using high energy ion beam as well as their peculiar photoluminescence properties.报告人介绍
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