David Srolovitz教授,香港大学工程学院院长,机械工程系教授,美国工程院院士,MRS会士、TMS会士、ASM会士、物理学会会士,MRS材料理论奖获得者。1978年在罗格斯大学获得物理学学士学位。1980年和1981年分别于宾夕法尼亚大学材料科学与工程系获得理学硕士和博士学位。曾就职于埃克森公司和洛斯阿拉莫斯国家实验室,担任新加坡高性能计算研究所执行主任,密歇根大学、普林斯顿大学、耶希瓦大学、宾夕法尼亚大学和香港城市大学教授。目前已发表了500多篇关于缺陷、微观结构、变形和薄膜生长的材料理论/模拟研究论文,被引次数高达36000余次,h指数(Google Scholar)为100。他是世界上材料理论和模拟领域被引用最多的研究人员之一。
Allotropic phase transformations may be driven by the application of stress-this is especially well-known for pressure driven transformations. Recent advances in strengthening materials allow for the application of very large shear stresses as well-opening up vast new regions of stress space. The presence of shear implies that phase transformations depend upon the full stress tensor and crystal/grain orientation. We propose a crystal thermodynamics framework for describing phase transformations in polycrystalline solids and apply it through non-linear elasticity and density functional theory calculations. In particular, we consider bcc➜hcp transformations in iron, fcc➜hcp transformations in nickel, and hcp➜fcc transformations in titanium. The results are quantitatively consistent with a range of experimental observations in these disparate systems.